
2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 贫贱夫妻百事哀


要利用 FBW 的物流能力帮助您履行订单,创建配送计划是第一步。创建配送计划还有助于进行 FBW 库存规划和记录。

您可以使用以下方法创建 FBW 配送计划:

  • 直接前往 FBW > 创建配送计划页面。

  • 前往 FBW > 待处理配送计划或 FBW > 配送计划历史记录页面,然后点击“创建”按钮。

您也可以通过 API 创建配送计划。如需了解更多信息,请参阅此 API 文档。本文将为商户介绍通过商户平台创建配送计划的详细流程。

1. 在商户平台上,前往 FBW > 创建配送计划页面:

如上所示,您可以先选择入仓地区,因为 Wish 在美国和欧洲有多个 FBW 仓库。您可以选择合适的仓库来接收和存储库存。如果您将产品配送至美国和欧洲的多个目的国/地区,您还可以选择多个 FBW 入仓地区和 FBW 仓库。

请注意,点击“显示更多详情”下拉箭头可查看每个 FBW 仓库的相关详情,包括其费用明细。点击“下一步”继续。

2. 在“指定 SKU 和数量”页面,您可以选择要添加到配送计划中的产品。

点击“选择 SKU”按钮以打开“选择 SKU”弹窗,然后选择要添加到配送计划的产品。您可以点击搜索字段旁边的下拉箭头,按“产品 ID”、“产品名称”或“SKU”搜索产品(这些信息可在产品 > 查看所有产品页面找到)。点击要添加的产品旁边的复选框,然后点击“确认”添加这些产品。

回到“指定 SKU 和数量”页面,您可以为正在创建的配送计划指定每个产品的数量。点击“下一步”继续。

3. 在“输入物流信息”页面,为您选择的产品输入物流信息。必须填写每个产品的“长度 (cm)”、“宽度 (cm)”、“高度 (cm)”和“重量 (kg)”信息才能继续。点击“下一步”继续。

4. 在“提交配送计划”页面,您可以提交配送计划。在提交之前,请务必仔细核对此页面上的所有信息,如果需要修改任何信息,可返回前面的步骤进行修改。提交后,将无法再编辑此配送计划。


5. 提交配送计划后,将跳转至“FBW 配送计划详情”页面,您可以查看刚刚创建的配送计划的相关详情。

在此页面上,您可以设置运费、查看有关如何包装运送至 FBW 仓库的产品,并下载所选收货仓库的箱体标签/装箱清单。


6. 最后,您可以前往 FBW > 待处理配送计划页面,查看需要您操作的配送计划,例如将库存运送至相应的 FBW 仓库。


How to create an FBW shipping plan?

Creating a shipping plan is the first step towards leveraging FBW's logistics capacity to fulfill your orders, and allows you to plan for and record a group of inventory you plan to ship to an FBW warehouse.

You can start creating a new FBW shipping plan using the following methods:

  • Navigate to the FBW > Create a Shipping Plan page directly.

  • Navigate to the FBW > Action Required Shipping Plans or FBW > Shipping Plan History page, and click on the “Create” button.

You can also create shipping plans via API. To learn more, please visit this API Documentation. This article walks merchants through the step-by-step process of creating a shipping plan via Merchant Dashboard.

1. Navigate to the Merchant Dashboard FBW > Create a Shipping Plan page:

As shown above, you are able to first select inventory intake warehouse region(s), as Wish offers FBW warehouses across the U.S. and Europe. You may choose the appropriate warehouse(s) to receive and store your inventory. If you ship products to various destinations across the U.S and Europe, you may also select multiple FBW intake regions & FBW warehouses for your inventory.

Note that by clicking on the “Show more details” drop-down arrow, you will be able to view more information about each FBW warehouse, including their fee schedules. Click “Next” to proceed.

2. On the “Specify SKUs and Quantity” page, you may select products to be added to your shipping plan.

Click the “Select SKUs” button to open the “Select SKUs” modal window, and select products to add to your shipping plan. You may click on the dropdown next to the search field to search by Product ID, Product Name, or SKU (these details can be found under the Products > View All Products page). Click the checkbox next to the products you would like to add, and click “Confirm” to add these products.

Back on the “Specify SKUs and Quantity” page, you may set the quantity of each product for the shipping plan you're creating. Click “Next” to proceed.

3. On the “Enter logistics info” page, enter logistics information for your selected products. Length (cm), Width (cm), Height (cm), and Weight (kg) must be added for each product in order to proceed. Click “Next” to continue.

4. On the “Submit shipping plan” page, you may submit your shipping plan. Before submitting, carefully review all details on this page, and return to previous steps to modify any information as needed. Once submitted, this shipping plan cannot be edited.


5. After submitting your shipping plan, you'll be directed to the “FBW Shipping Plan Details” page to view the details of the shipping plan you just created.

On this page, you may proceed with setting up your shipping price, viewing instructions on how to pack your products to ship to FBW warehouse(s), and downloading case labels / manifest for each warehouse you're shipping your inventory to.


6. Lastly, you may navigate to FBW > Action Required Shipping Plans to view details of the shipping plans that require your actions, such as shipping inventory to corresponding FBW warehouse(s).







FBW配送由wish统一负责,商家无需关注海外仓储与调度,大大减轻了操作难度。另外wish免费提供转运服务, helping商家便捷进入全球市场。同时wish也会为商家提供广告推广等增值服务,提升商品曝光率。


