
2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 蠢与纯与唇









Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

Thank you for your concern of our account.

We received a notifcation today that our selling privilege has been removed due to aconcern of the authenticity of our products.

We checked our listings as soon as we received this mail and we are very sorry aboutour ignorance. As a new seller on, we are not familiar with the rules andpolicies of the platform and on our way oflearning these requirements.

For the items that mentioned in the mail from Amazon seller performance team, wedid not realize this product is with its own brand, to this point we acknowledge it is ourfault. We had already removed the listing and promise we won't sell it again on Amazon ifwe do not get the authorization. Also, we would like to compensate the customers that havepurchased this product. We would fulfill their requirement as soon as they contact us.

If you can give us a chance and reinstate our account, we will conduct below to avoidsimilar situation occur in the future:

(1) Absolutely, we will see through all the policies and rules about selling on Amazon.


(2) We will check the listings in our account to see if there has some which do notmeet your requirements, if it does, we will fix it immediately.

(3) We will check all the products we've been sold, any complaints or product issueswe will solve them in proper way within 12h in favor of the customer's right.

(4) Ifany selling questions, we will consult Amazon for help.

We understand that Amazon takes customers shopping experience as the mostimportant metric and have strict standards and rules. Following the rules and reach thestandards is our sellers'obligation, We've always been a responsible seller and obeyingAmazon's rules. By strictly following the Amazon selling rule, we offer the best service toevery customer continually.

We would treasure the opportunity greatly if Amazon could read our appeal letter andreinstate our account, We sincerely wish to have the opportunity to work with Amazonagain to satisfy customers.

Look forward to receive your reply

Paul From XXX Company


Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

Thank you very much for giving us a chance to appeal the removal of our Amazonselling privileges. Please see our following information.

Our selling privileges has been removed by Amazon due to the concern that some ofour listings has violated related Amazon policies, especially infringed intellectual property

rights of some rights holders.First, we apologize to Amazon and the rights owner for this infringement. Due to ourcarelessness when doing the product research, we failed to confirm if the brand/trademarkoutlook..· patent is already exist or not.

Second, we have to apologize to all the customers that have purchased our productsDue to our incompetent management, customers may confused by the products. We wouldlike to compensate customers that have purchased our products with full refund as soon as

they contact us.As for the violated brand/trademark/outlook patent owner ********and the affectedASINs:*******, we would stop selling the products immediately as well as create removalorder to remove the inventory. We promise not to sell the product again unless we are fullyauthorized by the patent owner.

Furthermore, we would conduct below in order to avoid similar situation occur in thefuture:

(1) We will research more carefully before uploading listings.

(2) Once we have decided the products, we will conduct further research to check ifthe patent was registered by others, if registered, we would conduct the right holder forapproval to sell, otherwise, we shall not sell the product on

(3) We will have our employees better trained so that everyone in the company arecompetent enough.

We apologize to the rights holders and to Amazon again with our sincerity on behalf ofour whole company. We promise we will correct our mistakes. Please trust us and give us achance.

Look forward to receive your reply.

Paul From XXX Company

3.因账号表现差被移除销售权限 (A-Z 投诉导致 ODR 超标)

Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

We understand that recently our performance as a seller on has fallenbelow both Amazon's and our own standards of quality.

We believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we haverecently received A-Z guarantee claims which have resulted in our ODR exceeding theperformance target of<1%.

In response to the problem, we have changed the listings Status to inactive from inorder to avoid more compliant appear as well as to conduct a thoroughly examination of theaffecting listing.

After our examination, we believe the A-Z claim occurs because XXXX. In order tocompensate the customers, we have conducted full refund to them.

Plan of Action: We are taking the following steps to improve our performance andavoid similar problem occur next time:

(1) Review all our listings to make sure that the pictures and descriptions accuratelymatch our products.

(2) We will complete the investigation more quickly and proactively (within12 hours)to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and helpprevent A-Z guarantee claims as much as possible, then replacement or a full refund will bedone within 24 hours.

(3) In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assurewe have reached the standards set by Amazon customer service.

We understand that Amazon takes customers shopping experience as the mostimportant metric and have strict standards and rules. Following the rules and reach thestandards is our sellers'obligation. We've always been a responsible seller and obevingAmazon's rules. By strictly following the Amazon selling rule, we offer the best service toevery customer continually.

Thank you very much for considering our appeal. We would be grateful if you couldreinstate our account and cherish the opportunity very much.Look forward to receive your reply.

Paul From XXX Company

4.账号表现差导致账号被冻结(回复买家不及时 +商品损坏 + 退换货时间长)

Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,Thank you for your concern of our account. Before receiving the performancenotification, we were exactly working with the customers to resolve their problem.Firstly, we're very sorry about our negligence of packaging and the incaution ofcollecting and transporting process of logistics company which result in the damage of oneitem. We have shipped the replacement to the customer but the delivery time is longer thanwhat we expected, we feel very sorry about that.

Secondly, during the examination of the product, we unconsciously missed a part ofthe product. Thought the function of the product is not affected, it still gives customer animpression that the product is not complete. We had contacted the customer and shipped themissing element, we are sorry for the inconvenience.

Thirdly, due to XXX, we failed to reply the customers question in 24 hours andthis give us a really bad reputation. We have hired more people running our account andarranged their duty, we believe this will not happen once again.

If we earn the chance to continue selling on Amazon, we will do as follows:

(1) We would cooperate with more trustworthy logistic company to avoid productdamage during shipping and delivering.

(2) We would add an integrity examination before sending the product from factory toFBA inventory.

(3) We would further stress the importance of timely reply towards the customers.We understand that Amazon takes customers shopping experience as the mostimportant metric and have strict standards and rules. Following the rules and reach thestandards is our sellers'obligation. We've always been a responsible seller and obeyingAmazon's rules. By strictly following the Amazon selling rule, we offer the best service toevery customer continually.

Look forward to receive your replyPaul From XXX Company

