shopify商店模板升级为“Online Store 2.0”注意事项

2024-01-01 14:01:26

升级为“Online Store 2.0”

如果您想充分利用新功能,不妨升级您的在线商店以使用 Online Store 2.0 模板。

升级到 Online Store 2.0 不是强制操作。如果旧版模板符合您的业务需求,您可以继续使用该模板。

您可以通过多种方式升级为“Online Store 2.0”:

  • 从 Shopify 模板商店下载 Online Store 2.0 模板:通过从 Shopify 模板商店下载新模板,更新商店的外观和使用新功能。

  • 下载模板的新版本:如果您的模板提供使用“Online Store 2.0”的更新版本,您可以手动将最新版的模板添加到商店。

  • 手动迁移您的当前模板:通过将当前模板迁移到新架构,将 Online Store 2.0 功能添加到您的模板中。



某些应用可能与“Online Store 2.0”模板不兼容。如果您不确定,请参阅应用文档或与您的应用开发者联系。

发布之前,您可以在模板库中处理您的模板。将“Online Store 2.0”模板添加到您的模板库不会影响当前的模板或库中的其他任何模板。



Upgrading to Online Store 2.0

If you want to take advantage of new features, then you might want to upgrade your online store to use an Online Store 2.0 theme.

Upgrading to Online Store 2.0 isn't mandatory. You can continue using a vintage theme if it meets your business's needs.

You can upgrade to Online Store 2.0 in several ways:

  • Download an Online Store 2.0 theme from the Shopify Theme Store: Update the look of your store and get access to new features by downloading a new theme from the Shopify Theme Store.

  • Download a new version of your theme: If your theme offers an updated version that uses Online Store 2.0, then you can add the latest theme version to your store manually.

  • Migrate your current theme manually: Add Online Store 2.0 functionality to your theme by migrating your current theme templates to the new architecture.

Theme upgrade considerations

Upgrading your theme can be a complex process. Consider whether your current theme meets your needs before deciding to update your theme or move to a new theme.

Some apps might not be compatible with Online Store 2.0 themes. Refer to your app's documentation or contact your app developer if you're not sure.

You can work on your theme in the theme library before you publish it. Adding an Online Store 2.0 theme to your theme library doesn't impact your current theme or any other themes in the library.

When you make changes to your theme or switch to a new theme, it doesn't affect the other parts of your account. You can play around with different theme styles and settings without worrying about the rest of the content in your admin.





不,您不需要重新建立产品页和分类页。在升级到Online Store 2.0后,您的产品和分类数据将自动迁移。但是,您可能需要稍微调整产品页和分类页的设计,使其与新的主题匹配。


是的,Online Store 2.0使用不同的主题设计和布局。一些主题设置可能需要重置或重新配置,例如颜色、字体大小、布局选项等。但您的数据如产品、订单等将保留不变。


不,Online Store 2.0支持零下线升级,意味着升级过程中您的在线商店将继续运行。客户将看不到任何中断。只是一些样式可能需要加载新的CSS和JavaScript文件才能生效。整个升级过程通常只需几分钟。


如果您在升级到Online Store 2.0后遇到任何问题,我们建议您首先检查主题文档和设置。如果问题仍未解决,您可以联系Shopify支持团队寻求帮助。大多数小问题都可以迅速解决。