shopify信用卡作为付款方式介绍 shopify信用卡支付教程

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 囧不是态度是人的三观






  1. 购物车屏幕中,点击结账

  2. 按 Shopify POS 屏幕中的图片所示刷客户的信用卡。

  3. 客户会通过其签名或 PIN 授权付款,具体取决于卡类型和您使用的读卡器。

  4. 可选:点击打印收据

  5. 点击完成以返回到 Shopify POS 产品屏幕。


如果您使用的是感应式和芯片式读卡器或感应式、芯片式和刷卡式读卡器,则可以接受非接触式付款,包括感应式信用卡、Android Pay 和 Apple Pay。


  1. 购物车屏幕中,点击结账

  2. 允许客户插入或感应他们的卡片。

  3. 可选:点击打印收据

  4. 点击完成以返回到 Shopify POS 产品屏幕。


外部支付服务提供商会处理您的付款。如果您选择不使用 Shopify Payments,或者您所在的区域不支持 Shopify payments,则可以使用外部支付服务提供商。

若要使用外部卡终端,您需要设置付款处理方账户,然后从他们那里购买或租用终端,并在 POS 应用中创建自定义支付类型。当您使用终端接受付款时,Shopify POS 会将订单标记为已付款,但实际付款由您的终端提供商处理,而非 Shopify。


  1. 购物车屏幕中,点击结账

  2. 选择支付方式屏幕上,点击您的自定义支付类型。

  3. 点击要处理的信用卡类型。

  4. 请确保您已使用外部终端成功处理付款,然后点击标记为已付款

  5. 通过电子邮件或短信向客户发送收据,然后点击完成以返回到产品屏幕。





  1. 购物车屏幕中,点击结账

  2. 点击输入信用卡详细信息金额字段。

  3. 输入信用卡详细信息。

  4. 点击 Charge(收费)以处理付款。

  5. 可选:点击打印收据

  6. 点击完成以返回到 Shopify POS 产品屏幕。


Accepting credit cards as the method of payment

Depending on the hardware that you are using and the payment methods that you accept, a customer can pay for a purchase using a credit card.

Swipe credit payment

You can accept a credit payment with a supported swipe card reader.


  1. From the Cart screen, tap Checkout.

    If your card reader is not connected, then follow the instructions on the Shopify POS screen to connect. You can also enter the credit card information manually.

  2. Swipe the customer's credit card as shown on the Shopify POS screen.

  3. The customer authorizes the payment with their signature or PIN, depending on the card type and which card reader you're using.

  4. Optional: Tap Print receipt.

  5. Tap Done to return to the Shopify POS products screen.

Tap and chip credit payments

If you're using the Tap & Chip Reader or the Tap, Chip, and Swipe card reader, then you can accept contactless payments, which include tapped credit cards, Android Pay, and Apple Pay.


  1. From the Cart screen, tap Checkout.

    If your card reader is not connected, then follow the instructions on the Shopify POS screen to connect. You can also enter the credit card information manually.

  2. Allow the customer to insert or tap their card.

    When Shopify POS displays a payment approved message, the transaction is complete.

    • If the customer is using a tap payment method, then they need to hold their contactless credit card or contactless device within 2.5 cm of the card reader until the four green lights have lit.

    • If the customer is using a chip credit card, then they need to insert the card into the card reader and follow its instructions.

  3. Optional: Tap Print receipt.

  4. Tap Done to return to the Shopify POS products screen.

External card reader

An external payment provider processes payments for you. You might use an external payment provider if you choose not to use Shopify Payments or, if you are in a region that does not support Shopify payments.

To use an external card terminal, you need to set up an account with a payment processor, then buy or rent a terminal from them, and create a custom payment type in the POS app. When you use the terminal to accept a payment, Shopify POS marks the order as paid while the actual payment is processed by your terminal provider, not Shopify.


  1. From the Cart screen, tap Checkout.

  2. From the Select payment option screen, tap your custom payment type.

  3. Tap the credit card type that's being processed.

  4. Make sure that you have successfully processed the payment with your external terminal, and then tap Mark as paid.

  5. Email or text the customer a receipt, and then tap Done to return to the products screen.

Manual credit payment

If you don't have a card reader, or if you are having trouble using your card reader, then you can enter credit card details manually to take payment.


  1. From the Cart screen, tap Checkout.

  2. Tap the Enter credit card details amount field.

  3. Enter the credit card details.

  4. Tap Charge to process the payment.

  5. Optional: Tap Print receipt.

  6. Tap Done to return to the Shopify POS products screen.





是的,Shopify支持信用卡作为付款方式。您可以在结算页面选择信用卡作为付款方式,然后输入信用卡信息,完成付款流程。Shopify与主流信用卡公司合作,支持Visa, Mastercard等主流信用卡。





