免费试用专业销售计划是一项月度订阅服务,提供一系列工具和优势,包括批量发布商品、亚马逊商城网络服务(亚马逊 MWS)、自动定价、高级业务报告、可自定义的运费以及获得在详情页面上的最佳位置展示商品的资格等。专业销售计划月服务费因国家/地区而异,并从您注册之日起计算。
作为一次性例外情况,如果您还没有使用提供给您的工具和优势(例如未发布商品),并在自付款日期起 90 天内申请退款,则有资格获得最多 3 个月的退款。如果您符合退款条件,请联系销售伙伴支持以获取退款帮助。
您的费用会有所不同,具体取决于您是否关联了账户。当您通过多个账户在全球销售商品时,如果您关联账户,就有资格享受服务费折扣。您的月服务费将为以下两者中的较低值:(1) 您在其中销售商品的每个国家/地区的服务费总和,或 (2) 每月服务费上限 39.99 美元。例如,如果您在印度(0 美元服务费)和墨西哥(600 墨西哥比索/30.43 美元服务费)持续使用专业销售计划账户,每月需支付 30.43 美元的服务费。如果您在北美(39.99 美元服务费)、欧洲(39.99 欧元/45.94 美元服务费)和日本(4,900 日元/44.18 美元服务费)持续使用专业销售计划账户,只需支付 39.99 美元,每月可节省 90.12 美元(因汇率而异)。请注意,如果未关联账户,则需要为每个账户支付全部费用。
Monthly subscription fee FAQ
The Professional Selling Plan is a monthly subscription service that provides access to a suite of tools and benefits, including bulk listings, Amazon Marketplace Web Services (Amazon MWS), automated pricing, advance business reports, customizable shipping rates, and eligibility for top placement on detail pages, among others. The Professional Selling Plan monthly subscription fee varies by country and starts on the date you sign up.
To learn more about this fee, go through the following FAQ:
I did not use any tools and want to end my Professional Selling Plan, will I get a refund?
As a one-time exception, you are eligible for a refund of up to 3 months, if you have not used your tools and benefits (for example, no listing) and request a refund within 90 days from a payment date. If you meet the refund criteria, contact Selling Partner Support for assistance with refunds.
Can I submit multiple requests for a refund (For example: a request for 2 months and a subsequent request for 1 month)?
No, only one request per Seller account is allowed.
I accidentally signed up for the Professional Selling Plan and was not aware of the subscription fee. Can I get a refund?
No, we do not provide an exemption if you accidentally signed up or you weren’t aware of this fee. The fee was communicated during sign-up and on the Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule. A one-time exception is provided if you haven't used your tools or benefits, as described in the previous question above.
If I did not generate a sale, am I eligible for a refund for the most recent charge?
No. The subscription fee is charged for access to tools and benefits. We do not issue refunds based on your sales records.
My account was blocked or suspended. Will I still be charged the subscription fee?
No, you will not be charged the fee for the month during which your account was blocked or suspended, even if you were blocked or suspended for only part of the month.
Will I be charged the subscription fee if I put my account on Vacation mode?
Yes, you will be charged the fee for the period during which your account is in Vacation mode.
Where can I view a subscription fee charge?
You can view your subscription fee charge by going to your Reports tab in Seller Central, selecting Payments, and then selecting the statement that corresponds to the day of the month you signed up for the Professional Selling Plan. The subscription fee will be shown under the Selling Fees category.
Can I downgrade my Professional Selling Plan?
Yes, you can downgrade to an Individual Selling Plan using the Account Settings page. You will no longer be charged the monthly subscription fee for the subsequent months. You can continue to sell in Amazon stores, but will lose access to the services of the Professional Selling Plan.
How do I close my Amazon seller account?
You can close your account using the self-service tool on Seller Central. Please keep in mind that Amazon cannot perform any financial transactions with the account after its closure.
I sell across multiple Seller Central accounts. Can you show me examples of how my subscription fee is calculated?
Your fee can vary depending on whether you have linked your accounts. When you sell globally across multiple accounts, you are eligible for a subscription fee discount if you link your accounts. Your monthly fee will be the lower of (1) the sum of the subscription fees for each country you sell in or (2) the subscription fee cap of $39.99 USD per month. For example, if you maintain Professional Selling Plan accounts in IN ($0 subscription fee) and MX (600 MXN/$30.43 USD subscription fee), you would pay a subscription fee of $30.43 USD per month. If you maintain Professional Selling Plan accounts in North America ($39.99 USD subscription fee), Europe (€39.99/$45.94 USD subscription fee) and Japan (¥4,900/$44.18 USD subscription fee), you would just pay $39.99 USD, a monthly savings of $90.12 USD (varies based on exchange rate). Please note if you do not link your accounts, you will pay the full fee for each account.
What are the benefits of linking my accounts?
Linking accounts unifies your selling experience across Amazon’s North America, Europe, Japan, and India stores. Enjoy single sign-on, which provides a single view for all your sales, orders, and buyer messages from all your accounts, allows you to manage your inventory consistently across countries, and more.
问题三:月服务费从何时开始 calculate 计费?在参加专业销售计划后,计费将从下个月开始,根据上月商品真实销售额计算应缴纳的月服务费用。