
2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 本宫要维护后宫和平


注意: 本页面与亚马逊物流 (FBA) 相关的所有信息均适用于在 Amazon.com 网站上进行国际销售的卖家。如果您想在我们的任何其他商城发布并销售您的商品,请访问亚马逊全球开店。

亚马逊物流出口计划可帮助您将业务扩展至 100 多个国家/地区,无需支付任何额外费用。

  • 来自 100 多个国家/地区的国际买家都可以访问您的本地商城,并能购买符合亚马逊物流出口条件的商品。

  • 亚马逊可帮助您确定符合亚马逊物流出口条件的商品,配送您的国际订单,处理进口关税和清关,并将您的商品配送到国际买家的地址。

  • 国际配送运费和关税由国际买家支付。配送亚马逊物流出口订单无需额外支付任何费用。

  • 您可以将商品从亚马逊物流出口中排除,也可以将国家/地区从其中排除。

  • 亚马逊将根据其退货政策确定通过亚马逊物流出口配送的商品是否符合退货条件。

  • 您可以使用卖家平台账户中的商品信息向在 Amazon.com 上购物的国际买家销售符合亚马逊物流出口条件的商品。除了多渠道配送订单外,卖家无需支付其他费用即可使用亚马逊物流出口计划。有关更多信息,请访问亚马逊物流出口费用。

注意: 对于使用亚马逊物流出口,请确保所有符合亚马逊物流出口条件的商品均可在没有任何许可或其他授权的情况下合法出口,并且可以合法地进口至任何符合亚马逊物流出口条件的国家/地区,同时遵守当地的所有适用法律。








  1. 在【设置】下拉菜单中,点击【亚马逊物流】。

  2. 转至【出口设置】,然后点击【编辑】。

  3. 在【配送限制】部分,点击【编辑】,选择您要排除的国家/地区,然后点击【保存】。

要从部分或所有国家/地区排除单件商品 , 请执行以下操作:

  1. 在【设置】下拉菜单中,点击【亚马逊物流】。

  2. 转至【出口设置】,然后点击【编辑】。

  3. 点击【排除商品】。

  4. 下载亚马逊物流出口排除文件并按照文件中的说明从某个国家/地区排除单件商品。





注意: 您可以将音乐、影视和 DVD 配送至加拿大。您不能将图书类商品从美国配送到加拿大。




  • 武器和仿制武器

  • 植物、植物商品、种子和泥土

  • 动物和某些动物制品

  • 监控设备

  • 激光指示器和相关商品



  • 酒类

  • 武器、武器组件和武器配件,包括防身喷雾、BB/气枪/彩弹枪及部件、瞄准具、枪套和便携包

  • 化学品,包括杀虫剂、化肥、杀虫剂、工业用化学品、汽车用化学品和某些清洁剂

  • 食品、药品和补充剂,包括宠物食品和宠物补充剂

  • 医疗器械,包括诊断套件、医疗警报装置和性别决定套件

  • 药物用具

  • 成人用品

  • 酿酒设备

  • 婴儿学步车、婴儿自行喂养设备和汽车座椅

  • 密码电子设备

  • 赌博相关商品和用具

  • 仿真货币



  • 重型或大件商品,如床垫或床

  • 危险品

  • 较大或独立的锂离子电池

  • 二手油,如食用油或机油

注意: 标准尺寸商品也许可以使用亚马逊物流出口,但大件商品不行。

尚未处理的 ASIN:

这些是等待审核以确定是否符合亚马逊物流出口条件的商品。我们每月会针对资格条件处理一次新的 ASIN。请确保您的商品包含完整的商品描述或要点,以便其能够在下一周期中得到处理。


MWS 卖家的可出口库存报告

如果使用集成式 Web 服务 API 来管理您的亚马逊业务,并拥有一个符合商城网络服务要求的卖家账户,则您可以使用以下 API 操作来下载最新的可出口库存报告。


报告编号: 26600

注意: 用于可出口库存报告的以下 API 操作已被停止。请针对您可以使用亚马逊物流出口配送的商品的当前列表使用上述 API 操作:


