Rosa Cabiscol

. - Andorra

Rosa Cabiscol 的邮箱和电话

电子邮件 ros***@***.ad

Rosa Cabiscol 当前工作场所

Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom is the company which exclusively provides universal public telecommunications service to the Principality of Andorra. Throughout our history we have adapted our range of services to the changes society has undergone and new needs in terms of connectivity. Our main lines of business are fixed and mobile telephony, internet and data connection services, as well as fibre optic television. In 2016 Andorra became one of the first countries to abandon copper technology and conducted the migration of all its fixed telephony to fibre optic, a process which was divided into two phases. On 30 June the central and most populated parishes, Andorra la Vella and Escaldes-Engordany, were shut down and, on 31 December, this measure was extended to the rest of the territory.

Rosa Cabiscol 简介

公司 Andorra Telecom
职位 IR Coordinator & Interconnexion Services
地点 Andorra
部门 master_finance
头衔 On Leave

Rosa Cabiscol 的常见问题(FAQs)

Rosa Cabiscol 在哪家公司工作?

Rosa Cabiscol 在 Andorra Telecom 担任 On Leave

Rosa Cabiscol 在 Andorra Telecom 的职位是什么?

Rosa Cabiscol 在 Andorra Telecom 的职位是 On Leave

Rosa Cabiscol 的电子邮件地址是什么?

Rosa Cabiscol 的电子邮件地址是 ros***@***.ad

Rosa Cabiscol 的电话号码是什么?

Rosa Cabiscol 的电话号码是 -

Rosa Cabiscol 的工作电话号码是什么?

Rosa Cabiscol 的公司电话号码是 +376****

Rosa Cabiscol 从事哪个行业?

Rosa Cabiscol 在 telecommunications 工作。

Rosa Cabiscol 的同事是谁?

Rosa Cabiscol 的一些同事包括Rosa Cabiscol、Rosa Porqueres、Rosanna Vizcaino、Jef BruMarc Alias、。

我如何联系 Rosa Cabiscol?

Rosa Cabiscol联系方式: 电子邮件地址:ros***@***.ad 电话号码:-

Rosa Cabiscol 的个人领英是多少

Rosa Cabiscol 的个人领英是:

Rosa Cabiscol 的办公地点在哪里?

Rosa Cabiscol 的办公地点:Prat de la Creu, 2, Mn. Lluis Pujol, 8-14 - AD500 Santa Coloma, Andorra la Vella, AD500, AD


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