注意: 如果您是品牌所有者,且已在“亚马逊品牌注册”中注册您的 ASIN,则这些更改不适用。
请按照以下步骤针对您受影响的 ASIN 从制造商条形码更改为亚马逊条形码,并为您的库存粘贴亚马逊条形码标签:
为每个受影响的 ASIN 创建新的商品信息并选择亚马逊条形码设置:
在管理亚马逊库存页面,搜索受影响的 ASIN。
在该 ASIN 的右侧,点击【编辑】下拉菜单,然后选择【添加其他状况】。
在商品创建页面,输入新的【卖家 SKU】,填写其余的必填字段,然后点击【保存并完成】。注意: 您可以选择与现有商品相同的商品状况。
Change to Amazon barcode by creating a new product offer
Amazon regularly evaluates eligibility for products that can be tracked using manufacturer barcodes. When barcode eligibility changes, products that are not eligible for manufacturer barcode tracking will need an Amazon barcode in order to be received at Amazon fulfillment centers.
You will be informed during shipment creation if your products are no longer eligible for manufacturer barcodes. No action is required for items already stored or on their way to Amazon fulfillment centers.
Note: These changes do not apply if you are the brand owner and have enrolled your ASINs in the Amazon Brand Registry.
Follow the steps below to change from manufacturer barcode to Amazon barcode for your affected ASINs and apply Amazon barcode labels to your inventory:
Create a new product offer for each affected ASIN and select the Amazon barcode setting:
On the Manage FBA Inventory page, search for the affected ASIN.
To the right of the ASIN, click the Edit dropdown and select Add another condition.
On the offer creation page, enter a new Seller SKU, fill out the remaining required fields, and click Save and finish. Note: You may select the same item condition as your existing offer.
On the Choose Barcode Type page, select Amazon barcode and click Save & Continue.
On the Convert to Fulfilled by Amazon page, complete Add dangerous goods information and click Save & Continue.
If you wish to send your products to Amazon now, please continue creating your shipping plan.
Apply an Amazon barcode label to your products:
There are two ways to label your products with Amazon barcodes:
Print your new Amazon barcodes and apply them yourself to each unit. No labeling fee applies. For more information, refer to Use an Amazon barcode to track inventory.
Sign up for the FBA Label Service and have Amazon apply the labels for a per-unit fee.