报告编号: 2620







重要: 只有以下媒介类商品才有资格进行国际多渠道配送:书籍、电影、视频和 DVD(BMVD 商品)。

即使对应 ASIN 符合亚马逊物流出口的条件,您仍然无法为非媒介类商品创建国际多渠道配送订单。


通过亚马逊物流出口,亚马逊可为您的订单提供配送和客户服务,包括处理买家退货。亚马逊使用亚马逊退货政策来确定商品是否符合退货条件。 但是,为了确保提供良好的买家体验,亚马逊将会根据具体的情况进行例外处理,接受可能已超出指定退货时间范围的亚马逊物流配送商品的退货。




【费用:】 对于发往国际地址的多渠道配送订单的商品价格,请参阅亚马逊物流出口费用。


FBA Export

Note: Any Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)-related information on this page applies to sellers who sell internationally on the Amazon.com site. If you want to list and sell your products on any of our other marketplaces, visit Amazon Global Selling.

At no extra charge, the FBA Export program can help you expand your business to more than 100 countries and regions.

  • International customers from more than 100 countries and regions can visit your home marketplace and shop for products that are eligible for FBA Export.

  • Amazon helps you identify which of your products are eligible for FBA Export, fulfills your international orders, handles import duty and customs clearance, and ships your product to the international buyer's address.

  • International buyers pay international shipping costs and customs duty. There is no extra cost to you to fulfill FBA Export orders.

  • You can exclude products and you can exclude countries from FBA Export.

  • Amazon's return policies are used to determine whether a unit fulfilled through FBA Export is eligible to be returned.

  • You use product listings in your Seller Central account to sell FBA Export-eligible products to international customers shopping on Amazon.com. Except on Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders, sellers do not pay additional fees to use FBA Export. For more information, visit FBA Export fees.

Note: For using FBA Export, please make sure that all FBA export-eligible products can be lawfully exported without any license or other authorization, and they can be lawfully imported into, and comply with all applicable laws of, any FBA export-eligible country.

FBA Export enrollment

Most sellers are enrolled automatically in FBA Export by default. To check your FBA Export enrollment status, click Fulfillment by Amazon in the Settings drop-down menu and go to the Export Settings group.

You can enable or disable FBA Export in Export Settings at any time.

By using FBA Export, you authorize Amazon to sign a commercial invoice on your behalf for each FBA Export shipment. This commercial invoice will itemize and describe the contents of the shipment and authorize brokers and other third parties to execute additional documents necessary for the export of your products.

Exclude countries or products from FBA Export shipments

You can change the FBA Export settings to meet your business needs by excluding countries, excluding products, or excluding some products from some countries.

To exclude countries:

  1. In the Settings drop-down menu, click Fulfillment by Amazon.

  2. Go to Export Settings and click Edit.

  3. In the Shipping restrictions section, click Edit, select the countries you want to exclude, and click Save.

To exclude individual products from some or all countries:

  1. In the Settings drop-down menu, click Fulfillment by Amazon.

  2. Go to Export Settings and click Edit.

  3. Click Exclude products.

  4. Download the FBA Export exclusion file and follow the instructions in the file to exclude individual products from a country or region.

    You can exclude up to 1 million non-media products through file upload.

    You can edit, add, or remove products from the FBA Export exclusion list at any time.

Eligible products

For a list of products from your FBA inventory that are eligible for FBA Export, go to the Reports tab, click Fulfillment, and under Inventory click Show more to access the Exportable Inventory report. You can check the list, even if you have FBA Export disabled. We update this report periodically, so if you have no exportable products now, check again later.

Note: You can ship music, videos, and DVDs to Canada. You cannot ship books from the US to Canada.

