1. 主图必须高端大气上档次,并且主图最好是在反应产品使用的真实状态下进行场景渲染。
2. 亚马逊的详情页面一般可以设置8张图片,1张主图和7张幅图。
3. 选择专业的美工前要看一下他们的作品,一是水准;二是图片处理风格是否和自己的产品相匹配。
1. 根据亚马逊A9算法,标题是搜索核心重中之重,会影响产品点击量。
2. 标题中体现产品的属性、优缺点,告诉消费者你卖的是什么,同时能带给他什么。
3. 参考其他流量较高的店铺,但不要选择同类产品最前面的店铺,新手店铺listing优化效果较好。
Make sure to include keyword-rich highlights of your product features and benefits. Use bullet points, headings, and formatting to make it easy for customers to skim. Include specific details that will help customers determine if your product is right for them.
What product images are most effective?Use high-quality, well-lit photos that clearly show your product from multiple angles. Make the first image your hero shot that captures attention. Include lifestyle images showing how customers can use your product. Avoid clutter and ensure the entire product is in focus. Consider adding professional photos to stand out.
How important are customer reviews?Customer reviews are extremely important on Amazon, as they are a major factor in sales rank and discoverability. Ask your loyal customers to leave honest, detailed reviews upon purchase. Consider an incentive program to encourage more reviews over time. Respond to reviews politely and try to resolve any issues mentioned.
What are some tips for optimizing my product listing page?In addition to a compelling description and great images, optimize key fields like the product title, bullet points, and search terms. Test different combinations to see what performs best. Make sure to select accurate product categories and investigate useful alternatives. Evaluate your competitors' listings for ideas too.