列名 | 定义 |
订单编号 订单编号 | 亚马逊为订单设置的唯一识别号码。用于发货确认和下单后的处理。 示例: 058-3563777-5518068 |
订单商品编号 订单商品编号 | 亚马逊为订单中的商品提供的唯一识别号码。用于发货确认和下单后的处理。 |
购买日期 购买日期 | 下单日期,采用“年/月/日”的格式。 注意: 如果不另行指定配送备货时间,则表示您同意在此日期后的 2 个工作日内配送订单。 |
付款日期 付款日期 | 买家信用卡付款且订单处理完毕的日期,采用“年/月/日”的格式。 |
买家电子邮箱 买家电子邮箱 | 买家的电子邮箱地址 示例:johndoe@somecompany.com |
买家的全名 买家姓名 | 买家的全名 示例: John Doe |
SKU SKU | 库存单位。卖家为商品定义的唯一标识。 示例: AA786936215595 |
商品名称 商品名称 | 商品详情页面和浏览器标题栏中显示的简短商品名称。 示例: 滑雪板 |
购买数量 购买数量 | 购买数量。 |
货币 货币 | 币种 示例: 美元 |
商品价格 商品价格 | 买家为商品支付的价格。所有金额均为所有商品的对应费用总和,而非单价。 示例: 商品价格 = $10 |
礼品包装价格 礼品包装价格 | 买家为礼品包装支付的价格。所有金额均为所有商品的对应费用总和,而非单价。 |
配送价格 配送价格 | 买家支付的配送费用。所有金额均为所有商品的对应费用总和,而非单价。 |
商品税 商品税 | 买家为商品支付的相关税费。所有金额均为所有商品的对应费用总和,而非单价。 |
礼品包装税 礼品包装税 | 买家为礼品包装支付的相关税费。所有金额均为所有商品的对应费用总和,而非单价。 |
配送服务 配送服务级别 | 买家在订购商品时选择的配送类型;例如:标准、加急。 |
收件人姓名 收件人姓名 | “收货”地址的姓名字段。 |
收件人姓名 + 订货单编号 | 当企业买家为卖家自配送订单提供订货单编号 (PO) 时,可将此订货单编号附加到订单详情、订单报告和商城网络服务中的【收件人姓名】字段。如果货件标签和装箱单上已包含订货单编号,或者出于其他原因而不想包含订货单编号,请禁用此功能。有关更多信息,请参阅我们的“帮助”页面:我需要了解哪些有关装箱单和订货单编号的信息? |
配送地址(3 列) 配送地址 1 | “收货”地址的第一行。 |
配送地址 2 | “收货”地址的第二行。 |
配送地址 3 | “收货”地址的第三行。 |
配送城市 配送城市 | “收货”地址所在的城市。 |
配送州 配送州 | “收货”地址所在的州、省或地区。因原产国而异。 注意: 缩写可能因买家的输入方式而异。 |
配送邮政编码 配送邮政编码 | “收货”地址的邮政编码。值的格式取决于目的国家。 |
配送国家 配送国家 | 国际标准组织双字母国家代码(符合 ISO 3166-2 标准)。 示例: US |
礼品包装类型 礼品包装类型 | 买家选择的礼品包装类型。 示例: 生日气球。 |
礼品赠言文本 礼品赠言文本 | 买家的礼品赠言。 |
礼品包装价格 礼品包装价格 | 买家选择的礼品包装价格。 |
礼品包装税 礼品包装税 | 礼品包装支付的税费。 |
商品促销折扣 商品促销折扣 | 对符合满减或折扣促销条件的订单减免的金额。 |
商品促销编号 商品促销编号 | 与满减或折扣促销相关的促销编号。 |
配送促销折扣 配送促销折扣 | 对符合免费配送条件的订单减免的金额。 |
配送促销编号 配送促销编号 | 与免费配送促销相关的促销编号。 |
配送说明 配送说明 | 其他配送说明。 |
订单渠道 订单渠道 | 关于下单方式的信息。 |
订单渠道实例 订单渠道实例 | 关于下单方式的信息。 |
是否为企业订单? 是否为企业订单 | 表示订单是否为亚马逊企业购买家所下。 示例:true、false |
订货单编号 亚马逊订货单编号 | 买家的订货单编号(适用于亚马逊企业购买家所下订单)。买家包裹装箱单或包裹货件标签上必须包含此类订货单编号。有关装箱单和亚马逊订货单编号的更多信息,请点击此处。 |
价格标示 价格标示 | 表示买家所使用的企业商品价格类型。了解有关企业商品价格的更多信息。(仅适用于亚马逊企业购卖家计划。) |
买家公司名称 买家公司名称 | 创建订单的亚马逊企业购买家的注册公司名称。这是一个自由形式文本字段,可以输入字母数字字符。(仅适用于亚马逊企业购卖家计划。) 示例: Acme Business Supplies, Inc. |
许可证持有人姓名 许可证持有人姓名 | 买家提供的专业许可证上的个人姓名。 示例: Jane Doe 12345 |
许可证号 许可证号 | 买家提供的专业许可证号。 示例: 12345 |
许可证状态 许可证状态 | 专业许可证号有效的状态。 示例: TX |
许可证有效期 许可证有效期 | 买家提供的专业许可证的有效期。 示例: 2016-08-20 |
地址类型 地址类型 | 告知您买家的收货地址是办公地址还是住宅地址。 |
商品数量 商品数量 | 表示 ASIN 中包含的商品总数。 |
是否透明? | 示例:true、false;表示 ASIN 是否加入透明性计划。了解更多信息。 |
全球快递 为全球快递 | 指明订单是否来自全球快递计划 示例:true、false |
默认发货地址名称 | 卖家平台账户配送设置/模板中使用的库房或公司名称 |
默认发货地址(3 列)默认发货地址字段 1 | “默认发货地址”的第一行 |
默认发货地址字段 2 | “默认发货地址”的第二行 |
默认发货地址字段 3 | “默认发货地址”的第三行 |
默认发货地址城市 | “默认发货地址”所在的城市 |
默认发货地址州 | “默认发货地址”所在的州 |
默认发货地址国家/地区 | “默认发货地址”所在的国家/地区 |
默认发货地址邮编 | “默认发货”地址的邮政编码,值的格式取决于目的国家/地区。 |
实际发货地址名称 | 在确认订单时选择的库房或公司名称 |
实际发货地址(3列)实际发货地址 1 | “实际发货”地址的第一行 |
实际发货地址字段 2 | “实际发货”地址的第二行 |
实际发货地址 3 | “实际发货”地址的第三行 |
实际发货地址城市 | “实际发货”地址所在的城市 |
实际发货地址州 | “实际发货”地址所在的州 |
实际发货地址国家 | “实际发货”地址所在的国家/地区 |
实际发货地址邮编 | “实际发货”地址的邮政编码,值的格式取决于目的国家/地区 |
TCM | 征税模式,征税责任方 |
【亚马逊订货单编号】是默认添加的选项,面向所有亚马逊企业购买家,可使用订单报告列选择器开启或关闭该字段。买家包裹装箱单或包裹货件标签上必须包含亚马逊订货单编号。有关更多信息,请点击此处。亚马逊企业购买家可以同时选择或取消选择【企业购买家】和【企业商品价格】,也可以单独选择或取消选择【公司名称】 。
如果您使用 MWS API 检索采用 XML 上传数据的报告,则订单报告还包含其他字段。请访问定制信息和买家订单信息字段。
重要: 您的订单报告现包含电子邮箱地址,您可以利用该地址联系买家商谈您与该买家之间的交易。请注意,如果您选择使用该电子邮件地址与买家沟通,亚马逊将会复制和存储该电子邮件以及您与买家之间使用该服务进行的所有后续沟通。使用这项服务表示您同意我们的做法。详细了解买家与卖家消息服务。