Products may not be eligible for FBA Export for a variety of reasons, including:

Export restrictions:

For certain classes of products, the laws of the source country prohibit the items from shipping internationally. For example, the US government prohibits export of military products as a matter of national security. The following types of products are generally restricted for export:

  • Weapons and imitation weapons

  • Plants, plant products, seeds, and soil

  • Animals and certain animal products

  • Surveillance equipment

  • Laser pointers and related products

Import restrictions:

Although a source country may allow exports of an item, destination countries have their own policies regarding what may be imported. The policies vary by country. To avoid delays, customs clearance issues, and poor customer experience, Amazon generally restricts international shipment of the following types of products (this is assessed on a country-by-country basis):

  • Alcohol

  • Weapons, weapon components, and weapon accessories, including defense sprays; BB, airsoft and paintball guns and parts; scopes; holsters; and carrying cases

  • Chemicals including pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, industrial and automotive chemicals, and certain cleaners

  • Food, medicines, and supplements, including pet food and pet supplements

  • Medical devices including diagnostic kits, medical alert devices, and sex determination kits

  • Drug paraphernalia

  • Adult products

  • Alcohol brewing equipment

  • Baby walkers, baby self-feeding devices, and car seats

  • Cryptographic electronic equipment

  • Gambling-related items and paraphernalia

  • Imitation currency

Transportation and logistics restrictions:

Certain restrictions are based on logistics or transportation limitations. For example, products that exceed a certain size and weight are excluded from FBA Export. Transportation restrictions include:

  • Heavy or bulky items such as mattresses or beds

  • Dangerous goods

  • Large or standalone lithium ion batteries

  • Used oil, such as cooking oil or motor oil

Note: Standard-size units may be eligible for FBA Export; oversize units are not.

ASINs not yet processed:

These are items awaiting review to determine if they are eligible for FBA Export. We process new ASINs for eligibility once a month. Make sure your product has either a full product description or bullet point so it can be processed in the next cycle.

For more information see the Dangerous goods identification guide.

Exportable Inventory report for MWS sellers

If you use an integrated web service API to manage your Amazon business and have a Marketplace Web Service-eligible seller account, you can use the following API operation to download the latest Exportable Inventory report.


Report ID: 26600

Note: The following API operation for the Exportable Inventory report has been discontinued. Use the API operation above for a current list of the products you can ship using FBA Export:


Report ID: 2620

FBA Export and product distribution agreements

If you have concerns that distribution agreements may limit where your products can be sold overseas, you can opt out of FBA Export, restrict shipments to certain countries, or exclude specific products from the program. You can do this at any time and for any reason.

Sales reports for international orders

To see a sales report for your FBA exports, go to the Reports tab, click Fulfillment, and in the left panel under Sales, click Amazon Fulfilled Shipments. You can see your FBA Export international orders by filtering the ship-to destination country.

For API Sellers, the enumeration value is _GET_AMAZON_FULFILLED_SHIPMENTS_DATA_.

International Multi-Channel Fulfillment Orders

Important: Only the following media products are eligible for international Multi-Channel Fulfillment: books, movies, videos, and DVDs (BMVD products).

Even if the ASIN is eligible for FBA Export, you cannot create international Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders for non-media products.

International returns for FBA Export

With FBA Export, Amazon provides fulfillment and customer service for your orders, including processing buyer returns. Amazon uses Amazon's return policies to determine whether a unit is eligible to be returned. However, to ensure a good buyer experience, Amazon will make case-by-case exceptions and accept returns for units fulfilled through FBA that may be past the stated return time frame.

When a buyer returns a product, the standard Amazon returns policy will be followed. If the returned product is received in sellable condition, it will be returned to the original seller's inventory. If the returned product is not in sellable condition, Amazon will determine who is at fault (Amazon or the buyer) and make reimbursement according to the FBA lost and damaged inventory reimbursement policy.

The buyer must pay the return shipping costs if there is no product defect. If there is a product defect, the buyer pays and ships the product back to Amazon's warehouse. Amazon will compensate the buyer for the actual return shipping cost when the parcel is received.

For more information, see FBA customer returns policy.

Fees: For pricing information on Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders to international addresses, refer to FBA Export fees.











