Avuá Cachaça

United States · 0 Employees
Avuá Cachaça seeks to revolutionize cachaça - the third most consumed spirits category in the world and the native spirit of Brazil. The category is approximately $4B USD globally and is the fastest growing category in the U.S. and Europe. We expect this growth - and the growth of Brazilian branded products generally - to accelerate with increasing economic activity, the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics in Brazil and Rio de Janeiro. There is an opportunity to develop an aspirationally Brazilian product in the same way consumers pay premiums for aspirationally French products. The brand is currently distributed in four states and expects to expand to nine before the end fo the year. We have excellent acceptance and use by the high-influence NY cocktail community, as well as strong press ratings - 94 in Wine Enthusiast and 5+/5 in Diffords Guide. We are seeking growth capital to help fuel expansion to take advantage of the upcoming press events centered around Brazil.


国家 United States
总部 New York City
网站 http://www.avuacachaca.com
Twitter http://twitter.com/@avuacachaca
员工数 0
行业 wine & spirits,
简介 Avuá Cachaça seeks to revolutionize cachaça - the third most consumed spirits category in the world and the native spirit of Brazil. The category is approximately $4B USD globally and is the fastest growing category in the U.S. and Europe. We expect this growth - and the growth of Brazilian branded products generally - to accelerate with increasing economic activity, the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics in Brazil and Rio de Janeiro. There is an opportunity to develop an aspirationally Brazilian product in the same way consumers pay premiums for aspirationally French products. The brand is currently distributed in four states and expects to expand to nine before the end fo the year. We have excellent acceptance and use by the high-influence NY cocktail community, as well as strong press ratings - 94 in Wine Enthusiast and 5+/5 in Diffords Guide. We are seeking growth capital to help fuel expansion to take advantage of the upcoming press events centered around Brazil.


Avuá Cachaça 在哪里?

Avuá Cachaça 的总部位于 New York City

Avuá Cachaça 的电话号码是多少?

Avuá Cachaça 的电话号码是

Avuá Cachaça 的官方网站是什么?

Avuá Cachaça 的公司官方网站是 http://www.avuacachaca.com

Avuá Cachaça 是做什么的?

Avuá Cachaça 的业务有哪些?

wine & spirits

Avuá Cachaça 的年收入是多少?

Avuá Cachaça 的收入是 0美元

Avuá Cachaça 有多少员工?

Avuá Cachaça 有 0 名员工

Avuá Cachaça 属于哪个行业?

Avuá Cachaça 从事以下行业: wine & spirits

Avuá Cachaça 使用什么技术?

Avuá Cachaça 使用的一些流行技术包括:

如何联系 Avuá Cachaça?

Avuá Cachaça 联系信息: 电话号码:, 网站:http://www.avuacachaca.com, 邮箱:-

Avuá Cachaça 的社交媒体链接是什么?

Avuá Cachaça 领英:,fackbook:,twitte:http://twitter.com/@avuacachaca

Avuá Cachaça 是一家上市公司吗?


Avuá Cachaça 的最后一轮融资是什么时候?


谁投资 Avuá Cachaça?

Avuá Cachaça 有 0 家投资者,包括 。

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