您可以使用以下选项接收验证码: 身份验证器应用、通过手机或固话进行语音呼叫,或通过短信接收。我们建议您使用身份验证器应用,因为其易于使用,无需访问网络,而且随时可用。此类应用可以通过个人电脑以及智能设备(包括手机和平板电脑)上的应用商店免费获得。有关更多信息,请参阅使用身份验证器应用进行两步验证。
如果您接收验证码的主要设备是: | 您必须选择以下任一选项作为您的备用设备: |
开通短信支持的电话(用于接收短信) |
支持语音功能的电话(固定电话) |
身份验证器应用 |
如果您接收验证码的主要设备是: | 您必须选择以下任一选项作为您的备用设备: |
身份验证器应用(手机) |
支持短信功能的电话(手机) |
支持语音功能的电话(固定电话或手机) |
What is Two-Step Verification?
Two-Step Verification is an extra layer of security that is added when you use your email address to access an account. When you log in to Seller Central, first enter your standard login/password. Then a second code that we send to a device that you choose via an SMS message, voice call, or an authenticator app.
Two-Step Verification is required in order to access your Seller Central account. It is your best protection against unauthorized access to your seller account, even if your password gets stolen and especially if you use the same password across multiple sites.
How does Two-Step Verification work?
When you access an account with a login that has Two-Step Verification enabled, you'll first enter your Seller Central user name and password like you normally would. Then, you'll be prompted to enter a code. This code is sent to the device that you choose during setup. Without access to that device, any unauthorized users attempting to log in to your account will be denied access.
What are the device requirements for Two-Step Verification?
When you first activate Two-Step Verification, you will need to designate two different devices for receiving codes. One will be your primary method for receiving codes and the other will serve as a backup if you lose access to the primary device.
You can receive codes using the following options: An authenticator app, voice call via mobile or landline phone, or via SMS. We recommend authenticator apps because they are easy to use, don’t require access to a network, and are readily available. They are free through app stores on personal computers, and smart devices – including mobile phones and tablets. For more information, See Use an authenticator app for Two-Step Verification.
You cannot use an authenticator app as both your primary and backup method. You must choose an SMS or voice enabled phone as either your primary or backup methods for receiving your code. The following table outlines both primary and backup options available to you:
If your primary method for receiving your code is: You must select one of the following as your backup method: SMS-enabled phone (for text messages)
- Different voice-enabled phone*
- Different SMS-enabled phone*
- Authenticator app
Voice-enabled phone (landline)
- Different voice-enabled phone*
- Different SMS-enabled phone*
- Authenticator app
Authenticator app
- SMS-enabled phone
- Voice-enabled phone
If your primary method for receiving your code is: You must select one of the following as your backup method: Authenticator app (mobile)
- SMS-text enabled phone (mobile)
- Voice-enabled phone (landline or mobile)
SMS text-enabled phone (mobile)
- Different voice-enabled phone (landline or mobile)*
- Different SMS text-enabled phone (mobile)*
- Authenticator app (mobile)
Voice-enabled phone (landline or mobile)
- Different voice-enabled phone (landline or mobile)*
- Different SMS text-enabled phone (mobile)
- Authenticator app (mobile)
* You cannot use the same telephone number for both your primary and backup method for receiving codes.
Typically, you will only use your primary method for receiving codes. However, if you don’t have access to your primary method or you are not receiving your code, click Didn’t receive the code? to receive your code on your backup method.
If you lose or change the phone number of your primary method for receiving your code, update it in Seller Central once you have successfully logged in using your backup method. To make changes to your primary and secondary methods, you must have access to at least one of your devices. If you do not have access to either your primary or secondary methods – See Two-Step Verification Account Recovery.
What if I don’t have a second phone number or a cell phone for Two-Step Verification?
If you do not have a second phone number or are unable to download an authenticator app, we recommend using the telephone number of a spouse, family member, or friend for your backup method. Find someone whom you trust and has a telephone number that you could be near if you lose access to your primary method.
A mobile phone is not a requirement for Two-Step Verification. In addition to using an authenticator app you can receive your code via a voice call to a landline.
For more information on authenticator apps, see Use an authenticator app for Two-Step Verification.
How do I enable Two-Step Verification?
If you are an existing Seller Central user who has not enabled Two-Step Verification, you will be prompted to activate Two-Step Verification the next time you log in to Seller Central. Click Enable Two-Step Verification and follow the on-screen instructions.
You can also access the Advanced Security Settings page from the Retail site, which will take you through an identical experience.
- Two-Step Verification is tied to the login you use to access your Amazon accounts. If you use the same login for both your Amazon buyer and seller accounts, this process will protect both of them.
- If you haven’t already done so, Amazon recommends that you create individual logins with different email addresses, via User Permissions, for everyone accessing your seller account. Not doing so could pose a security risk for you in the future and could cause loss of access to anyone else using that particular login. See the Help topic Set user permissions for more information.
- If you already have individual seller logins for each user accessing your seller account, each account will need to enable Two-Step Verification separately.
For a step-by-step guide on enabling Two-Step Verification, see How to enable Two-Step Verification.
Do I always need to enter my Two-Step Verification code when I log in to my account?
After you have successfully accessed your account through the Two-Step Verification process, you can simplify future logins on computers and devices that you routinely use.
The next time you enter your code on your computer or device, tell us not to ask for a code on that device in the future by selecting Don't ask for codes on this device.
Note: This setting might reset itself for a number of reasons beyond Amazon’s control, so we’ll be unable to help you with any issues that you might experience. However, the following are known actions that may interfere with this feature:
- Setting your browser to block the use of cookies
- Clearing your cache or deleting cookies (check your web browser settings)
- Updates to your PC, device, or apps on your device, including your web browsers
- Accessing Seller Central from a web browser than the one you used to add your trusted device
- Using a browser toolbar that affects browser settings
- Using anonymous browser mode or programs that obscure identity, including the use of proxy and VPN servers
- If you’ve used the seller mobile app, logging out of it might reset the trusted device status on your mobile device
- Accessing Seller Central from different locations or networks (LAN, WAN, WLAN), or changes to your IP address
Having multiple users who use the same login credentials may increase these occurrences. Make sure that each person accessing your account has their own login credentials. See Set and edit user permissions for more information.
Note: You can access your Advanced Security Settings at any time to identify the number of devices that are “trusted” for your login. Here, you can clear this setting for ALL devices by selecting Require codes on all devices. We don’t have the ability to clear the setting on specific devices; however, once all devices have been cleared, you can choose Don’t ask for codes on this device option upon your next login.
两步验证设置过程中是否收费?亚马逊两步验证设置过程完全免费,不需要支付任何费用。它是一项重要的账户安全功能,能有效防止他人假冒你的身份登录你的亚马逊账户, 建议所有用户均开启这一功能。