Order Report field definitions
The following fields are available in the Order Report.
This list is not exhaustive. Additional fields may be available for the order report. See CustomizationInfo and CustomerOrderInfo Fields.
Column Name Definition Order ID order-id
Amazon's unique identifying number for the order. Used for shipping confirmation and post-order processing. Example: 058-3563777-5518068
Order item ID order-item-id
Amazon's unique identifying number for the item in an order. Used for shipping confirmation and post-order processing. Purchase date purchase-date
Date the order was placed, in yyyy-mm-dd format. Note: Unless you specify a different shipping lead time, you have agreed to ship the order within two business days of this date.
Payment date payments-date
Date that the buyer's credit card was charged and order processing completed, in yyyy-mm-dd format. Buyer email buyer-email
Buyer's email address Example: johndoe@somecompany.com
Buyer's full name buyer-name
Buyer's full name Example: John Doe
SKU sku
Stock Keeping Unit. The seller-defined unique identifier for a product. Example: AA786936215595
Product name product-name
Short title for the product, displayed on the product detail page and in the browser title bar. Example: Snowboard
Quantity purchased quantity-purchased
Quantity purchased. Currency currency
Currency type Example: USD
Item price item-price
Price a buyer paid for the item(s). All amounts are aggregates of the quantity, not unit prices. Example:
Item Price = $10
Quantity = 2
Item price displayed = $20
Gift wrap price gift-wrap-price
Price a buyer paid for gift wrap. All amounts are aggregates of the quantity, not unit prices. Shipping price shipping-price
Price a buyer paid for shipping. All amounts are aggregates of the quantity, not unit prices. Item tax item-tax
Tax a buyer paid connected to the item. All amounts are aggregates of the quantity, not unit prices. Gift wrap tax gift-wrap-tax
Tax a buyer paid connected to the gift wrap. All amounts are aggregates of the quantity, not unit prices. Ship service ship-service-level
Type of shipping selected by the buyer when ordering the item; for example, standard, expedited. Recipient name recipient-name
Name field of "Ship To" address. Recipient name + PO Number Enables the purchase order (PO) number to append to the Recipient name field in Order Details, Order Reports, and Marketplace Web Service when a business customer provides a PO number for seller-fulfilled orders. Disable if you are already including the PO number on the shipping label and packing slip or don't want to include the PO number for other reasons. For more information, see our Help page, What do I need to know about packing slips and purchase order numbers? Ship address (3 columns) ship-address-1
First line of "Ship To" address. ship-address-2 Second line of "Ship To" address. ship-address-3 Third line of "Ship To" address. Ship city ship-city
City of "Ship To" address. Ship state ship-state
State, province, or region of "Ship To" address. Varies with country of origin. Note: Abbreviations can vary depending on how it was entered by the buyer.
