Relebohile Matobo

. - Lesotho

Relebohile Matobo 的邮箱和电话

电子邮件 mma***@***.org

Relebohile Matobo 当前工作场所

Partners In Health

Partners In Health (PIH) is a non-profit, global health organization that fights social injustice by bringing the benefits of modern medical science first and foremost to the most vulnerable communities around the world. PIH focuses on those who would not otherwise have access to quality health care. PIH partners with the world's leading academic institutions to create rigorous evidence that shapes more sound and all-inclusive global health policies. PIH also supports local governments' efforts to build capacity and strengthen national health systems. As of today, PIH runs programs in 11 countries (Haiti, Peru, Rwanda, Mexico, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Malawi, Lesotho, Russia, Kazakhstan, Navajo Nation), where it provides direct care to millions of patients, through public facilities and community engagement.

Relebohile Matobo 简介

公司 Partners In Health
职位 IT/EMR Informatics
地点 Lesotho
头衔 Health IT Specialist at Partners In Health Lesotho

Relebohile Matobo 的常见问题(FAQs)

Relebohile Matobo 在哪家公司工作?

Relebohile Matobo 在 Partners In Health 担任 Health IT Specialist at Partners In Health Lesotho

Relebohile Matobo 在 Partners In Health 的职位是什么?

Relebohile Matobo 在 Partners In Health 的职位是 Health IT Specialist at Partners In Health Lesotho

Relebohile Matobo 的电子邮件地址是什么?

Relebohile Matobo 的电子邮件地址是 mma***@***.org

Relebohile Matobo 的电话号码是什么?

Relebohile Matobo 的电话号码是 -

Relebohile Matobo 的工作电话号码是什么?

Relebohile Matobo 的公司电话号码是 +185****

Relebohile Matobo 从事哪个行业?

Relebohile Matobo 在 hospital & health care 工作。

Relebohile Matobo 的同事是谁?

Relebohile Matobo 的一些同事包括Ahmidu Barrie、Relebohile Matobo、Rachel Gasana、Kivura FrankMasengesho Clementine、。

我如何联系 Relebohile Matobo?

Relebohile Matobo联系方式: 电子邮件地址:mma***@***.org 电话号码:-

Relebohile Matobo 的个人领英是多少

Relebohile Matobo 的个人领英是:

Relebohile Matobo 的办公地点在哪里?

Relebohile Matobo 的办公地点:800 boylston street, boston, massachusetts, united states, 02199


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