免费试用如下图所示,当用户搜索“halloween decor”(万圣节装饰)时,“Halloween Skeletons”产品集合显示为第一个结果。点击进入“Halloween Skeletons”产品集合,将显示可供购买的各种万圣节产品(由创建该产品集合的商户选择)。
本文将详细说明 CollectionBoost 的使用方法并为您解答一些常见问题。
1. 如何推广产品?
首先,前往 CollectionBoost > 创建产品集合,为您要推广的产品创建一个产品集合。
2. 什么是 CollectionBoost 产品集合以及如何设置产品集合?
CollectionBoost 产品集合就是您选出的一组可一起推广的产品。创建产品集合时需要为其指定徽标和名称。
要创建产品集合,可以前往 CollectionBoost > 创建产品集合。
产品集合名称:将在 Wish 平台上显示的产品集合的名称。目前不允许使用特殊字符或表情符号。
产品集合徽标:将在 Wish 平台上显示的产品集合的徽标。徽标应为清晰的正方形图片,以显示产品的品牌(如有)、主题(如万圣节装饰)或功能。下面是一些示例:
相关产品:一组产品 ID,以逗号分隔,这些产品是 Wish 平台上已经在售的产品,且您认为这些产品与您产品集合中的产品相关。
产品:创建一个产品集合至少需要10个产品。当用户在 Wish 平台上点击进入被推广的产品集合时,将显示这些产品。
3. 什么是 CollectionBoost 推广活动以及如何创建推广活动?
产品集合获得批准后即可创建 CollectionBoost 推广活动。创建推广活动时,商户可为其选择的搜索词竞价,并指定推广活动的运行时间。只有创建推广活动后,该产品集合才会在 Wish 平台上展示。
要创建推广活动,请前往 CollectionBoost > 管理产品集合和推广活动,点击要为其创建推广活动的产品集合旁的“创建活动”按钮。
4. CollectionBoost 如何收费?
推广活动的总费用就是您所有被接受的搜索词的竞价总和。这笔费用不受推广活动中的产品数量或获得的曝光量和 GMV 的影响。您可以在 CollectionBoost > 管理产品集合和推广活动页面的下拉列表中查看推广活动中所有竞价的状态。
How to use CollectionBoost to promote products in customized collections?As seen in the below image, the “Halloween Skeletons” collection appears as the first result when a user searches for “halloween decor”. Clicking into the “Halloween Skeletons” collection will display a variety of Halloween products (selected by the merchant who created the collection) available for purchase.
This article walks merchants through how to use CollectionBoost, along with some frequently asked questions.
1. How do you boost your products?
Start by creating a collection with the products you want to boost by navigating to CollectionBoost > Create a Collection.
2. What is a CollectionBoost Collection and how do you set up a collection?
A CollectionBoost Collection is the selection of products you would like to boost. Each collection will require a logo and a name in order to be created.
To create a collection, you can go to CollectionBoost > Create a Collection.
Fill in the following fields:
Collection Name: The name of your collection, which will be displayed on Wish. No special characters or emojis are allowed at this time.
Collection Logo: The logo of your collection, which will be displayed on Wish. It should be a clear, square image to show the brand (if applicable), theme (for example, Halloween decor), or feature of your products. Some examples:
Search Terms: A list of search terms you'd like your collection to show up under, separated by commas. When you have a running campaign and the user is searching for these search terms, your collections will show up. You will bid on each of these search terms later when creating campaigns.
Related Products: A list of product IDs (separated by comma) that are already available for sale on Wish that you believe the products in your collection are related to.
Products: You will need at least 10 products to create a collection. These will be the products displayed when users click into the boosted collection on Wish.
Newly created or edited collections will be in “Pending” state and will go through a review period before it can be approved. Feedback will be provided if your collection is not approved. After being approved, your collection will show as “Approved” and you can create campaigns with this collection.
3. What is a CollectionBoost Campaign and how do you create a campaign?
A CollectionBoost Campaign can be created once a collection has been approved. The collection will allow merchants to bid on the search terms they have selected and designate a campaign runtime. Only after a campaign is created will the collection be live on Wish.
To create a campaign, click the “Create Campaign” button on the collection you'd like to use in the CollectionBoost > Manage Collections and Campaigns.
Fill in the following fields:
Start Date: The start date is the first day that your collection will be promoted. The duration of the campaign is 7 days.
Bid: The bid for each search term should be a minimum of $1.00 (subject to change). The final cost of the campaign will be the sum of all the search term bids. This cost will cover throughout the duration of the campaign.
If you duplicate the collection in the future and want to leave out certain search terms, you can leave the bid for that search term blank. Only the top 5 bidders with the highest bid for a certain search term will be promoted. There will be no charge if your bid is not selected.
4. How much does CollectionBoost cost?
The total spend for your campaign will simply be the sum of the bids of all your accepted search terms. The spend will not be impacted by the number of products in your campaign or how many impressions and GMV your campaign receives. You can check the status of all bids in your campaign in the dropdown on CollectionBoost > Manage Collections and Campaigns.
If your bid is empty for the search term or is not selected for promotion, there will be no charge.
1. Instagram广告:可以对目标观众进行定制退展示自定义集合
2. 网站广告:可以在Shopify主站或其他网站上添加自定义集合的广告
3. 电子邮件推广:可以将自定义集合内容发送给新闻通讯或定制电子邮件列表的订阅者
4. 搜索引擎优化:可以通过动态内容和链接建设来提高搜索引擎排名