免费试用How to Build an English Website for Independent Foreign Trade Stations
No matter B2B or B2C foreign trade sellers, having an independent foreign trade station has become a trend. However, how to design an English website has become the problem that many foreign trade people are concerned and entangled with. After all, the purpose of foreign trade people doing foreign trade websites is not only to show, but also to market and transform. So, what is the attention when building an English website?
1. Responsive Design.
At present, the proportion of people using mobile terminals to browse and access the Internet is increasing. According to comscore's survey, nearly 70% of people use mobile devices on the Internet. Therefore, if companies are building a website that only does PC stations and cannot adapt to mobile terminals, they will lose most of their mobile terminal traffic. In addition, if companies plan to promote and optimize in the later stage, responsive website will also affect site inclusion and ranking.
2. Clear Website Navigation.
Website navigation can guide users to browse the website and quickly find the information they want, which is very important for user retention and conversion. First of all, home page navigation should clearly show several core issues that users are concerned about. Secondly, product part navigation, especially for enterprises with more product types, should be clear in terms of navigation level and logic, clear in navigation order and most importantly put what visitors are most concerned about in front. But please note that there should not be too many navigation levels. The bottom navigation can place some information related to the enterprise to supplement some information.
3. Design Style.
People's overall impression of the website comes first from the design style of the website. Websites with user styles are more likely to be welcomed by users. Especially when users can not directly access products on the network, the design and product display of the website directly affects users' desire to purchase and consult. The quality of product pictures often affects the entire banner, or even the display of website style, so when taking product pictures, details should be shown clearly and from multiple angles. The background should not be too messy. Generally it is suggested to refer to brand theme color or industry main color tone. Try to keep consistent color design across different website pages. Fonts are suggested to use only two fonts.
Above is the attention items about building an English website for independent foreign trade stations shared with sellers by lianlian cross-border payment platform which always pays attention to every detail for sellers’ benefit and will bring more articles related in future help sellers better operate their business .
随着全球化进程的 deepening,外贸企业如果想开拓国际市场,吸引更多海外客户,英文网站反而是必须。许多海外客户第一时间通过网络搜索查找相关产品和服务信息,如果企业没有提供英文界面,反而难以让这部分客户了解企业。
外贸企业网站建设应注意什么要点?外贸企业网站建设要注意:1. 语言表达应准确易懂;2. 内容结构 orderly和hierarchical;3. 界面设计简洁明了功能完整;4. 图文内容匹配自然;5. 随时更新网站信息保持新颖性;6. 定期优化SEO提升网站流量。只有做到这些细节,英文网站才能真正吸引和留住海外客户。