Josien Visser

Noord-Holland . Amsterdam - Netherlands

Josien Visser 的邮箱和电话

电子邮件 jos***@***.nl

Josien Visser 当前工作场所

Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods

Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods is an independent dairy company based in the Netherlands that produces high-quality milk powders with passion and enthusiasm. We are deeply committed to the quality of our products, the services we provide to our customers and our partnerships with our suppliers. Vreugdenhil’s years of experience and professional expertise have made us a strong and reliable brand name, with millions of people throughout the world enjoying our quality products every day. We are currently one of the leading global suppliers of high-quality milk powders and dairy ingredients for the food and beverage industry.

Josien Visser 简介

公司 Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods
职位 Communicatie Brand Strategy
地点 Netherlands
部门 master_marketing,master_operations
头衔 Contentmarketing | strategie, advies & creatie

Josien Visser 的常见问题(FAQs)

Josien Visser 在哪家公司工作?

Josien Visser 在 Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods 担任 Contentmarketing | strategie, advies & creatie

Josien Visser 在 Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods 的职位是什么?

Josien Visser 在 Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods 的职位是 Contentmarketing | strategie, advies & creatie

Josien Visser 的电子邮件地址是什么?

Josien Visser 的电子邮件地址是 jos***@***.nl

Josien Visser 的电话号码是什么?

Josien Visser 的电话号码是 -

Josien Visser 的工作电话号码是什么?

Josien Visser 的公司电话号码是 +313****

Josien Visser 从事哪个行业?

Josien Visser 在 food & beverages 工作。

Josien Visser 的同事是谁?

Josien Visser 的一些同事包括Josien Visser、Huseyin Balaban、Jan Kevelam、Karsten VoogtPetra Wijk、。

我如何联系 Josien Visser?

Josien Visser联系方式: 电子邮件地址:jos***@***.nl 电话号码:-

Josien Visser 的个人领英是多少

Josien Visser 的个人领英是:

Josien Visser 的办公地点在哪里?

Josien Visser 的办公地点:5 arkerpoort, nijkerk, gelderland, netherlands


Josien Visser

woonbegeleider Kwintes

Josien Visser

Postdoctoral Researcher

Josien Visser

E-Learning Consultant

Josien Visser

Psychosociaal hulpverlener

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