免费试用根据您所在的区域,您可以使用以下付款方式支付您的 Shopify 账单。
您可以使用 Mastercard、Visa 或 American Express 的有效信用卡来支付您的 Shopify 账单(一次性费用或定期费用)。您的信用卡需要能支持定期付款。
或者,您可以使用 Mastercard、Visa 或 American Express 的联名借记卡。如果您使用联名借记卡支付 Shopify 账单,该卡必须满足以下要求:
如果您开展业务的地点在法国,那么您需要使用信用卡或准贷记卡来支付您的 Shopify 订阅费用。如果您不确定您拥有的银行卡的类型,请联系您的发卡银行。
如果您的商店在印度,则不能使用 RuPay 卡支付 Shopify 账单。
如果您的公司位于巴西,则必须使用国际性(而不是全国性)Visa 或 Mastercard。请确认您的卡是否有 Internacional 标识。
如果您的商店位于美国并且您的 Shopify Payments 账户余额中有足够的资金,那么 Shopify Balance则会被选为您用于模板购买和一次性应用购买的默认付款方式。如果您想使用 Shopify Payments 账户余额支付经常性费用,则必须在账单设置中启用它。
如果费用超出了您 Shopify Payments 账户余额中的资金,则不会从您的余额中扣除付款费用。在这种情况下,会从您已存档的信用卡中收取账单的全部金额。
Shopify 通过定期付款收取大部分费用。定期付款按固定周期进行。账单周期各不相同,并且并非所有周期都是同步的,也有例外情况,例如您开始使用账单周期为 30 天的套餐,并在同一天安装所有应用。
如果您的信用卡或联名借记卡卡号发生变化,请确保在 Shopify 账户中进行更新。
- 美国:在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > 账单。
- 所有其他国家:在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 账单。
- 如果信用卡是唯一可用的付款方式,请点击更换信用卡。 - 如果有多种付款方式可用,请点击要更改的信用卡旁边的 ...
在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > 账单。
- 若要添加新的银行账户,请点击添加付款方式。 - 若要更换银行账户,请点击银行账户旁边的 ...
在 1 到 3 个工作日内,Shopify 将向您的银行账户存入两笔小额(少于 1.00 美元)款项。这些款项存入您的账户后,您需要验证您的银行账户。
Payment methods for your Shopify bills
Depending on which region you are in, you can use the following payment methods to pay your Shopify bills.
Credit cards and co?branded debit cards
You can pay for your Shopify bills (one-time or recurring) using a valid credit card from Mastercard, Visa, or American Express. Your credit card needs to allow for recurring payments.
Alternatively, you can use a debit card that is co?branded with Mastercard, Visa, or American Express. If you use a co?branded debit card to pay your Shopify bills, then it must meet the following requirements:
The card must have international capabilities.
The card must be set up to accept recurring transactions.
If your co?branded debit card doesn't have these capabilities or if you're not sure, then you must contact the financial institution that issued the card for assistance.
Considerations for credit cards and co?branded debit cards
Review the following considerations for using credit cards and co?branded debit cards in specific countries and regions.
If you are based in France, then you need to use a credit card or a deferred debit card to pay for your Shopify subscription. If you are unsure which type of card you have, then contact your bank.
If you are based in India, then you can't use a RuPay card to pay for your Shopify bills.
If you are based in Brazil, then you must use an international, not national, Visa or Mastercard. Verify that your card is branded as Internacional.
Shopify balance
If your store is based in the United States and you have sufficient funds in your Shopify Payments account balance, then Shopify balance is selected as your default payment method for theme purchases and one-time app purchases. If you want to pay recurring charges using your Shopify Payments account balance, then you must enable it in your Billing settings.
If the charges exceed the funds in your Shopify Payments account balance, then the payment is not taken from your balance. In this case, the full amount of the bill is charged to the credit card that you have on file.
Update your billing information
Your billing information includes your credit card number and your billing address. If you need to update your billing information, then you can access it from the Settings menu in your admin.
Most of the fees charged by Shopify are recurring payments. Recurring payments occur on a regular cycle. These billing cycles vary and are not all in sync unless, for example, you start on a plan with 30-day billing and install all of your apps on the same day.
Update your credit card or co?branded debit card number
If your credit card or co?branded debit card number changes, then make sure that you update it in your Shopify account.
Navigate to your Billing page:
United States: From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Billing.
All other countries: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Billing.
In the Payment methods section, do either of the following:
If credit card is the only available payment method, then click Replace credit card.
If multiple payment methods are available, click the
button beside the payment method that you want to change, and then click Replace.Enter the required information.
Click Replace credit card.
Adding or replacing a bank account
Adding or replacing a bank account is a two-step process. First, you add your bank account information. Then you verify your bank account.
Step 1: Add or replace your bank account information
From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Billing.
In the Payment methods section, do either of the following:
To add a new bank account, click Add payment method.
To replace a bank account, click the
button beside the bank account, and then click Replace.If necessary, from Payment method type, select Bank account.
Enter the account and routing numbers for the bank account that you want to verify.
Enter the store owner's name, and designate the account type as Private or Business.
Click Start verification.
In 1 to 3 business days, Shopify deposits two small amounts (less than $1.00) to your bank account. After these deposits are made to your account, you need to verify your bank account.
Step 2: Verify your bank account
In the Payment methods section, click Complete verification.
Enter the two amounts that were deposited in to your bank account.
If you want to make the verified account your primary payment method, then check Make this bank account my primary payment method.
Click Complete verification.
If verification is successful, then the bank account is listed in the Payment methods section.
If the verification fails, then a message appears above the failed bank account that states that verification for your bank account was unsuccessful. You can either replace or remove the failed bank account. Contact your bank to learn more before trying again.