免费试用1. wish店铺排名是什么?
2. 如何查看我的wish店铺排名?
3. 目前有哪些店铺排名等级?
4. 如何提高wish店铺排名?
政策合规:请仔细阅读 Wish 的商户政策,确保您的店铺遵循最佳实践,从而避免赔款和违规。误导性产品和使用虚假物流单号履行订单会严重损害用户体验和整个 Wish 市场。
5. wish店铺排名有哪些利好?
A+ 物流计划订单或能更快地获得付款资格
同样,为了不断改善商户体验,根据商户政策9.2.2,释放给拥有白银、黄金或铂金店铺排名的店铺的 A+ 物流计划订单有可能更快获得付款资格。具体而言,这些订单自确认履行之日起20个自然日后有可能获得付款资格(适用于 UTC 时间2020年11月2日凌晨0时之后释放的订单)。
满足以下要求的 A+ 物流计划订单有可能更快(自确认履行之日起20个自然日后)获得付款资格:
如果满足上述条件,释放给商户的 A+ 物流计划订单自确认履行之日起20个自然日后有可能获得付款资格。
商户可参阅相关常见问题解答,了解更多有关 A+ 物流计划的信息。
Wish 可根据情况酌情更改上述商户利好。
请注意,Wish 将定期选出一些业绩表现优秀的产品,并在商户平台上向商户显示哪些订单是因为其产品业绩表现优秀而可以快速获得付款资格。
业绩表现优秀的产品的订单(由 Wish 决定具体是哪些产品和订单);
1. 在商户平台上,前往订单 > 历史记录页面,然后在“查看产品 (SKU)”列找到绿色图标:
2. 在订单 > 历史记录页面,点击“付款状态”列下面的链接。在随后出现的弹窗中,将鼠标悬停在“获得付款资格日期”旁的问号上,可以看到更多详细信息:
ProductBoost 活动“奖励预算”
为了不断提升商户体验,自 UTC 时间2020年4月27日上午7时起,店铺排名为白银、黄金和铂金的部分商户可有机会享受 ProductBoost“奖励预算”限时优惠。
“银级奖励预算”额度为商户设定的 ProductBoost 活动预算的30%。
此项限时优惠中,“银级奖励预算”额度中50%的费用将由 Wish 支付。
某商户的店铺排名为白银,且其将 ProductBoost 活动预算设定为20美元,那么其可添加的“银级奖励预算”额度为6美元(20美元的30%)。在此情况下,如果该商户勾选了“我希望获得奖励预算”复选框,则可为此 ProductBoost 活动添加的总预算为:20 + 6 = 26美元(如下方例图所示)。如果此 ProductBoost 活动最终花费了26美元的总预算,则“银级奖励预算”中的3美元(6美元的50%)将由 Wish 支付。
“金级奖励预算”额度为商户设定的 ProductBoost 活动预算的20%。
在此项限时优惠中,“金级奖励预算”额度中80%的费用将由 Wish 支付。
某商户的店铺排名为黄金或铂金,且其将 ProductBoost 活动预算设定为20美元,那么其可添加的“银级奖励预算”额度为6美元(20美元的30%),“金级奖励预算”额度为4美元(20美元的20%)。在此情况下,如果该商户勾选了“我希望获得奖励预算”复选框,则可为此ProductBoost活动添加的总预算为:20 + 6 + 4 = 30美元(如下方例图所示)。
随着该活动开始产生曝光量,对应花费将首先从商户设定的活动预算开始扣除,然后再从银级和金级奖励预算中扣除。如果该 ProductBoost 活动最终花费了30美元,则“银级奖励预算”中的3美元(6美元的50%)和“金级奖励预算”的3.2美元(4美元的80%),共计6.2美元,将由 Wish 支付。
“奖励预算”目前仅适用于部分商户。若后期覆盖到所有使用 ProductBoost 的商户,我们将及时通知您。
Merchant Standing FAQ
1. What is Merchant Standing?
Merchant Standing is based on your store's performance related to customer experience and policy compliance, and is regularly evaluated. As a result, your store's Merchant Standing tier may be updated based on your latest customer experience and policy compliance performance.
Currently, the Merchant Standing program is rolled out to select stores. We encourage you to improve your customer experience and compliance performance and your store might be eligible for Merchant Standing or higher Merchant Standing tiers in the future.
2. How Can I View My Store's Merchant Standing?
View your store's Merchant Standing by visiting the homepage of your Merchant Dashboard. You will see a card as follows on your Merchant Dashboard homepage if your store has Merchant Standing:
Upon clicking on "Learn more", you'll see the following popup modal:
3. What are the Merchant Standing tiers?
Currently, Merchant Standing tiers include: Active, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Platinum is currently the highest possible tier.
4. How can my store achieve a higher Merchant Standing?
For your store to qualify for higher Merchant Standing tiers, you can improve your store's customer experience performance and compliance. Below are the five major areas merchants are strongly encouraged to pay attention to in order to actively improve their overall performance and be eligible for a higher Merchant Standing.
Carrier Confirmed Fulfillment Time: One logistics performance criteria that depends on merchants is the time between when the order is ready to be fulfilled, and when it is given to the shipping carrier. Keep this time period low to make sure your packages arrive to customers in a timely manner.
Competitive Pricing: While keeping the quality of the product and shipping services high, merchants should also offer competitive pricing for their products. Consider product prices different from the usual whole-number prices.
Customer Ratings & Reviews: It is important to maintain high average ratings for your store and products.
Other Indicators of Customer Experience: For example, stores should maintain a reasonable refund rate.
