
2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 独孤玉米肠





您必须符合以下要求才能成功申请在此分类下销售 ASIN:

  • 在申请过程中,您必须向亚马逊发送每个流媒体播放器型号的样本商品。

  • 确保流媒体播放器不违反 亚马逊的电子产品政策。

  • 提供以下信息:

    • 品牌

    • 制造商

    • 型号

    • 硬件规格

    • 操作系统和版本

    • 设备中安装的所有软件和应用程序的列表,包括 APK 文件列表

    • 设备中的软件安装来源列表:(例如:Google Play Store、F-Droid Play Store 等)

    • 制造后安装的应用程序或更新

  • 提供申请表和任何其他关于待售商品的信息。当您申请在“流媒体播放器”分类下销售商品后,我们会与您联系以获取更多信息。

  • 如果您有自己的公司网站,请提供此信息,这有助于我们审核您的申请。但如果您没有自己的公司网站,也可申请在此分类下销售商品。


  1. 下载申请表并填写完整。

  2. 在卖家平台中,依次点击【库存】 > 【添加新商品】。

  3. 搜索您希望销售的 ASIN。

  4. 在搜索结果中点击相应 ASIN 旁边的【有商品发布限制】。

  5. 点击【请求批准】按钮开始申请流程。

  6. 上传您之前填写好的申请表。





Streaming Media Players

Amazon limits the addition of new sellers in certain categories to ensure that customers are able to buy with confidence. Products in the Streaming Media Player category must meet the requirements listed below in order to be sold on Amazon. These requirements address concerns about the infringement of material protected by copyright.

If you have questions about specific policies, see Policies and agreements.

Seller requirements

You must meet the following requirements in order to successfully apply to sell an ASIN in this category:

  • As part of the application process, you must send in a sample product for every model of streaming media player to Amazon.

  • Ensure that the Streaming Media Player does not violate Amazon's policy on electronics.

  • Provide the following information:

    • Brand

    • Manufacturer

    • Model Number

    • Hardware Specifications

    • Operating System and Version

    • List of all software and applications including the list of .APK files installed on the device

    • List of software installation sources on device: (examples: Google Play Store, F-Droid Play Store, etc.)

    • Applications or updates installed post-manufacturing

  • Provide the application form and any other information about the products you intend to sell. After you request approval to sell in the Streaming Media Player category, we will contact you requesting additional information.

  • If you have your own company website, please share this information, as it will help us review your application. However, you do not need to own a company website in order to apply to sell in this category.

Approval process

  1. Download the application form and fill it out.

  2. In Seller Central, go to Inventory > Add a Product.

  3. Search for the ASIN you want to sell.

  4. In the search results, click the Listing limitations apply link next to the ASIN.

  5. Click the Request Approval button to start the application process.

  6. Upload the application that you filled out earlier.

We will neither return nor compensate you for the sample product that you need to send as part of the application. We will contact you with mailing instructions after your application has been reviewed. You are responsible for paying any shipping charges when sending your streaming media player sample to us. Samples submitted will be evaluated based on the requirements above.

Application Review: We will consider many factors when reviewing applications to sell a Streaming Media Player. We reserve the right to reject applications at our discretion.

Ongoing Listing Quality Assurance: We may periodically review the quality of Streaming Media Player listings without notice. We may revoke Streaming Media Player selling privileges at any time and for any reason upon notice.












