1. 案例①:卖家莎莎开店3个月,共有40笔买家成功支付的订单,在12月31日时已有25笔订单处于"已完成"状态,并且订单表现很好未产生买家不良体验,还有15笔仍在进行中,请问卖家莎莎1月份的服务等级是什么?
专家解答:由于在考核期内,虽然莎莎的支付成功订单已经超过了30 笔,但实际完成的订单只有25笔,所以不会参与1月份的服务等级评定中,莎莎仍然属于成长期卖家。若在 1月31日前,莎莎新增已完成订单10笔,历史累计结束的已支付订单达到了35笔,大于30笔,则莎莎将会在2月获得第一次服务等级的评级。
2. 案例②:卖家阿虎在12月31日历史累计结束的已支付订单超过了30笔,可以参加服务等级的考核,在本次考核期内共有10笔符合考核要求的
No, Taobao merchant service level requirements are different for different product categories. General merchandise categories have lower requirements than product categories like consumer electronics.
What are the basic requirements to maintain the \"standard service\" level?The basic requirements to maintain the \"standard service\" level on Taobao include meeting order handling standards for shipping/delivery timelines, maintaining good communication with customers, and ensuring high order fulfilment rates with few customer complaints.
How often is the merchant service level evaluated?Taobao evaluates merchant service levels monthly based on order fulfilment data from the previous month. Merchant levels may fluctuate on a monthly basis depending on their order fulfilment performance.
What happens if a merchant fails to meet the \"standard service\" requirements?If a merchant fails to meet the \"standard service\" requirements for two consecutive months, their service level will be downgraded. Downgrades can affect search rankings and recommendation of products. Merchants need to improve their operations to get upgrades back to the standard level.
Is it possible for a new store to directly obtain a higher service level?For new stores, it usually takes a few months of consistent sales and positive customer service to build up the order volumes and ratings needed to obtain a higher service level beyond standard. Maintaining excellent fulfilment rates is key to working towards higher levels as a new store.