Shopify POS设置付款方式和Shopify Payments

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 操守


您可以在 Shopify POS 中启用不同的付款方式,以便您的客户在结账时可以选择付款方式。

为 POS 设置 Shopify Payments

备注:Shopify Payments 仅适用于某些国家/地区的商店。有关受支持国家/地区的列表,请参阅我可以使用 Shopify Payments 吗?

Shopify Payments 是接受在线付款最简单的方式。它无需设置第三方支付服务提供商或商家账户,且无需将凭证输入到 Shopify 中。利用 Shopify Payments,您在创建 Shopify 商店的同时将自动设置为接受所有主流付款方式。

设置 Shopify Payments 后,您的客户可以在您的商店使用信用卡付款。您可在 Shopify 设置中的支付服务提供商页面激活 Shopify Payments。设置 Shopify Payments 时,您需要以下信息:

  • 您的雇主标识号 (EIN)

  • 您的银行信息

  • 订单的平均价格

  • 订单的平均发货时间

Shopify Payments 仅适用于某些国家/地区的商店。利用 Shopify Payments,您在创建 Shopify 商店的同时将自动设置为接受所有主流付款方式。

在 POS 应用中启用 Shopify Payments

如果您的商店已设置 Shopify Payments, 您可以当面接受信用卡付款。设置 Shopify Payments 后,您需要在 Shopify POS 应用中启用该功能。


  1. 在 Shopify POS 中,点击  > 设置 > 付款设置

  2. “默认付款类型”部分,验证信用卡/借记卡选项是否显示为“已接受”



  • 您的商店位于美国。

  • 您使用的是 Shopify Payments。

  • 您使用的是 EMV 读卡器。

默认情况下,此选项处于关闭状态,但您可以从 Shopify POS 付款设置屏幕启用该选项。


  1. 在 Shopify POS 中,点击  > 设置 > 付款设置

  2. “默认付款类型”部分,点击“信用卡/借记卡“

  3. 点击切换按钮以启用或禁用尽可能跳过客户签名


Setting up payment methods

You can enable different payment methods in Shopify POS so that your customers have a choice of payment options at checkout.


To see more videos, visit our YouTube channel.

Setting up Shopify Payments for POS

Shopify Payments is the simplest way to accept payments. It eliminates the hassle of setting up a third-party payment provider or merchant account and having to enter the credentials into Shopify. With Shopify Payments you're automatically set up to accept all major payment methods as soon as you create your Shopify store.

After you set up Shopify Payments, your customers can make credit card payments on your store. You can activate Shopify Payments from the Payment providers page in the Shopify settings. When you set up Shopify Payments, you need the following information:

  • your Employer Identification Number (EIN)

  • your banking information

  • the average price of your orders

  • the average shipping time of your orders

Shopify Payments is available only to stores in certain countries and regions. With Shopify Payments you're automatically set up to accept all major payment methods as soon as you create your Shopify store.

Enable Shopify Payments in the POS app

If Shopify Payments has been set up for your store, then you can accept credit card payments in person. After you set up Shopify Payments you need to enable it in the Shopify POS app.


  1. From Shopify POS, tap  > Settings > Payment settings.

  2. In the Default Payment Types section, verify that the Credit/debit option shows Accepted.

Accept card payments without a signature

You can accept card payments without a customer's signature if you meet the following requirements:

  • Your store is located in the United States.

  • You're using Shopify Payments.

  • You're using an EMV card reader.

This option is turned off by default, but you can enable it from the Shopify POS Payment settings screen.


  1. From Shopify POS, tap  > Settings > Payment settings.

  2. In the Default Payment Types section, tap Credit/debit.

  3. Tap the toggle to enable or disable Skip customer signatures when possible.




如何在Shopify POS设置中添加或移除付款方式?


Shopify Payments可以在哪些国家/地区使用?

Shopify Payments目前可以在美国、加拿大使用。如果你的商店营业于其他国家/地区,可以考虑第三方支付方式如PayPal。


是的,Shopify POS app支持客户在POS机上签收订单。你可以在订单中添加签收字段,客户签名后订单完成。这可以作为交易记录与身份验证。




在POS应用中,可以在完成订单后点击“发票”按钮打印 order收据。你也可以在Shopify设置中开启自动打印发票功能。一些POS机支持thermal打印,可以直接在机器上打印发票。