
2024-04-28 11:13:56
By 该来的都在路上

亚马逊上的Seller SKU (同一个UPC或EAN只能用于一个SKU)和Manufacturer Part Number:卖家在亚马逊上进行销售,为了更好地识别自己的商品,可以让Sller SKU和Manufacturer Part Number的编号保持一致。

在Product-id里输入UPC或EAN,如果已注册国外品牌并且在亚马逊上注册过则可不填,亚马逊会自动分配。在Product-id-type里输入UPC、EAN或者GCID (Global Catalog Identifier) (父体的Product-id和Product-id-type不需要填写)。ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number)是亚马逊标准识别号,在亚马逊平台上销售的每个商品都有与之唯一对应的10位数的ASIN。

Brand Name (品牌名称)和Manufacturer (供应商):如果商品的经销商和制造商没有注册自有品牌,不应将其作为商品品牌。

Product Name (商品名称):标题首位必须是品牌,大小写要保持一致;其他的词首字母必须大写(除了介词of,a,an,and 等),不能有特殊符号(@,!。$);不能在中文输入法下输入任何内容;字符不能过长,不能有公司信息、促销、物流、运费或与商品无关的信息;不能写其他店铺的品牌;无品牌商品可以写店铺名称,电子类无品牌商品写Generic。例如:

[Brand]+[Product name]+[Fun]一:MY BRAND Table Lamps Touch Control

[Brand]+[Product name]十[Fun]:Generic Table Lamps Touch Control

Product Description (商品描述):填写详情介绍,避免出现语法错误或拼写错误,用“〈br〉”用“〈b〉…〈/b〉”符号加粗文字,期中“…”填写需要加粗的加粗的字符。Product Type (商品类目):商品所属类目。

ItemType Keyword (商品类目关健词):关键词可以按照商品分类器来查找。

Update/Delete:Delete (删除链接):Update (全部更新);Partial Update (部分更新)。如果我们只优化Listing图片或者标题,选择Partial Update。 

Key Product Features (商品特性):描述商品的特征、功能等信息,突出商品的优点和消费者想要了解的信息点,不能填写卖家本身的信息(如营业执照信息)。可以写五点,首字母要大写。

Search Terms (搜索关键词):可以写商品特征、功能等相关的关键词,词与词之间使用空格键隔开,不要有重复的关键词,也不要填写与商品无关的词,单复数不算重存(例如: table lamp,desk lamps),不要用其他品牌作为关键词。

Main Image URL (主图链接):图片链接可以通过Photobucket、Pushauction等图床工具来获得。每件商品必须设置主图,必须是纯白色背景(RGB: 255,255,255), 图中无商标、水印、文字、边框;只能出现一件商品,像素至少1000×1000,至少占图片的85%的面积(鞋的主图至少占80%,左脚倾斜展示)。

Swatch Image URL (样本图链接):即展示在链接上的第一张图片为原图,建议不填。

Other Image URL (其他辅图链接):其他辅图上不允许有logo、文字或水印。



亚马逊卖家如何编辑Template需要上传的表格 常见问答(FQAS)

**FAQs for Editing Templates for Amazon Sellers:** **Q: What is the purpose of editing a template for Amazon sellers?**

The purpose of editing a template for Amazon sellers is to customize the information that needs to be uploaded to the platform. This could include product details, inventory quantities, pricing information, and other relevant data.

**Q: What types of templates do Amazon sellers need to edit?**

Amazon sellers may need to edit templates for various purposes such as product listings, inventory management, bulk pricing updates, and order fulfillment.

**Q: How do I access the templates for editing?**

You can access the templates for editing by logging into your Amazon seller account and navigating to the relevant section such as Inventory, Pricing, or Orders. Look for the option to download or export a template.

**Q: What file formats are commonly used for Amazon templates?**

Commonly used file formats for Amazon templates include CSV (Comma-Separated Values) and XLSX (Microsoft Excel). These formats allow sellers to easily input and manipulate data before uploading it to the platform.

**Q: What information should I include in my template?**

The information you include in your template will depend on the specific task you're performing. However, common data points include product IDs, titles, descriptions, prices, quantities, SKUs, and any other relevant details required by Amazon for listing or managing your products.

**Q: Are there any formatting guidelines I need to follow when editing templates?**

Yes, Amazon may have specific formatting guidelines for templates to ensure smooth processing of the data. These guidelines may include requirements for column headers, data types, character limits, and more. Be sure to review Amazon's documentation or guidelines before editing your template.

**Q: How can I ensure the accuracy of the data in my edited template?**

You can ensure the accuracy of the data in your edited template by carefully reviewing and double-checking all information before uploading it to Amazon. It's also a good practice to use validation tools or perform test uploads to catch any errors before finalizing the process.

**Q: What should I do if I encounter errors or issues when uploading my edited template?**

If you encounter errors or issues when uploading your edited template, first review Amazon's documentation and guidelines to ensure compliance. Then, check your template for any formatting errors or missing data. If the problem persists, you may need to reach out to Amazon Seller Support for assistance.
