更改 Shopify 后台库存数量介绍

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 骑着骆驼曹泥马

更改库存数量(Shopify 后台)

当您使用多个地点时,您可以在 Shopify 后台的“库存”页面上以多种方式更新库存数量。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品 > 库存

  2. 如果您有多个地点,请从下拉菜单中选择一个地点。

  3. 可选:对产品列表进行筛选或搜索。

  4. 您可以按相同数量调整一个多属性或多个多属性的有货数量。

- 若要调整单个多属性,请在要调整的多属性的可用列中输入数量。 - 若要按相同数量调整多个多属性,请选择要编辑的多属性,然后点击更多操作 > 更新数量

  1. 点击保存。新的总数将显示在有货列中。




  1. 产品页面,点击您要编辑的产品。

  2. 如果您要编辑该产品的一个多属性的数量,请点击该多属性。

  3. 库存部分中,点击可用列中的地点数量。

  4. 更改库存数量:

    • 若要以特定数值为单位对数量进行调整,请点击调整数量,然后输入数字。您可以通过使用负数来缩减现有库存数量。系统将为您计算新的数量。

    • 若要设置新的总库存计数,请点击设置数量并输入数字。

  5. 单击保存


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,点击产品

  2. 点击您要编辑的产品。

  3. 点击库存

  4. 数量部分中,点击您要更新库存数量的地点。

  5. 更改库存数量:

    • 若要以特定数值为单位对数量进行调整,请确保选择调整数量,然后在调整值中输入数字。您可以通过使用负数来缩减现有库存数量。

    • 若要设置新的总库存计数,请点击设置数量,并在新数量中输入数字。

  6. 点击完成


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,点击产品

  2. 点击您要编辑的产品。

  3. 点击库存

  4. 数量部分中,点击您要更新库存数量的地点。

  5. 更改库存数量:

    • 若要以特定数值为单位对数量进行调整,请确保选择调整数量,然后在调整值中输入数字。您可以通过使用负数来缩减现有库存数量。

    • 若要设置新的总库存计数,请点击调整数量,选择设置数量,然后在新数量中输入数字。

  6. 点击 ? 进行保存。




  1. 转到产品,然后选择包含您要编辑的多属性的产品。

  2. 多属性部分中,选择您要编辑的多属性,然后点击打开批量编辑器

  3. 点击添加字段,然后选择存放产品的地点。重复此步骤,为每个有需要的地点更新库存数量。

  4. 对于您要更新的每个多属性,点击某个地点的库存数量以更新值。

  5. 单击保存


Changing inventory quantities (Shopify admin)

When you use multiple locations, you can update the inventory quantities in several ways on the Inventory page in your Shopify admin.


  1. In the Shopify admin, go to Products > Inventory.

  2. If you have multiple locations, then select a location from the drop down menu.

  3. Optional: Filter or search the list of products.

  4. You can adjust the available quantity of a single variant or multiple variants by the same amount.

    • To adjust a single variant, enter the quantity in the Available column of the variant that you want to adjust.

    • To adjust multiple variants by the same amount, select the variants you want to edit and click More actions > Update quantity.

  5. Click Save. The new total is in the Available column.

If a product is not listed for that location, then you're either not tracking inventory for that product, or the product isn't stocked at the location.

Change the inventory quantity for one product


  1. From the Products page, click the product you want to edit.

  2. If you're editing quantities for a single variant of that product, then click the variant.

  3. In the Inventory section, click the quantity for a location in the Available column.

  4. Change the inventory quantity:

    • To adjust the quantity by a specific amount, click Adjust quantity and then enter a number. You can use a negative number to subtract from existing inventory quantity. The new quantity is calculated for you.

    • To set a new total inventory count, click Set quantity and then enter a number.

  5. Click Save.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Products.

  2. Tap the product that you want to edit.

  3. Tap Inventory.

  4. In the Quantity section, tap the location where you want to update the inventory quantity.

  5. Change the inventory quantity:

    • To adjust the quantity by a specific amount, make sure that Adjust quantity is selected and then enter a number in Adjust by. You can use a negative number to subtract from existing inventory quantity.

    • To set a new total inventory count, tap Set quantity and then enter a number in New quantity.

  6. Tap Done.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Products.

  2. Tap the product that you want to edit.

  3. Tap Inventory.

  4. In the Quantity section, tap the location where you want to update the inventory quantity.

  5. Change the inventory quantity:

    • To adjust the quantity by a specific amount, make sure that Adjust quantity is selected and then enter a number in Adjust by. You can use a negative number to subtract from existing inventory quantity.

    • To set a new total inventory count, tap Adjust quantity, select Set quantity, and then enter a number in New quantity.

  6. Tap ? to save.

Change the inventory quantities by using the bulk editor

By using the bulk editor, you can change inventory quantities for multiple product variants and locations. The bulk editor is a page that shows rows and columns of data, similar to a spreadsheet.


  1. Go to Products, and then select the product with variants that you want to edit.

  2. In the Variants section, select the variants that you want to edit, and then click Open bulk editor.

  3. Click Add fields, and then select a location where the products are stocked. Repeat this step for every location where the inventory quantities need to be updated.

  4. For each variant that you want to update, click the inventory quantity at a location to update the value.

  5. Click Save.




更改 Shopify 后台库存数量介绍FAQ

如何进入 Shopify 后台管理?

登录 Shopify 管理面板(如 admin.yourshopify.com),点击左侧导航栏中的“产品”菜单,进入“商品”页面,找到需要修改库存的商品,点击“编辑”按钮即可进入后台编辑库存数量。










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更改 Shopify 后台库存数量介绍

01 Jan 2024
By 骑着骆驼曹泥马