Botswana Meat Commission

Botswana · 310 Employees
Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) is a body corporate established in 1966 through an Act of the Parliament of the Republic of Botswana (BMC Act). It was established to procure livestock, slaughter same and sell the products of such slaughter locally, regionally and internationally at best achievable prices. It also promotes livestock production schemes so as to ensure adequacy and sustainability of cattle supply to its abbattoirs. BMC has 3 main abbattoirs in Lobatse (main), Francistown and Maun, Botswana as well as a Tannery and Cannery in Lobatse. Its head office is in Lobatse. The premises are an integrated complex housing the main administration block, an abattoir, cannery and byproducts plant. It has subsidiaries in London, UK (sales); Cape Town, South Africa (Cold Storage); Cayman Islands (insurance); Germany (sales and distribution). BMC mostly exports to the EU and RSA. Its two abbattoirs in Lobatse and Francistown are licensed to sell in the EU as they meet all the EU animal welfare and food safety standards. . Besides owning three abattoirs in Botswana, BMC has cold storage facilities in South Africa with marketing subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Germany, Holland and South Africa.


国家 Botswana
成立时间 1965
总部 plot 621, khama 1 ave, lobatse, south-east district, botswana
电话号码 +267 533 2504
员工数 310
行业 food production,
简介 Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) is a body corporate established in 1966 through an Act of the Parliament of the Republic of Botswana (BMC Act). It was established to procure livestock, slaughter same and sell the products of such slaughter locally, regionally and internationally at best achievable prices. It also promotes livestock production schemes so as to ensure adequacy and sustainability of cattle supply to its abbattoirs. BMC has 3 main abbattoirs in Lobatse (main), Francistown and Maun, Botswana as well as a Tannery and Cannery in Lobatse. Its head office is in Lobatse. The premises are an integrated complex housing the main administration block, an abattoir, cannery and byproducts plant. It has subsidiaries in London, UK (sales); Cape Town, South Africa (Cold Storage); Cayman Islands (insurance); Germany (sales and distribution). BMC mostly exports to the EU and RSA. Its two abbattoirs in Lobatse and Francistown are licensed to sell in the EU as they meet all the EU animal welfare and food safety standards. . Besides owning three abattoirs in Botswana, BMC has cold storage facilities in South Africa with marketing subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Germany, Holland and South Africa.


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Botswana Meat Commission 在哪里?

Botswana Meat Commission 的总部位于 plot 621, khama 1 ave, lobatse, south-east district, botswana

Botswana Meat Commission 的电话号码是多少?

Botswana Meat Commission 的电话号码是 +267 533 2504

Botswana Meat Commission 的官方网站是什么?

Botswana Meat Commission 的公司官方网站是

Botswana Meat Commission 是做什么的?

Botswana Meat Commission 的业务有哪些?

meat processing,food production,meat beef selling & distribution,leather tanning

Botswana Meat Commission 的年收入是多少?

Botswana Meat Commission 的收入是 0美元

Botswana Meat Commission 有多少员工?

Botswana Meat Commission 有 310 名员工

Botswana Meat Commission 属于哪个行业?

Botswana Meat Commission 从事以下行业: food production

Botswana Meat Commission 使用什么技术?

Botswana Meat Commission 使用的一些流行技术包括: CloudFlare Hosting,Cloudflare DNS,Microsoft Office 365,Mobile Friendly,Outlook,

如何联系 Botswana Meat Commission?

Botswana Meat Commission 联系信息: 电话号码:+267 533 2504, 网站:, 邮箱:fch***@***.bw

Botswana Meat Commission 的社交媒体链接是什么?

Botswana Meat Commission 领英:,fackbook:,twitte:

Botswana Meat Commission 是一家上市公司吗?


Botswana Meat Commission 的最后一轮融资是什么时候?


谁投资 Botswana Meat Commission?

Botswana Meat Commission 有 0 家投资者,包括 。


Olga Lepotlako

Executive Manager Compliance (Acting)

Thomas Ntobedzi

Executive Manager, Human Capital

Modiri Garenamotse

Safety Health & Environment Manager

Boitumelo Mogome-Maseko

Executive Manager Compliance


Marcus Otukile

Assistant Maintenance Planner

Moses Moyo


Odiegile Gaolaolwe

Production Controller

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