Justice British Designer Jewellery

United Kingdom · 690 Employees
Justice British Designer Jewellery Proud to be extraordinary We are not an ordinary jewellery shop. We choose to sell exceptional, astonishing, inspiring jewellery. We like daring, quirky, unique designs and refined, exquisite quality. We want to sell pieces that are noticed, talked about, admired and treasured. Our jewellery is made by some of the most talented, passionate designers around. From well known British makers like Stephen Webster and Shaun Leane to exciting up-and-coming artists. I started Justice nearly twenty years ago and we now have shops in Winchester and Bath. It was a natural progression from time spent buying silver jewellery in the Far East, bringing it back to sell at Camden market to fund my travels. Though the wanderlust has dimmed, my eye for jewellery still burns brightly. Jewellery is more than metal and stones, it's an artistic expression, an evocative memory, a statement, a promise. My aim is to bring together a collection of exceptional designers so you can have jewellery that does you Justice. Jon Quayle


国家 United Kingdom
成立时间 1996
总部 80-81 parchment street, winchester, hampshire, united kingdom
电话号码 +441225329300
网站 http://www.justice.co.uk
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/company/justice
Twitter https://twitter.com/JusticeWinch
员工数 690
行业 luxury goods & jewelry,
简介 Justice British Designer Jewellery Proud to be extraordinary We are not an ordinary jewellery shop. We choose to sell exceptional, astonishing, inspiring jewellery. We like daring, quirky, unique designs and refined, exquisite quality. We want to sell pieces that are noticed, talked about, admired and treasured. Our jewellery is made by some of the most talented, passionate designers around. From well known British makers like Stephen Webster and Shaun Leane to exciting up-and-coming artists. I started Justice nearly twenty years ago and we now have shops in Winchester and Bath. It was a natural progression from time spent buying silver jewellery in the Far East, bringing it back to sell at Camden market to fund my travels. Though the wanderlust has dimmed, my eye for jewellery still burns brightly. Jewellery is more than metal and stones, it's an artistic expression, an evocative memory, a statement, a promise. My aim is to bring together a collection of exceptional designers so you can have jewellery that does you Justice. Jon Quayle




Mailchimp Mandrill

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Justice British Designer Jewellery 在哪里?

Justice British Designer Jewellery 的总部位于 80-81 parchment street, winchester, hampshire, united kingdom

Justice British Designer Jewellery 的电话号码是多少?

Justice British Designer Jewellery 的电话号码是 +441225329300

Justice British Designer Jewellery 的官方网站是什么?

Justice British Designer Jewellery 的公司官方网站是 http://www.justice.co.uk

Justice British Designer Jewellery 是做什么的?

Justice British Designer Jewellery 的业务有哪些?


Justice British Designer Jewellery 的年收入是多少?

Justice British Designer Jewellery 的收入是 0美元

Justice British Designer Jewellery 有多少员工?

Justice British Designer Jewellery 有 690 名员工

Justice British Designer Jewellery 属于哪个行业?

Justice British Designer Jewellery 从事以下行业: luxury goods & jewelry

Justice British Designer Jewellery 使用什么技术?

Justice British Designer Jewellery 使用的一些流行技术包括: DigitalOcean,Mailchimp Mandrill

如何联系 Justice British Designer Jewellery?

Justice British Designer Jewellery 联系信息: 电话号码:+441225329300, 网站:http://www.justice.co.uk, 邮箱:ema***@***.com

Justice British Designer Jewellery 的社交媒体链接是什么?

Justice British Designer Jewellery 领英:http://www.linkedin.com/company/justice,fackbook:,twitte:https://twitter.com/JusticeWinch

Justice British Designer Jewellery 是一家上市公司吗?


Justice British Designer Jewellery 的最后一轮融资是什么时候?


谁投资 Justice British Designer Jewellery?

Justice British Designer Jewellery 有 0 家投资者,包括 。

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