免费试用1. wish商户在何处查看其当前的本地货币代码?
您可以前往商户平台的账户 > 付款设置页面,在“货币设置”部分查看您的本地货币代码。
商户还可以通过 API 查看其货币设置,即 GET /api/v3/merchant/currency_settings(点此查看相关 API 文档)。
2. Wish 目前支持哪些本地货币?
对于中国大陆的商户,Wish 目前支持 CNY(人民币,¥)和 USD(美元,$)作为可用本地货币代码。
自 UTC 时间2020年1月14日凌晨0时起,如果店铺的本地货币代码为 CNY(人民币,¥),则商户只需要提供以人民币为单位的产品价格和运费。
如果店铺的本地货币代码为 USD(美元,$),则商户只需要提供以美元为单位的产品价格和运费,而其他所有本地货币价格均为选填。
3. 我可以在 Wish 平台上编辑店铺的本地货币代码吗?
自 UTC 时间2020年1月14日凌晨0时起,系统将根据商户接收付款的货币设置本地货币代码。欧洲地区以外的商户不得对其店铺的本地货币代码提出申诉或进行手动修改。
2. Where do merchants view their current Local Currency Code?
The Local Currency Code can be found in the Currency Settings section of the Merchant Dashboard Account > Payment Settings page.
Merchants may also view their Currency Settings via API, specifically, GET /api/v3/merchant/currency_settings (relevant API documentation here).
3. What are the Local Currencies currently supported?
Currently for merchants based in Mainland China, Wish supports CNY (¥) and USD ($) as the available Local Currency Codes.
Starting January 14, 2020 12:00AM UTC, if a store's Local Currency Code is set to CNY (¥), merchant only needs to provide product and shipping prices in CNY.
If a store's Local Currency Code is set to USD ($), merchant only needs to provide product and shipping prices in USD, and prices in all other localized currencies are optional.
4. Can I edit my store's Local Currency Code on Wish?
Starting January 14, 2020 12:00AM UTC, the definition of the Local Currency Code is updated to reflect the currency that a merchant is receiving payments in, and merchants based outside of Europe cannot dispute or manually alter their stores' Local Currency Code.