3、平台下架与卖家主动下架区分: 平台会对假冒伪劣产品以及禁售物品进行下架,如果是由平台下架的产品,卖家是无法进行再上架操作的。一旦卖家二次上架,该产品账号会被平台进行高度监控,严重的会对账户进行封禁。
2、流量不足问题得到弥补: 适合粉丝量较多的卖家操作,从而弥补因流量不足而影响到的一切问题。
There could be several reasons why your product was delisted from Wish, such as intellectual property violations, safety concerns, lack of sales, etc. You may want to contact Wish support to get more specifics on why your particular listing was removed.
How do I get my product relisted on Wish?To get your product relisted, you need to address any issues Wish had with the original listing. Make sure your product name, images, and description do not violate any Wish policies. You may also want to enhance your product details to help it better stand out. Then contact Wish support to request the product be re-reviewed for relisting.
What steps do I need to take to relist my product?The main steps to get a delisted product relisted are: 1) Make any necessary changes to the product listing to address Wish's original concerns. 2) Submit a reinstatement request through Wish's Help Center, including an explanation of the changes made. 3) Wish will review the request and product details. 4) If approved, your product will be relisted for sale.
How long does it take for Wish to relist a product?It usually takes 3-5 business days for Wish to fully review and process a reinstatement request. However, timing can vary depending on factors like the level of changes required or Wish's current review volume. In most cases, as long as you addressed the original issues and followedWish's policies, your product should be approved to sell again within 1-2 weeks.