Ship postal code ship-postal-code
ZIP code or postal code of "Ship To" address. Value format depends on destination country. Ship country ship-country
International Standards Organization two-letter country code (ISO 3166-2 compliant). Example: US
Gift wrap type gift-wrap-type
Type of gift wrap selected by the buyer. Example: Birthday balloons.
Gift message text gift-message-text
Buyer's gift message. Gift wrap price gift-wrap-price
The price of the gift wrap selected by the buyer. Gift wrap tax gift-wrap-tax
The amount of tax paid on the gift wrap. Item promotion discount item-promotion-discount
Amount discounted from orders that qualify for either a money-off or a percent-off promotion. Item promotion ID item-promotion-id
Promotion ID associated with money-off or percent-off promotion. Shipping promotion discount shipping-promotion-discount
Amount discounted from orders that qualify for free shipping. Shipping promotion ID shipping-promotion-id
Promotion ID associated with free shipping promotion. Delivery instructions delivery-instructions
Additional delivery instructions. Order channel order-channel
Information about how an order was placed. Order channel instance order-channel-instance
Information about how an order was placed. Is business order? is-business-order
Indicates if the order is from an Amazon Business customer. Example: true, false
Purchase order number purchase-order-number
The buyer's purchase order number (for orders from Amazon Business customers). This must be included on the customer package packing slip or on the package shipping label. For more information on packing slips and purchase order numbers, click here. Price designation price-designation
Indicates the type of business price that the buyer used. Learn more about business prices. (Amazon Business Seller Program only.) Buyer company name buyer-company-name
The registered company name of the Amazon Business customer who created the order. This is a freeform text field for alphanumeric characters. (Amazon Business Seller Program only.) Example: Acme Business Supplies, Inc.
Licensee name licensee-name
Name of the individual on the professional license that has been provided by the customer.
Example: Jane Doe 12345
License number license-number
Professional license number provided by the customer.
Example: 12345
License state license-state
State where professional license number is valid.
Example: TX
License expiration date license-expiration-date
Professional license expiration date provided by the customer.
Example: 2016-08-20
Informs you as to whether the customer Ship to address is commercial or residential. Number-of-items
Number-of-itemsIndicates the total number of items that are included in an ASIN. Is Transparency? Example: true, false; Indicates if ASIN is enrolled in Transparency. Learn more. Global Express is-global-express
Indicates if the order is from Global Express Program Example: true, false
default-ship-from-address-name The warehouse or the business name used in the Seller Central account shipping settings/template Default Ship From Location (3 columns) default-ship-from-address-field-1 First line of "Default Ship From" address default-ship-from-address-field-2 Second line of "Default Ship From" address default-ship-from-address-field-3 Third line of "Default Ship From" address default-ship-from-address-city City of "Default Ship From" address default-ship-from-address-state State of "Default Ship From" address default-ship-from-address-country Country of "Default Ship From" address default-ship-from-address-postal-code ZIP code or postal code of "Default Ship From" address, value format depends on destination country. actual-ship-from-address-name The warehouse or the business name that is chose while confirming the order Actual Ship From Location (3 columns) actual-ship-from-address-1 First line of "Actual Ship From" address actual-ship-from-address-field-2 Second line of "Actual Ship From" address actual-ship-from-address-field-3 Third line of "Actual Ship From" address actual-ship-from-address-city City of "Actual Ship From" address actual-ship-from-address-state State of "Actual Ship From" address actual-ship-from-address-country Country of "Actual Ship From" address actual-ship-from-address-postal-code ZIP code or postal code of "Actual Ship From" address, value format depends on destination country TCM Tax Collection Model, Tax Collection Responsible Party Notes:
purchase-order-number is added by default for all Amazon Business customers and can be toggled on or off using the Order Report Column Picker. The purchase-order-number must be provided on the customer package packing slip or on the package shipping label. For more information, clickhere. Amazon Business customers can select or deselect business-buyer and business-price in a group, and select or deselect company-name separately.
Additional fields are available for the Orders Report if you use the MWS API to retrieve the report using an XML feed. Visit CustomizationInfo and CustomerOrderInfo Fields.
Important: Your order reports now include an email address that you can use to contact your buyer regarding your transaction with the buyer. Please note that if you choose to use this email address to communicate with your buyer, that email message and all further communications between you and your buyer using this service will be copied and stored by Amazon. By using this service, you consent to this action. Learn more about Buyer-Seller Messaging.