Gudens for Education

United Kingdom · 28000 Employees
We have been Microsoft Cloud Partner for a while, but from this year onwards we are also officially Microsoft for Education Partner in the UK. This makes us a member of the very select group of official partners. Something we are proud of! With this partnership, we can support you with implementing the Microsoft 365 in your school and the configuration of the online administration console. Additionally, we provide training courses for managers and users, so you can enjoy all Microsoft services optimally. From a single classroom to an entire school district, Microsoft 365 Education has the tools students, educators, and IT professionals need to succeed. Microsoft for Education offers a free productivity tools package with G Suite. These user-friendly tools are aimed at engaging students in education at any moment, in any place and on any device. We offer a comprehensive set of services, including: setup, training and support to help give your staff the skills and confidence they need. Our dedicated team of experts can advise you on how best to embrace and embed these services to support collaborative learning, regardless of how big or small your school or budget is. As a Microsoft For Education Partner, we have a wide range of experience and expertise to provide you with the best-fit products from across Microsoft. Find the solutions that work best for your school, with help from a Microsoft education solutions expert.


国家 United Kingdom
总部 105 thornsbeach road, london, greater london, united kingdom
电话号码 +44 20 7183 6797
员工数 28000
行业 government administration,
简介 We have been Microsoft Cloud Partner for a while, but from this year onwards we are also officially Microsoft for Education Partner in the UK. This makes us a member of the very select group of official partners. Something we are proud of! With this partnership, we can support you with implementing the Microsoft 365 in your school and the configuration of the online administration console. Additionally, we provide training courses for managers and users, so you can enjoy all Microsoft services optimally. From a single classroom to an entire school district, Microsoft 365 Education has the tools students, educators, and IT professionals need to succeed. Microsoft for Education offers a free productivity tools package with G Suite. These user-friendly tools are aimed at engaging students in education at any moment, in any place and on any device. We offer a comprehensive set of services, including: setup, training and support to help give your staff the skills and confidence they need. Our dedicated team of experts can advise you on how best to embrace and embed these services to support collaborative learning, regardless of how big or small your school or budget is. As a Microsoft For Education Partner, we have a wide range of experience and expertise to provide you with the best-fit products from across Microsoft. Find the solutions that work best for your school, with help from a Microsoft education solutions expert.


Microsoft Office 365


Mobile Friendly



Email Providers



Gudens for Education 在哪里?

Gudens for Education 的总部位于 105 thornsbeach road, london, greater london, united kingdom

Gudens for Education 的电话号码是多少?

Gudens for Education 的电话号码是 +44 20 7183 6797

Gudens for Education 的官方网站是什么?

Gudens for Education 的公司官方网站是

Gudens for Education 是做什么的?

Gudens for Education 的业务有哪些?

web development,software,creative industries,creative,information technology,gudens

Gudens for Education 的年收入是多少?

Gudens for Education 的收入是 0美元

Gudens for Education 有多少员工?

Gudens for Education 有 28000 名员工

Gudens for Education 属于哪个行业?

Gudens for Education 从事以下行业: government administration

Gudens for Education 使用什么技术?

Gudens for Education 使用的一些流行技术包括: Microsoft Office 365,Mobile Friendly,Outlook,

如何联系 Gudens for Education?

Gudens for Education 联系信息: 电话号码:+44 20 7183 6797, 网站:, 邮箱:ema***@***.com

Gudens for Education 的社交媒体链接是什么?

Gudens for Education 领英:,fackbook:,twitte:

Gudens for Education 是一家上市公司吗?


Gudens for Education 的最后一轮融资是什么时候?


谁投资 Gudens for Education?

Gudens for Education 有 0 家投资者,包括 。


Max Joseph-Monrose

Directeur adjoint chargé de SEGPA

Bernard Lahaye

Directeur du service scolaire de l'école de danse de l'Opéra de Paris

Arnaud Vincent

Directeur d’école

Eric Moulinot

directeur de l'école élémentaire La Bastide REP+

Regis Nogues

directeur délégué aux formations professionnelles et Technologiques


Pascale Delhon

Professeur Ressource Informatique

Philippe Sudre-Rouffaux

Enseignant - Formateur robotique à l'école

Anne Malherbe

conseil en formation

Vial Mireille

professeur des ecoles honoraire

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