Christian Tuyisabe

. - Burundi

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Christian Tuyisabe 当前工作场所


GLS Group is one of the largest self-reliant parcel services providers in Europe, with a strong local presence in almost all countries across the continent. It also operates through wholly-owned subsidiaries in Canada and on the USA's West Coast within one GLS network. This allows GLS to seamlessly connect its customers and communities with millions of parcels and stories every day. GLS is proactive regarding network management, connecting its markets flexibly and agilely to respond to their fast-changing and dynamic nature. The company takes pride in providing its customers across about 40 countries with high-quality service that best suits their needs. The GLS network consists of about 120 hubs and more than 1,600 depots, supported by more than 35,000 final-mile delivery vehicles and 4,700 long-distance trucks. This offers network resilience, superior flexibility, and extended reach. In 2022/23, GLS generated revenues of 5.4 billion euros and delivered 862 million parcels across the markets. For more information, visit

Christian Tuyisabe 简介

公司 GLS
职位 manager
地点 Burundi
头衔 manager chez GLS

Christian Tuyisabe 的常见问题(FAQs)

Christian Tuyisabe 在哪家公司工作?

Christian Tuyisabe 在 GLS 担任 manager chez GLS

Christian Tuyisabe 在 GLS 的职位是什么?

Christian Tuyisabe 在 GLS 的职位是 manager chez GLS

Christian Tuyisabe 的电子邮件地址是什么?

Christian Tuyisabe 的电子邮件地址是,

Christian Tuyisabe 的电话号码是什么?

Christian Tuyisabe 的电话号码是 -

Christian Tuyisabe 的工作电话号码是什么?

Christian Tuyisabe 的公司电话号码是 +484****

Christian Tuyisabe 从事哪个行业?

Christian Tuyisabe 在 transportation/trucking/railroad 工作。

Christian Tuyisabe 的同事是谁?

Christian Tuyisabe 的一些同事包括Carla Vitale、Christian Tuyisabe、Mamia Nozadze、Jared RushloMarianne Kodahl、。

我如何联系 Christian Tuyisabe?

Christian Tuyisabe联系方式: 电子邮件地址, 电话号码:-

Christian Tuyisabe 的个人领英是多少

Christian Tuyisabe 的个人领英是:

Christian Tuyisabe 的办公地点在哪里?

Christian Tuyisabe 的办公地点:Breguetlaan 28-30 , BC Oude Meer , North Holland 1438 , NL

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