shopify POS 介绍 shopifypos与shopify同步

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 姜子牙疼


Shopify POS 是一种 POS 应用,可用于当面销售产品。您可以使用 Shopify POS 在几乎任何地方销售,包括实体店、市场和快闪店。

Shopify POS 与 Shopify 同步,以跟踪您的零售店地点、在线商店和其他有效销售渠道中的订单和库存。您甚至还可以从应用中查看和管理您商店的订单。


无论您是要设置您的第一家 Shopify 商店、扩展您的在线商店以开始进行当面销售,还是从 Shopify POS 经典版应用过渡,以下资源都可以帮助您开始使用 Shopify POS:

如果您刚开始使用 Shopify 作为您的电子商务平台,则可以首先参阅我们的清单。清单会引导您完成设置商店的初始步骤。

如果您已经拥有 Shopify 在线商店,并且想开始进行当面销售,则需要设置 Shopify POS 应用、选择硬件并设置付款方式。

请参阅入门部分,以获取设置 Shopify POS 应用的完整指南,包括选择最符合您需求的订阅。


您可以将 Shopify 与一系列可帮助您发展当面销售和在线销售业务的零售硬件配合使用。如果您是在受支持国家/地区拥有商店的商家,则可以直接从 Shopify 购买支持的硬件。


管理 Shopify POS

设置商店并购买硬件后,您就可以开始使用 Shopify POS 进行销售。



Point of sale

Shopify POS is a point of sale app that you can use to sell your products in person. You can use Shopify POS to sell almost anywhere, including brick-and-mortar stores, markets, and pop-up shops.

Shopify POS syncs with Shopify to track your orders and inventory across your retail locations, online store, and other active sales channels. You can even view and manage your store's orders from the app.

Getting Started

Whether you're setting up your first Shopify store, expanding your online store to start selling in person, or transitioning from the Shopify POS Classic app, the following are resources to help you get started using Shopify POS:

If you're just starting out with Shopify as your ecommerce platform, then you can start with our checklist. The checklist guides you through the initial steps for setting up your store.

If you already have an online Shopify store and you want to start selling in person, then you need to set up the Shopify POS app, choose your hardware, and set up your payment methods.

Refer to the Getting Started section for a complete guide to setting up the Shopify POS app, including choosing the subscription that best meets your needs.


You can connect Shopify with a range of retail hardware that helps you build your business, both in person and online. If you are a merchant with a store located in a supported country, then you can buy supported hardware directly from Shopify.

To find out more about the best hardware to meet your store's needs, refer to the Hardware section.

Managing Shopify POS

After you've set up your store and purchased your hardware, you're ready to start selling with Shopify POS.

To find out more about how to manage your store's retail experience, refer to the Selling in person section.





Shopify POS是Shopify旗下的移动POS系统,可以与Shopify在线商城同步库存和订单数据,两者是深度集成的。Shopify POS可以直接接入Shopify商城,管理商城的产品和订单,实现线上线下无缝对接。


Shopify POS是Shopify公司推出的移动POS系统,专门用于零售门店的银流交易。它与Shopify在线商城天然集成,可以实时同步产品信息和交易记录。而Shopify本身是一个SaaS型在线商城平台,主要面向网上销售,功能更全面但不属于门店POS系统。两者目标客户群体和使用场景不同。


Shopify POS支持多种POS终端,包括iPad POS站点、Android移动POS、打印机等。对于iPad等移动终端,Shopify提供免费APP下载使用。但需要自备硬件,如iPad本体。如果需要专业POS机,Shopify与授权合作商提供POS机租赁服务,也可以自行购买POS机后配合使用Shopify POS。

对 orders 和 inventory 是否需要同步?

是的,Shopify POS与Shopify在线商城拥有深度集成,交易记录(orders)和库存(inventory)信息将实时同步。门店通过Shopify POS下单后,订单数据会自动上传到Shopify平台,反之亦然。这样可以实现线上线下无缝对接,避免数据不一致的问题。