Morgan Summers

. - U.S. Virgin Islands

Morgan Summers 的邮箱和电话

电子邮件 msu***@***.com

Morgan Summers 当前工作场所

Acupay System LLC

Acupay System LLC is a financial technology company that provides data processing services for tax compliance, tax reporting and tax relief in relation to internationally held securities. Acupay is a world leader in the area of cross-border tax reporting and the management of payments of dividends and interest by securities issuers to investors without excess withholding. Its expertise in financial reporting, cross-border tax relief and securities processing, combined with its unique business approach, has enabled it to provide efficient solutions to difficult, if not impossible, operational and technical problems. Acupay has invented revolutionary new systems to allow issuers, custodians, brokers and investors to overcome the many hurdles to reducing excess foreign taxes on cross-border securities holdings. Acupay's impact on the world of foreign securities has been remarkable, including opening the door to new markets where investment activity was previously unsustainable. It utilizes a proprietary computer system which links 975 brokers and banks to bond and securities issuers. This system permits custodian banks to electronically prepare tax certificates and allows investors to receive their withholding tax relief "at source" or via retrospective tax reclaims, effectively neutralizing the impact of withholding tax. Acupay commenced operations in September 2005 and currently has offices in New York and London. The company has 40 full‐time employees.

Morgan Summers 简介

公司 Acupay System LLC
职位 Project Manager
地点 U.S. Virgin Islands
部门 master_engineering_technical
头衔 Project Manager - SubBase Rum Distillery

Morgan Summers 的常见问题(FAQs)

Morgan Summers 在哪家公司工作?

Morgan Summers 在 Acupay System LLC 担任 Project Manager - SubBase Rum Distillery

Morgan Summers 在 Acupay System LLC 的职位是什么?

Morgan Summers 在 Acupay System LLC 的职位是 Project Manager - SubBase Rum Distillery

Morgan Summers 的电子邮件地址是什么?

Morgan Summers 的电子邮件地址是 msu***@***.com

Morgan Summers 的电话号码是什么?

Morgan Summers 的电话号码是 -

Morgan Summers 的工作电话号码是什么?

Morgan Summers 的公司电话号码是 +442****

Morgan Summers 从事哪个行业?

Morgan Summers 在 financial services 工作。

Morgan Summers 的同事是谁?

Morgan Summers 的一些同事包括Morgan Summers、Elliot Yang、Spyros Lamprakis、Thomas SchutteDavid Khachidze、。

我如何联系 Morgan Summers?

Morgan Summers联系方式: 电子邮件地址:msu***@***.com 电话号码:-

Morgan Summers 的个人领英是多少

Morgan Summers 的个人领英是:

Morgan Summers 的办公地点在哪里?

Morgan Summers 的办公地点:30 broad street, new york, new york, united states


Morgan Summers

Senior, Accounting Services

Morgan Summers

Senior Project Manager

Morgan Summers

ACH/ Wire Specialist

Morgan Summers

Advanced Geological Analyst

Morgan Summers

Access Services Assistant

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