
2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 软妹联盟


账单显示各种费用,具体取决于商店所在的地点以及商店使用的服务。Shopify 账单费用按以下形式显示在您的信用卡对账单上:Shopify * <bill number>



Shopify 后台的账单页面提供定期收费的付费订阅列表。该列表包括您的 Shopify 套餐订阅和任何其他订阅(例如您的应用订阅)。此外,列表中还会列出当前处于免费试用阶段的应用订阅,但不会列出使用免费订阅套餐的应用。


在 Shopify 后台中查看您的付费订阅费

  1. 前往您的账单页面:

- 美国:在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > 账单

- 所有其他国家:在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 账单


  1. 若要查看所有付费订阅,请点击查看所有订阅

  2. 若要查看有关 Shopify 套餐订阅的信息,请点击订阅旁边的 ...,然后点击管理。转到 Shopify 后台中的套餐页面。

  3. 若要管理应用,请点击订阅旁边的 ...,然后点击管理。接下来的操作如下:

- 如果您选择 Shopify 应用订阅,请转到 Shopify 后台中的相关页面。 - 如果您选择第三方应用订阅,请转到该应用的设置页面。


通过 Shopify Shipping 购买发货标签后,将通过您的 Shopify 账户结算费用。您购买的任何运输保险或承运商对您进行的运费调整也会通过您的 Shopify 账户结算。

运费结算与您的 Shopify 订阅是分开收费的。如果您取消发货标签,它的费用将作为用于将来购买标签的抵扣额退还。此费用不会直接退还到您的 Shopify 账户中。


如果您在购买发货标签时达到每日账单起付金额,则在生成账单的同时,您可以继续购买相当于阈值金额 10% 的发货标签。您可以在 Shopify 后台计费页面的账单部分中查看账户的阈值金额。在此期间的任何购买费用都包含在下一份账单中。要了解更多关于发货标签如何收费的信息,请联系 Shopify 支持。


如果您使用 Shopify Payments,那么您无需为位于大多数国家/地区的商店的订单支付交易手续费。此外,交易手续费不适用于手动付款方式,包括货到付款 (COD)、银行存款、支票、测试订单以及标记为已付款或待处理的草稿订单。交易手续费不适用于 POS 订单。


如果您不使用 Shopify Payments 或手动付款方式,则除了服务提供商收取的手续费之外,还需为订单支付交易费。



备注:Advanced Cash on Delivery 应用会自动安装到印度境内使用印度卢比 (INR) 作为默认货币的商店,并且该应用可以提供一些附加功能。与线下付款货到付款选项不同,使用该应用进行购买时需要支付交易费。您可以在付款设置中停用该应用并恢复标准的货到付款选项。


Shopify 使用此公式计算 30 天期间的交易费:

 [(产品价格 - 折扣) + 税费 + 运费] x 费率




  1. 前往您的账单页面:

- 美国:在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > 账单

- 所有其他国家:在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 账单

  1. 账单部分中点击要查看的账单。

  2. 如果账单包含交易费,则交易费部分将有指向相关订单的链接。点击链接以查看信息。




对于注册域名、购买模板或购买应用等操作,您会收到一次性费用账单。您可以在 Shopify 后台账单页面的账单部分查看账户历史记录。




Your bill shows a variety of charges depending on where your store is located and what services your store uses. Shopify bill charges show up on your credit card statement as: Shopify * <bill number>.


Your bill shows a variety of charges depending on where your store is located and what services your store uses. Shopify bill charges show up on your credit card statement as: Shopify * <bill number>.

Subscription fees

Subscription fees depend on your plan and on the subscription billing period.

The Billing page of your Shopify admin provides a list of your paid subscriptions that have recurring charges. The list includes your Shopify plan subscription and any other subscriptions such as your app subscriptions. App subscriptions that are currently on a free trial are also listed, but apps that are on a free subscription plan are not.

In addition, you can manage your paid subscriptions from this list. If you have multiple stores, then you can only manage subscriptions one store at a time.

View your paid subscription fees in your Shopify admin

  1. Navigate to your Billing page:

    The Subscriptions section lists the apps that were installed most recently.

    • United States: From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Billing.

    • All other countries: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Billing.

  2. To view all your paid subscriptions, click View all subscriptions.

  3. To view information about your Shopify plan subscription, click ... next to the subscription, and then click Manage. You go to the Plan page in your Shopify admin.

  4. To manage an app, click ... next to the subscription, and then click Manage. Either of the following occurs:

    • If you select a Shopify app subscription, then you go to the relevant page in your Shopify admin.

    • If you select a third-party app subscription, then you go to the settings page for that app.

Shipping label fees

After you buy a shipping label through Shopify Shipping, the cost is billed through your Shopify account. Any shipping insurance that you purchase or shipping adjustments that a shipping carrier charges you are also billed through your Shopify account.

Shipping bills are charged separately from your Shopify subscription. If you cancel a shipping label, then its cost is refunded as a credit towards future label purchases. The cost isn't reimbursed directly to your Shopify account.

Each country has different tax rules for shipping fees. To check how your country charges taxes on shipping fees, refer to Taxes on shipping labels.

If you reach your daily billing threshold while buying shipping labels, then you can continue to buy shipping labels equal to 10% of your threshold amount while a bill is generated. You can check your account's threshold amount in the Bills section of the Billing page in your Shopify admin. Any purchases made at this time are included in your next bill. To learn more about how you're billed for shipping labels, contact Shopify support.

Transaction fees

If you're using Shopify Payments, you aren't charged transaction fees on orders for stores located in most countries. Also, transaction fees don't apply for manual payment methods, which include cash on delivery (COD), bank deposits, checks, test orders, and draft orders marked as paid or pending. Transaction fees don't apply for POS orders.

If you don't use Shopify Payments or a manual payment method, then transaction fees apply for orders in addition to the processing fee charged by your payment provider.

The way that your account is billed depends on your store's transaction volume, any recurring app charges, and the payment provider you use.

Calculate your transaction fees

Shopify uses this formula to calculate transaction fees for a 30-day period:

[(cost of products - discounts) + tax + shipping charges] x rate

The rate for transaction charges varies depending on your pricing plan.

See a breakdown of your transaction fees


  1. Navigate to your Billing page:

    • United States: From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Billing.

    • All other countries: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Billing.

  2. Click on the bill you want to view in the Bills section.

  3. If a bill includes transaction fees, then the Transaction fees section will have links to the associated orders. Click to see the information.

In the panel that opens, you can view the details of the transaction fee for every order covered by this bill.

Click an order to see the full details of a transaction.

Domains, themes, and one-time app fees

You will receive a bill with a one-time charge for actions like registering a domain, buying a theme, or buying an app. You can view your account history in the Bills section of the Billing page in your Shopify admin.

Theme purchases are nonrefundable.









Shopify除基础月费外,还将根据您的销售额收取佣金费用。佣金费用为每单销售额的2.9% + $0.30美元。此外,需要额外支付支付平台集成费用(如支付宝、微信支付等)以及运营各类促销活动的费用。

