免费试用您可以通过以下方法支付新创建的 ProductBoost 推广活动
在 Wish 销售产生的账户余额
ProductBoost 余额
ProductBoost 抵用金
当 ProductBoost 推广活动开始运行时,将产生曝光量费用,费用将不会超过您设置的预算。这笔费用将在定期向您支付货款时扣除。
注意:ProductBoost 现在也支持本地货币。如需了解更多详情,请参阅欧元和英镑本地货币功能常见问题解答。
Paying for ProductBoost
How do I pay for ProductBoost?
You can pay for new ProductBoost campaigns with positive balances in any of the following sources of funding
Account balance from sales on Wish
ProductBoost balance
ProductBoost credit
If you have an insufficient budget, you can recharge your balance by following this guide.
What fees will be incurred for ProductBoost?
When you set your ProductBoost campaigns live, you will incur an impression fee based on your budget. The impression fee is assessed based on your budget and how many impressions your campaign received. The fee will be deducted from your regular merchant payment cycle.
Note: ProductBoost now also supports local currencies, as well. See the EUR & GBP Local Currency Feature FAQs for more details.
如何使用PayPal进行支付?1. 登录wish后台,进入“活动管理”页面; 2. 选择需要支付的商品推广活动,点击“支付”按钮; 3. 系统会跳转到PayPal支付页面,使用您的PayPal账号进行支付即可。
如何使用支付宝进行支付?1. 登录wish后台,进入“活动管理”页面; 2. 选择需要支付的商品推广活动,点击“支付”按钮; 3. 系统会跳转到支付宝支付页面,使用您的支付宝账号扫码或者输入支付密码进行支付即可。