免费试用您可以使用身份验证器应用生成您的验证码,而不必每次在登录您的卖家账户时使用手机接收通过短信或语音电话发送的验证码。身份验证器应用不需要电话服务或互联网连接即可工作,但无论您选择什么设备或 PC,都必须下载该应用。
Use an authenticator app for Two-Step Verification
Instead of receiving a code on your phone via text or voice call each time you sign in to your seller account, you can use an authenticator app to generate your authentication code. Authenticator apps do not require phone service or an Internet connection to work, but must be downloaded to whatever device or PC you choose.
To download an authenticator app, go to the app store for your device or browse the Internet:
- If you're using an iOS or Android device, you can download Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator from your respective app store. If you prefer to use a different authenticator app, make sure that it supports TOTP-OATH (Time-based One-time Password Algorithm adopted by the Initiative for Open Authentication).
- If you're using a Windows PC, tablet, or device, search for "authenticator app" in the Windows Store.
- You can install programs that work with a USB security key. For more information, see Use a USB security key for Two-Step Verification.
- You can also download browser-based extensions or add-ons from the Internet.
Note: Authenticator apps don't have access to your Seller Central password or account information.
You can choose one of two methods to add your seller account to the app.
Same-device sign-up
Use this method if you are installing your authenticator app on a device that doesn't have a camera. Or if you're unable to use your device to scan the QR code (for example, on a PC).
1、Log in to Seller Central and go to Settings, and then select Login Settings.
2、Click the Edit button next to Advanced Security Settings, and then click the Get Started button.
3、Check Authenticator App when prompted to choose how to receive codes.
4、Click on the Can't scan the bar code? link and copy the information there.
5、Open your authenticator app, add a new account, and paste the information you copied. This links your app to your seller account.
6、The app will automatically generate a random code that you must re-enter on the enrollment screen under the QR code. Click Verify code and continue.
7、The app will now provide new codes on a continuous basis.
Two-device sign-up
Use this method if the device you installed your authenticator app on has a camera.
1、Log in to Seller Central using a computer or device that is different from the device where you installed your authenticator app. Go to Settings and select Login Settings.
2、Click the Edit button next to Advanced Security Settings, and then click the Get Started button.
3、Check Authenticator App when prompted to choose how to receive codes. A QR code will display on the screen.
4、Open the authenticator app on your other device and add a new account. The device's camera will activate. Use it to scan the QR code.
5、The app will automatically generate a random code that you must re-enter on the enrollment screen under the QR code. Click Verify code and continue.
6、The app will now provide new codes on a continuous basis.
问题四:亚马逊身份验证器如果丢失怎么办?如果亚马逊身份验证器丢失,可以在亚马逊安全设置页面重新生成 recovery codes进行恢复,也可以解除原验证器的绑定,重新设置一个新的亚马逊身份验证器。