Shopify专有应用 专有应用更改店面api权限

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 性情


专有应用是专门为您的 Shopify 商店构建的应用(与公共应用不同,公共应用是为很多商店构建的)。使用专有应用,您可以在 Shopify 后台内添加功能、使用 Shopify API 直接访问商店数据或者使用店面 API 将在线商店扩展至其他平台。


  • 更改专有应用的店面 API 权限

  • 更改开发者联系电子邮件

  • 删除专有应用

更改专有应用的店面 API 权限

如果您的专有应用使用店面 API,您可以通过更改应用的权限来更改该应用在商店中的可访问区域。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到应用

  2. 点击开发应用

  3. 点击您想更改权限的应用名称。

  4. 店面 API 部分的店面 API 权限下,选择您希望应用访问的商店数据。


  1. 单击保存

  2. 您已更改应用对话框中,点击保存


如果专有应用出现问题(例如 API 更改可能导致应用中单),Shopify 会使用开发者联系电子邮件与开发者联系。为了确保您的应用继续正常工作,您应确保此电子邮件正确并且是最新的。

您可以在 Shopify 后台中更改或更新开发者电子邮件:

  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到应用

  2. 点击开发应用

  3. 点击您要编辑的应用的名称。

  4. 开发人员紧急联系邮箱字段中输入开发人员的邮箱。


您可以在 Shopify 后台内的应用页面中删除不想再使用的专有应用。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到应用

  2. 点击开发应用

  3. 点击要删除的应用旁边的垃圾桶按钮。


Private apps

Private apps are built exclusively for your Shopify store (unlike public apps, which are built to work with many stores). You can use private apps to add features to your Shopify admin, access your store's data directly using Shopify's APIs, or extend your online store to other platforms using the Storefront API.

On this page

  • Change Storefront API permissions for a private app

  • Change the developer contact email

  • Delete a private app

Change Storefront API permissions for a private app

If your private app uses the Storefront API, then you can change what areas of your store the app can access by changing the app's permissions.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Apps.

  2. Click Develop apps.

  3. Click the name of the app whose permissions you want to change.

  4. In the Storefront API section, under Storefront API permissions, select which store data you want the app to access.

Four permissions are selected by default: Read products and collectionsRead and modify customersRead and modify checkouts, and Read blogs and articles.

  1. Click Save.

  2. In the You've made changes to your app dialog, click Save.

Change the developer contact email

Shopify uses the developer contact email to contact the developer if there is an issue with the private app, such as when an API change might break it. To make sure your app keeps working as expected, you should make sure that this email is correct and up to date.

You can change or update the developer email in the Shopify admin:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Apps.

  2. Click Develop apps.

  3. Click the name of the app that you want to edit.

  4. Enter the developer's email address in the Emergency developer email field.

Delete a private app

You can delete private apps that you no longer want to use from the Apps page in your Shopify admin.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Apps.

  2. Click Develop apps.

  3. Click the trash can button next to the app that you want to delete.








