亚马逊教程|通过上传 Excel 或 .tsv 文件提供箱内物品信息

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 玛丽苏公主日记

通过上传 Excel 或 .tsv 文件提供箱内物品信息

上传文件(Excel 格式)

  1. 在【文件格式】下,从下拉列表中选择 【Excel (.xslx) 模板】。

  2. 输入货件中箱子的数量。

  3. 点击【下载装箱单模板】以下载装箱单。使用 Excel 打开该文件。

  4. 对于每个箱子,请输入每种商品的数量、有效期/保质期(如果适用)、箱子重量和箱子尺寸。确保信息正确无误后,保存该文件。

  5. 填写完成装箱单后,您可以在【上传完成的装箱单】部分进行上传。

    注意: 如果使用 Excel 模板,请确保您的上传文件为 .xlsx 格式。文件上传验证可能需要几分钟的时间才能完成。请务必加以核对,确保上传文件时不会出现任何错误。如果出现错误,请参阅处理报告以了解更多信息。

重要: 如果您不提供准确的箱内物品信息,我们可能会阻止您今后运送货件,并将收取人工处理费。

注意: 所有货件都需要准确的纸箱重量和尺寸,即使您选择不在卖家平台提供箱内物品信息也是如此。有关更多信息,请参阅: 运输和路线安排要求

上传文件(.tsv 格式)

  1. 在【文件格式】下,从下拉列表中选择【制表符分隔 (.tsv) 模板】。

  2. 输入货件中箱子的数量。

  3. 点击【下载装箱单模板】,并在任意电子表格程序中打开该文件(或将文本复制粘贴到电子表格中)。

  4. 在箱子的 【[货件编号] U000001 – 商品数量】列中,输入您装在第一个箱子中的每种商品的数量(对于原厂包装发货的货件,列标题将改为【装运箱数量】。这时,请输入装运箱的数量)。 例如,如果货件编号是 FBA2HCHGWK,1 号箱子附带有 U000001 (FBA2HCHGWK000001),2 号箱子附带有 U000002 (FBA2HCHGWK000002),且 3 号箱子附带有 U000003 (FBA2HCHGWK000003)。

  5. 在要求提供有效期/保质期的商品所对应的 【[货件编号] [箱子编号] – 有效期/保质期】列中添加有效期/保质期。如果有效期/保质期不是必填项,您将在字段中看到“不需要”。

    注意: 每个箱子中的每个 SKU 只能有一个有效期/保质期。如果您的一个 SKU 具有多个有效期/保质期,则该货件必须使用不同的箱子分开包装,使每个箱子的每个 SKU 只有一个有效期/保质期。有关更多信息,请参阅具有有效期的亚马逊物流库存。

  1. 将文件保存为制表符分隔格式(.tsv 或 .txt)。

  2. 填写完成装箱单后,您可以在【上传完成的装箱单】部分进行上传。

注意: 如果使用制表符分隔模板,请确保您上传的文件为 .tsv 或 .txt 格式。请勿修改任何列标题。文件上传验证可能需要几分钟的时间才能完成。请务必加以核对,确保上传文件时不会出现任何错误。如果出现错误,请参阅处理报告以了解更多信息。


Provide box content information by uploading an Excel  or .tsv file

Upload file (Excel format)

  1. Under File format, select Excel (.xslx) template from the drop-down list.

  2. Enter the number of boxes in your shipment.

  3. Click Download pack list template to download your pack list. Open the file with Excel.

  4. For each box, enter the number of units per product, expiration dates (if applicable), and the box weight and dimensions. After making sure the information is correct, save the file.

  5. Once your pack list is completed, you can upload it in the Upload your completed pack list section.

    Note: If using an Excel template, make sure your uploaded file is in .xlsx format. File upload verification may take several minutes to complete. Please check to make sure your file uploaded without errors. If errors occurred, see the processing report for more information.

Important: Failure to provide accurate box content information might result in blocking of future shipments, and a manual processing fee will be applied.

Note: Accurate carton weight and dimensions are required for all shipments, even if you opt to not provide box content information in Seller Central. For more information, see: Shipping and routing requirements.

Upload file (.tsv format)

  1. Under File format, select Tab-delimited (.tsv) template from the drop-down list.

  2. Enter the number of boxes in your shipment.

  3. Click Download pack list template and open the file in any spreadsheet program (or copy and paste the text into a spreadsheet).

  4. In the box [Shipment ID] U000001 – Unit Quantity column, enter the quantity of each product that you have packed in the first box (For case-packed shipments, the column header will read Case Quantity. (Enter the number of cases.) For example, if the shipment ID is FBA2HCHGWK, box 1 is appended with U000001 (FBA2HCHGWKU000001), box 2 is appended with U000002 (FBA2HCHGWKU000002), and box 3 is appended with U000003 (FBA2HCHGWKU000003).

  5. Add expiration dates in the [Shipment ID] [Box number] – Expiration Date column for products that require them. If an expiration date is not required, you will see "Not Needed" in the field.

    Note: A SKU can have only one expiration date per box. If you have a SKU with multiple expiration dates, the shipment must be packed in separate boxes so that each box has only one expiration date per ASIN. For more information, see Expiration-dated FBA inventory.

  1. Save the file in a tab-delimited or tab-separated format (.tsv or .txt).

  2. Once your pack list is completed, you can upload it in the Upload your completed pack list section.

Note: If using the tab-delimited template, make sure your uploaded file is in .tsv or .txt format. Do not modify any of the column headers. File upload verification may take several minutes to complete. Please check to make sure that your file uploaded without errors. If errors occurred, see the processing report for more information.




上传 Excel 或 .tsv 文件后如何查看?



我们支持 Excel (.xlsx, .xls) 和文本分隔值文件 (.tsv) 格式。文件每列需要有明确的字段名。我们支持数字、文本、日期字段。但不支持复合字段或嵌套结构。文件不能大于50M。



