Wish平台:Prohibited items(禁售商品)

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 败窘

Every Wish seller is responsible for following the laws that apply to you, your shop and your items, including any shipping restrictions for your items.


There are some types of items that we don't allow on Wish's platform, even if they are legal and otherwise meet Wish's selling criteria. Some things just aren't in the spirit of Wish. The following types of items may not be listed on Wish:

Counterfeit products: Learn More

Items whose copyright you do not own or hold (copyrighted to someone else)

Services: Any service that does not yield a new, tangible, physical item

Virtual goods and digital goods: items that are not tangible or must be delivered electronically 

Gift cards, physical or digital


Tobacco and other smokeable products including electronic cigarettes


Dangerous chemicals: Learn more

Medications and treatments: Learn more

Piercing gun and tattoo gun

Bike and motorcycle helmet

Drugs, medical drug claims about an item, drug paraphernalia

Live animals, illegal animal products

Plant seeds

Human remains or body parts (excluding hair and teeth)

Pornography or adult/sexually explicit/obscene material

Firearms and/or weapons

Child carseat, child harness, and recalled toys.


Contact lenses


Trick candles

Hate crime and items or listings that promote, support or glorify hatred toward or otherwise demean people based upon: race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation; including items or content that promote organizations with such views.

Please note that Wish serves an audience that may include children as young as 13 years of age. Products that may be inappropriate for children to view or buy are therefore not appropriate for Wish.

We reserve the right to remove products that we determine are not within the spirit of Wish.Such products will be removed from the site,and the merchant's selling privileges may be suspended and/or terminated.


All listings on Wish should be clear, accurate and detailed. Accurate photos, descriptions and listing information are critical to selling on Wish. Check out the Merchant FAQ for more information on how to upload your products. Keep these policies in mind as you list and describe your products:

Listing descriptions and photos must accurately describe the item for sale so users know what is included in the purchase.

You must be the copyright holder or licensed to sell the products you upload.

A listing may not be created for the sole purpose of sharing photographs or other information with the community.

A listing may not be created solely as an advertisement. This includes notices of sales or promotions in your shop.

Items must not be listed as available for rental or lease.

You may group itemsias a set into a single listing if the items are being sold and shipped together.

All listings on Wish must be for a tangible obiect.

You may not use Wish to direct shoppers to your own or another online selling venue to purchase the same items as listed in your Wish shop. as this may constitute fee avoidance. This includes posting links/URLs or providing information sufficient to locate the other online venue(s). Directing Wish buyers outside of Wish negates the merchant's partnership with Wish.

If an item listing is removed due to counterfeit, you may not alter that product listing to a new item.

A listing must not be conditional upon the purchase of another listing in your shop (for example: saying 'this item may only be purchased along with another item in my shop' is not allowed). This includes listings for item upgrades,nshipping upgrades, and gift wrapping upgrades.

Listings that do not comply with Wish's policies may be removed from or suspended on Wish. Members who do not comply with Wish's policies may be subject to review, which can result in suspension of account privileges and/or termination.

Wish honors and protects third parties'intellectual property rights. The sale of counterfeit branded goods on Wish is strictly prohibited, It is your responsibility to ensure the products you do sell do not infringe any third party's legab rights.
