
2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 夜市景色
Resolve return issues for seller-fulfilled orders

Fix issues with return labels, refunds and reimbursement claims





  • 所有商品包装、文件(箱子、手册、保修卡等)以及真品证书、等级证书和鉴定证书必须随退货商品一起退回。包装必须未开封且完好无损(如果适用)。
  • 商品必须处于全新且未磨损状况。
  • 对于任何因买家疏忽、误用或篡改而造成残损、零件丢失或不可售状况的商品,将概不接受退货。
  • 对于任何在收货后出现大小变动、残损或其他变化的商品,将概不接受退货。


注意: 要安排商品的退货,您必须提供所选国家/地区境内的退货地址或支付退货运费。要支付退货运输成本,您可以向买家发送预付费退货货件标签,或赔偿买家支付的运输成本。我们建议您在预付费退货货件标签中包含追踪编码。








如果处于原始状况的媒介类商品(图书、音乐、影视)在原始货件送达买家的 30 天内寄出,则可退货。


对于二手媒介类商品(图书、音乐、影视),买家必须在收到商品后的 14 天内报告存在瑕疵、残损或重大差异。退货商品必须在预计最迟送达日期后的 30 天内寄出。



  • 如果商品在售出时是全新状况,而买家收到商品后打开了包装,则您可以拒绝接受退货,除非商品有瑕疵。
  • 如果商品在售出时是二手状况且不存在重大差异或瑕疵,而买家收到商品后打开了包装,您也可以拒绝接受退货。
  • 如果商品存在重大差异但处于原始状况,并且买家在原始货件送达后的 30 天内寄出,则您应接受退货。


注意: 您只能在亚马逊上销售完整零售版本的软件。有关准售和禁售商品的信息,请参阅销售软件。


如果电视/音响在原始货件送达买家的 30 天内寄出,则可退货。

  • 如果商品是以全新或二手状况配送,但在送达时有瑕疵或残损,则买家必须在收到商品后的 14 天内向您报告存在瑕疵/残损,并安排退货。
  • 如果商品在送达买家超过 30 天后出现故障且仍处于保修期内,请协助买家向制造商寻求保修索赔。


注意: 如果买家退回的商品带有非易失性内存(例如 MP3 播放器或数码相机),您必须立即清除设备中的所有买家数据。非易失性内存是指即使在未通电时也能存储信息的任何计算机化内存。



注意: 如果您拒绝接受购买价格低于 $300 的商品的退货,但亚马逊认定该商品存在重大差异,则您可能需要承担对该交易提出的任何亚马逊商城交易保障索赔或信用卡拒付争议责任。



根据亚马逊自营退货政策,买家不得退还由燃气驱动或包含可燃液体的危险品。也不得退还送达超过 30 天的笔记本电脑或台式机。




Guidelines for handling returns


Resolve return issues for seller-fulfilled orders

Fix issues with return labels, refunds and reimbursement claims

What can we help you with?
Learn about refunds and returns

When you process returns, you are required to match or exceed the Amazon return policies.

Under the Amazon returns policies, the following conditions apply only to returns initiated due to change of minds. They do not apply to items that are returned because they are faulty.


  • All item packaging, documentation (boxes, manuals, warranty cards, etc.) and certificates of authenticity, grading, and appraisal must be returned with the returned items. Packaging must be unopened and seals intact (where applicable).
  • Items must be in new and unworn condition.
  • Any items that, because of customer negligence, misuse or tampering are, damaged, missing parts or in unsellable condition, will not be accepted for return.
  • Any item(s) that have been resized, damaged or otherwise altered after delivery will not be accepted for return.


Note: To arrange the return of an item, you must either provide a return address in the Elected Country or pay for return shipping costs. To pay for shipping, you can send the buyer a prepaid return shipping label or reimburse the shipping costs.We recommend that prepaid return shipping labels include tracking.


Reimbursement for returns without prepaid return shipping labels must be made as soon as the buyer provides a return shipping receipt.

Appeal a return

You can file an appeal if Amazon authorized a return or refund on your behalf that you believe should not have been authorized. For details, see Appeal a return.

International returns

To learn about the Amazon international return policy, see Customer returns for international sales.

New BMVD products

Buyers can return books, music, videos, and DVDs (BMVD) in their original condition if they are postmarked within 30 days of the delivery of the original shipment.

Used BMVD products

For used BMVD products, the buyer must report defects, damage, or material difference within 14 days of receipt. The returned item must be postmarked within 30 days from the latest estimated date of arrival.


Software is a unique category and has specific guidelines.

  • If the product was sold in new condition and has been opened, you can refuse to accept the return unless it is defective.
  • If the product was sold as Used/Open and is not materially different or defective, you can refuse to accept the return.
  • If the product is materially different, you should accept a return if the buyer sends it back in its original condition and it is postmarked within 30 days of the delivery of the original shipment.


Note: You can sell only full retail versions of software on Amazon. For information about allowed and prohibited items, see Selling software.


Buyers can return electronics if the products are postmarked within 30 days of the delivery of the original shipment.

  • If the item was shipped as New or Used, and it is defective or damaged upon receipt, the buyer must report the defect or damage to you within 14 days of receipt and arrange a return.
  • If the item becomes defective more than 30 days after shipment and is under warranty, assist the buyer in pursuing a warranty claim with the manufacturer.


Note: If a customer returns a product that has non-volatile internal memory (like an MP3 player or a digital camera), you must clear the devices of any customer data immediately. Non-volatile memory is any computerized memory that can keep information stored even when not powered.

Baby products

If you fulfill your own orders for baby products, you must accept returns according to your posted return policies at the time of the order. If you use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), returns are processed according to the Amazon return policy for baby products.

Note: If you refuse to accept the return of an item that had a purchase price less than $300, and Amazon determines that it is materially different, you might be held responsible for any A-to-z Guarantee claim or chargeback dispute that is filed.


Hazardous items

As with the Amazon retail returns policy, buyers cannot return hazardous items that are gas-powered or contain flammable liquids. They also cannot return laptop or desktop computers more than 30 days after delivery.

You can issue a concession in addition to or instead of refunding order amounts.





退货需要注意以下事项: 1.保证产品完整,未损坏,未开封; 2.保留包装与随附的所有配件; 3.按照亚马逊退货说明进行操作; 4.退货时需要准确填写退货理由。





