免费试用为了减轻 A+ 物流计划订单被退款(尤其是由于 A+ 物流计划本身的问题或延误造成退款)对商户的影响,WishPost 推出了 A+ 物流退款保障计划。
A+ 物流退款保障计划旨在就商户不可控原因导致的退款给与商户一定的保护,鼓励商户尽早将 A+ 物流计划订单配送到仓库。具体来说,A+ 物流退款保障计划会根据几项因素对 A+ 物流计划订单进行评估,然后按一定比例向商户退还一定数额的运费。请注意,A+ 物流退款保障计划不适用于因法律法规调整、不可抗力、自然灾害、社会异常事件等原因造成的退款或延误。
目前,该计划尚处于试行阶段,仅适用于英国、韩国和意大利路向的 A+ 物流计划订单。随着项目扩展,未来可能会支持更多目的国/地区。如有相关更新,wish商户平台将及时通知商户。
1. A+ 物流退款保障计划如何为商户提供保障?
如果您满足以下要求,A+ 物流退款保障计划将向您退还一定数额的运费:
相关 WishPost 运单的创建日期在北京时间2021年8月9日上午10时之后。
a. 相应的 A+ 物流计划订单在释放给商户后的72小时(即3个自然日)内送达指定的 A+ 物流计划仓库或 HUB 中转仓(针对使用 HUB 中转仓的商户)并扫描入仓。
b. 相应的 A+ 物流计划订单在释放给商户后48小时(即2个自然日)内由 Wish 支持的物流服务商(燕文、万色;使用 HUB 中转仓的商户可使用申通快递)揽收。
只要满足上述任一时间要求,相应的 WishPost 运单就会显示“A+ 物流退款保障计划”标记。要查看您的哪些运单符合条件,请在 WishPost 中前往“订单详情”>“搜索订单”页面。
在创建相应的 WishPost 运单后的4个自然月内,A+ 物流计划订单因“Shipping taking too long”(配送时间过长)、“Item did not arrive”(包裹未送达)或“Item marked delivered but user did not receive it”(包裹显示已妥投,但用户未收到)原因被退款。
您在一个自然月内创建的同一个目的国/地区的 A+ 物流计划运单不少于10个。
请注意,重新释放的 A+ 物流计划订单仍有资格参加 A+ 物流退款保障计划,前提是:订单重新释放是因为商户取消物流单号(即被重新释放的订单在商户平台的订单 > 未履行的订单页面显示“物流单号被取消”标记),并且根据订单重新释放的日期,到仓/揽收时效满足上文所述要求。
从2021年12月起,A+ 物流退款保障计划将按月计算并按一定比例向商户的 WishPost 账户退还一定数额的运费,影响具体退款金额的因素包括但不限于以下几点:
商户在一个自然月内发往同一个目的国/地区的 A+ 物流计划订单的数量;
商户为发往同一个目的国/地区的所有符合条件的被退款的 A+ 物流计划订单支付的运费。
2. 如果我想参加 A+ 物流退款保障计划,应该如何报名?
所有 WishPost 商户自动获得参加该项目的资格,且无需支付任何额外的费用。
3. 如何让更多的 A+ 物流计划订单获得 A+ 物流退款保障计划的保护?
如前文所述,您的 A+ 物流计划订单越多、到仓/揽收时间越早,符合 A+ 物流退款保障计划的订单就越多。
因此,如果您希望享受 A+ 物流退款保障计划提供的保护,wish商户平台强烈建议您尽早将 A+ 物流计划订单配送到仓库。
Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance FAQ (applicable to eligible Advanced Logistics Program orders)
To help mitigate the impact of refunds on Advanced Logistics Program orders, particularly if refunds are a result of issues or delays caused by the Advanced Logistics Program itself, WishPost launches Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance.
Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance aims to protect merchants against refunds that are outside of merchants' control and encourage merchants to deliver their Advanced Logistics Program orders as early as possible. Specifically, it may issue a certain amount of logistics refunds to you based on a certain percentage by evaluating a few factors related to your Advanced Logistics Program orders. Please note that Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance is not applicable for logistics refunds or delays due to law and regulation adjustments, force majeure, natural disasters, and social anomalies.
Currently, the program is in beta mode, only available to all Advanced Logistics Program orders bound for Great Britain, Korea, and Italy. We may expand to support more destination countries as the Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance program grows, and will promptly notify merchants of any updates.
This article walks participating merchants through some commonly asked questions.
1. How does Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance work?
Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance will calculate and issue a certain amount of logistics refunds to you, if the following requirements are met:
The corresponding WishPost shipping orders are created after August 9, 2021 10:00AM Beijing Time.
One of the following delivery timeline requirements are met:
a. Corresponding Advanced Logistics Program orders are delivered and scanned into the correct Advanced Logistics Program warehouse or HUB transit warehouse (for merchants leveraging the HUB Program) within 72 hours (i.e., 3 calendar days) of the time the orders are released to merchants.
b. Corresponding Advanced Logistics Program orders are picked up by Wish-supported pick-up carriers (Yanwen, Wise, or STO Express for merchants leveraging the HUB Program) within 48 hours (i.e., 2 calendar days) of the time the orders are released to merchants.
As long as you meet one of the above delivery timeline requirements, the corresponding WishPost shipping orders will be marked with a “This shipping order is eligible for the Logistics Refund Assurance” flag. To view your eligible shipping orders, please navigate to the Order details > “Search Orders” page in WishPost.
Your Advanced Logistics Program orders are refunded with requests “Shipping taking too long”, “Item did not arrive”, or “Item marked delivered but user did not receive it” within the 4 months after the corresponding shipping orders created in WishPost.
You create 10 or more WishPost shipping orders for your Advanced Logistics Program orders bound for one destination country in one month.
Please note that re-released Advanced Logistics Program orders can still be eligible for Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance, if the Advanced Logistics Program order is re-released due to merchants cancelling the tracking (i.e., the re-released order is shown with a “Tracking Number Cancelled” flag on the Merchant Dashboard Orders > Unfulfilled Orders page) and the requirements mentioned above are met according to the re-released date of the order.
On a monthly basis starting December 2021, Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance will calculate and issue a certain amount of logistics refunds to merchants' WishPost accounts based on a certain percentage by evaluating a few factors, including but not limited to the following:
The number of Advanced Logistics Program orders bound for one country that merchants have in one month;
The shipping fee merchants paid for all eligible refunded Advanced Logistics Program orders bound for one country.
2. If I'm interested in participating in Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance, how do I enroll?
Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance is available to all WishPost merchants who automatically gain access to this program at no additional cost.
3. How can I have more Advanced Logistics Program orders protected by Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance?
As illustrated above, the earlier you deliver your Advanced Logistics Program orders and the more Advanced Logistics Program orders you have, the more Advanced Logistics Program orders might be protected by the Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance.
As such, we strongly encourage you to encourage merchants to deliver your Advanced Logistics Program orders as early as possible in order to take advantage of Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance.