免费试用Amazon Map Tracking: A Comprehensive Look At The Location Tracking Feature
The Amazon Map Tracking feature was launched in November 2017 with the goal of providing accurate location sharing to some of its packages. This feature can track when a package arrives, how many stops are between the driver and the buyer of the store, and show the distance between the truck and the buyer of the store.
Target Usage
Map Tracking is only available for packages shipped through Amazon's own logistics network and not for those shipped through UPS, FedEx, or USPS.
Map Tracking could be used intentionally to track when a neighbor receives a package, which could be a bigger problem during summer vacations. Ensuring that packages are received safely is an issue that must be addressed.
User Feedback
Amazon spokesperson Alana Broadbent stated: "Amazon Map Tracking has enhanced user convenience and visibility of package deliveries." Many users on social networks praised the convenience of this feature, with some customers even immersing themselves in this feature and often opening the app to check tracking information.
Trends in Development
Amazon has been improving its delivery steps, and now it has expanded the scope of Map Tracking to make it available for all packages in the US. According to foreign media reports, with the newly launched Amazon Map Tracking feature, Amazon users in the United States can now have a better understanding of where their packages are located.
The Amazon Map Tracking feature provides users with an easy way to locate their packages and makes deliveries more visible. It also helps ensure that packages are received safely. Going forward, Amazon will continue to improve this feature to provide users with an even better experience when tracking their packages.
您可以登录Amazon账号,访问管理页面,选择\"地图服务\",然后按照步骤创建一个新地图。在创建地图时需要选择一个地图类型(如卫星 imagery、街道等)和一个地理范围。创建完成后,您就可以在地图上添加和编辑要素了。
地图数据的访问控制如何配置?Amazon Map提供了丰富的访问权限控制功能。您可以给地图或其中的单个要素设置阅读/编辑权限,也可以限定特定用户组或个人的访问范围。此外,您还可以为API调用设置访问密钥来进行权限控制。通过合理利用这些功能,可以很好地实现地图数据的安全访问。
如何实时更新被追踪对象的属性?您可以调用Amazon Map提供的API将关键属性(例如坐标位置)更新同步到地图的对应要素上。例如用JavaScript调用UpdateFeatureAttribute API将经纬度更新到点要素中。 alternately 您也可以定期调用API实现近乎实时的更新。该API支持HTTP以及AWS SDK客户端。