Larque Jewelry

· 0 Employees
Larque is a luxury goods company founded in Paris, France, in 2000, that now operates out of Austin, Texas. Larque offers a range of unique handcrafted jewelry and accessory items, as well as a hand-selected collection of jewelry pieces and handbags chosen from designers and retailers around the world. About Principal Designer Elizabeth Clark I began designing jewelry and handbags soon after moving to Paris in 1998. Inspiration struck and playfully grew amidst the spectacular cityscapes, the impressions that lingered in the passage of elegantly-adorned women, and the countless winding avenues housing alluring displays of exquisite, elaborate jewelry. What began for me as a curiosity soon evolved into a full-blown passion! I still design each collection and craft the initial pieces, but Larque now employs jewelry fabrication specialists in Austin, Texas, to bring the designs to life on a larger scale.


成立时间 2000
员工数 0
行业 luxury goods & jewelry,
简介 Larque is a luxury goods company founded in Paris, France, in 2000, that now operates out of Austin, Texas. Larque offers a range of unique handcrafted jewelry and accessory items, as well as a hand-selected collection of jewelry pieces and handbags chosen from designers and retailers around the world. About Principal Designer Elizabeth Clark I began designing jewelry and handbags soon after moving to Paris in 1998. Inspiration struck and playfully grew amidst the spectacular cityscapes, the impressions that lingered in the passage of elegantly-adorned women, and the countless winding avenues housing alluring displays of exquisite, elaborate jewelry. What began for me as a curiosity soon evolved into a full-blown passion! I still design each collection and craft the initial pieces, but Larque now employs jewelry fabrication specialists in Austin, Texas, to bring the designs to life on a larger scale.


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Larque Jewelry 的年收入是多少?

Larque Jewelry 的收入是 0美元

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Larque Jewelry 有 0 名员工

Larque Jewelry 属于哪个行业?

Larque Jewelry 从事以下行业: luxury goods & jewelry

Larque Jewelry 使用什么技术?

Larque Jewelry 使用的一些流行技术包括: Google Analytics

如何联系 Larque Jewelry?

Larque Jewelry 联系信息: 电话号码:, 网站:, 邮箱:-

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谁投资 Larque Jewelry?

Larque Jewelry 有 0 家投资者,包括 。

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