免费试用与潜在买家进行良好的沟通有助于成功售出您的企业。与潜在买家之间的最重要的沟通(从接收第一条消息到接受购买商店的报价)都是直接在 Exchange 应用中完成的。
通过 Exchange 市场,您可以私下向潜在买家发送消息,而无需透露您的真实电子邮件地址。
当买家向您发送消息时,您可以使用 Exchange 应用中的收件箱选项卡进行回复。这有助于跟踪与潜在买家的所有对话并查看新的报价。
当您收到买家的报价时,Exchange 会向您发送电子邮件,其中包含买家的消息以及他们对购买您的商店提出的报价金额。对于您和买家来说,这都是一个激动人心的时刻,双方可能都希望达成交易。
若要接受报价,请转到 Exchange 应用中的收件箱选项卡并打开与买家的对话。点击接受报价,并按照 Exchange 市场应用中的提示创建 Escrow 交易。
大型商店的卖家必须在买家进入检验期时向买家披露机密或专有信息。此时,您应开始进行获得 NDA 的流程,这将由买家或可能接触到商店相关机密信息的任何他方签署。您应在草拟 NDA 时咨询法律机构,Exchange 支持团队不会对此方面提供帮助。
如果您想在与买家分享以下任何信息时能有更强的安全感,我们建议让买家签署 NDA:
Communicating with potential buyers
Communicating well with potential buyers can help you sell your business successfully. The most important communications with potential buyers, from receiving a first message to accepting an offer to buy your store, happen directly in the Exchange app.
On this page
Responding to messages from buyers
Accepting an offer from a buyer
When do you need a non-disclosure agreement?
Responding to messages from buyers
The Exchange Marketplace allows you to privately send messages to potential buyers without having to disclose your real email address.
When a buyer sends you a message, you can use the Inbox tab in the Exchange app to respond to them. This helps you to keep track of all of your conversations with potential buyers and check for new offers.
Accepting an offer from a buyer
When you receive an offer from a buyer, you'll get an email from Exchange with a message from the buyer and the amount they're offering to buy your business. This is an exciting moment for both you and your buyer and you're likely eager to start finalizing the deal.
To accept the offer, go to the Inbox tab in the Exchange app, and then open the conversation with your buyer. Click Accept Offer and follow the prompts to create the Escrow transaction in your Exchange Marketplace app.
When do you need a non-disclosure agreement?
Sellers of larger businesses must often disclose confidential or proprietary information with buyers when the buyer begins their inspection period. It's at this point that you should begin the process of obtaining an NDA, which will be signed by the buyer or any other parties who could be exposed to confidential information about the business. You should consult with a legal body to draft your NDA because Exchange Support can't help you with this.
We recommend having the buyer sign an NDA if you want to feel a stronger sense of security when sharing any of the following information with a buyer:
Private information about your business model.
Proprietary information about any tool your business uses to operate.
Information about your customers.