Policy Compliance: Please read through our Merchant Policies to ensure your store follows best practices to avoid penalties and infractions. Misleading and fake tracking cases especially hurt customer experience and the Wish marketplace in general.
5. What Are the Benefits Associated With Merchant Standing?
Product Impressions
Stores with Platinum Merchant Standing will enjoy benefits of up to 5M complimentary product impressions per month starting May 8, 2019.
Stores with Gold Merchant Standing will enjoy benefits of up to 2.5M complimentary product impressions per month starting May 15, 2019.
Stores with Silver Merchant Standing will enjoy benefits of up to 1M complimentary product impressions per month starting June 13, 2019.
Advanced Logistics Program orders may become eligible for payments faster
Similarly, in a continued effort to enhance merchant experience, Advanced Logistics Program orders may become eligible for payment faster for stores with Silver, Gold, or Platinum Merchant Standing, per Merchant Policy 9.2.2; specifically, these orders may become eligible for payment 20 calendar days after confirmed fulfillment (applicable to orders released after November 2, 2020 12:00AM UTC).
Advanced Logistics Programs orders that meet the following requirements may be eligible for payment faster (i.e. 20 calendar days after confirmed fulfillment):
The store must have a Silver/Gold/Platinum Merchant Standing at the time the order is released to merchant;
The Advanced Logistics Program order must have a tracked confirmed fulfillment time;
The Advanced Logistics Program order must arrive at the designated warehouse on time within 168 hours (i.e. 7 calendar days).
Advanced Logistics Program orders released to merchants may become eligible for payment 20 calendar days after confirmed fulfillment if the above conditions are met.
Merchants may learn more about the Advanced Logistics Program by visiting these FAQ articles.
These benefits are subject to change at Wish's discretion.
Orders for certain high-performing products may become eligible for payments faster
As a further expansion of the faster payment eligibility benefit for stores with Merchant Standing, orders for certain high-performing products may become eligible for payment faster for stores with Silver, Gold, or Platinum Merchant Standing, per Merchant Policy 9.2.2; specifically, these orders may become eligible for payment 20 calendar days after confirmed fulfillment.
Please note that a list of such high-performing products will be determined by Wish on a regular basis, and merchants will be shown in their Merchant Dashboard exactly which orders are eligible for this faster payment eligibility because the orders are for certain high-performing products within their stores.
Orders that meet the following requirements may be eligible for payment faster in this scenario (i.e. 20 calendar days after confirmed fulfillment):
The order is for select products with good performance history, as determined by Wish;
The store must have a Silver/Gold/Platinum Merchant Standing at the time the order is released to merchant;
The order must have a tracked confirmed fulfillment time;
Orders released to merchants may become eligible for payment 20 calendar days after confirmed fulfillment if the above conditions are met.
Via the following pathways on their Merchant Dashboard, merchants are able to view exactly which orders are eligible for payment faster because the orders are for certain high-performing products:
1. Visit the Orders > History page on the Merchant Dashboard, and look for a green icon under the ‘View Product (SKU)' column:
2. On the Orders > History page, click the link under ‘Payment Status' column. In the popup modal that follows, hover over the ‘Eligible For Payment Date' tooltip for more detailed information:
Reward Budget for ProductBoost Campaigns
In a continued effort to enhance merchant experience, effective April 27, 2020 7:00AM UTC, select merchants with stores that have Silver, Gold, or Platinum Merchant Standing will have the opportunity to take advantage of the ProductBoost Reward Budget limited-time promotion.
Reward Budget offers 2 tiers of discounted budget:
Silver Tier
Merchants with stores that have Silver Merchant Standing have the option to claim the Silver Tier of Reward Budget.
Silver Tier Reward Budget is an additional 30% of the ProductBoost campaign budget set by the merchant.
In this limited-time promotion, the cost of Silver Tier Reward Budget is 50% OFF.
A merchant with a store that has Silver Merchant Standing sets their ProductBoost campaign budget to be $20. The Silver Tier Reward Budget will be $6 (30% of $20). If merchants select the “I would like to receive the reward budget” checkbox, the total budget for the ProductBoost campaign would be $20 + $6 = $26 (as shown in the example screenshot below). If all $26 of the ProductBoost campaign budget are spent, $3 (50% of $6) of the Silver Tier Reward Budget will be paid by Wish.
Gold Tier
Merchants with stores that have Gold or Platinum Merchant Standing have the option to claim BOTH the Silver and Gold Tiers of Reward Budget.
Gold Tier Reward Budget is an additional 20% of the ProductBoost campaign budget set by the merchant.
In this limited-time promotion, the cost of Gold Tier Reward Budget is 80% OFF.
A merchant with a store that has Gold or Platinum Merchant Standing sets their ProductBoost campaign budget to be $20. The Silver Tier Reward Budget will be $6 (30% of $20), and the Gold Tier Reward Budget will be $4 (20% of $20). If merchants select the “I would like to receive the reward budget” checkbox, the total budget for the ProductBoost campaign is $20 + $6 + $4 = $30 (as shown in the example screenshot below).
As the campaign gains impressions, the corresponding Spend amount will be deducted from the budget set by the merchant first, followed by the Silver Tier Reward Budget and the Gold Tier Reward Budget. If all $30 of the ProductBoost campaign budget are spent, Wish will pay $3 (50% of $6) of the Silver Tier Reward Budget plus $3.20 (80% of $4) of the Gold Tier Reward Budget for a total of $6.20.
Reward Budget is currently offered to select merchants only, and we will notify merchants if it is expanded to all merchants using ProductBoost.