Dear seller support
Today we received a notice from Amazon saying that ourselling privilege has been removed because we sold counterfeitproducts.I immediately check all the listings that Amazonmentioned.
First of all, as a seller who just sold on Amazon for a shorttime, we lacked awareness of Amazon rules and did not understand Amazon's rules very well.
Secondly, as the listings stated by amazon, we don't know thatthis product is with its own brand, to this point we acknowledgeit is our fault.I have deleted all the listings mentioned aboveand will never sell it again.
Through my account seller rating and customers feedback,wethink Amazon should be able to recognize that we are a goodsellerwithgoodproduct quality.weneverzotcustomercomplaints and bad reviews.we hope that Amazon can take thisinto consideration.
Ifyou can give us a chance, our plan of actions are asfollows:
1.Thoroughly,we will see through all the policies and rulesabout selling on your platform.
2.we will carefully check the listings in our account to seeif there has some SKU which do not meet your requirements.Oncefound,they will be deleted immediately and will not be soldagain.
3.we willcheckall the products we've been sold, anycomplaints or product issues we will solve them in proper waywithin 12h in favor of the customer's right.
4.For new products that will be selling later,if there isanyuncertain information,I willinmediately consult Amazonrather than blindly sell it.
I hope that Amazon can provide us with a chance to changeagain.We will do our best to work on Amazon's sales in thefuture with the utmost effort and the most serious attitude.
Look forward to your reply
The most sincere greetings