Shopify为您的国际域名选择最佳的 SEO 策略

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 彻底醉了

为您的国际域名选择最佳的 SEO 策略

设置国际域名的每种方法都有其各自的搜索引擎优化 (SEO) 注意事项。您可以使用一种或多种方法来创建特定于地区的 URL。


子文件夹的 SEO 注意事项

子文件夹是主域名中的子目录或路径,即客户浏览您的在线商店时在地址栏中显示的域名。例如,如果您商店的主域名是,则您可以针对加拿大创建 URL 为 的子文件夹,以及针对法国创建 URL 为 的子文件夹。

如果您是首次设置 Shopify Markets,则子文件夹是最佳选项,原因如下:

  • 子文件夹需要的设置最少。

  • 子文件夹支持自动将访客定向到与其语言和地点偏好设置相匹配的 URL。

  • 由于子文件夹使用您的主域名,因此特定于地区的 URL 会在商店的现有搜索排名和域名权重方面获得优势。

子域名的 SEO 注意事项

子域名是主域名的子集,作为前缀添加在域名中。例如,如果您商店的主域名是,则您可以针对加拿大创建 URL 为的子域名,以及针对法国创建 URL 为 的子域名。

由于子域名属于您的主域名,因此您可以在 Shopify 管理的域名和第三方域名上免费进行设置子域名。但是,子域名可能无法像子文件夹一样在主域名的搜索排名和关键字方面获得优势,并且可能需要较长时间来开发域名权重。

顶级域名的 SEO 注意事项

顶级域名是域名末尾的扩展。若要对特定于地区的 URL 使用顶级域名,对于您要设置的每个目标市场,您都需要为其购买一个包含国家/地区代码顶级域名 (ccTLD) 后缀的单独域名。例如,如果您商店的主域名是,则您可以针对加拿大购买域名 .ca 并获得 URL,以及针对法国购买 .fr 域名并获得 URL

只有当您对要拓展的新市场有特定的定位策略时,才应使用顶级域名。由于顶级域名彼此完全独立,因此每个特定于地区的商店版本都需开发其自己的域名权重和搜索排名。因此,使用此方法建立 SEO 所需的时间和精力最多。

仅使用主域名的 SEO 注意事项

主域名是客户在浏览您的在线商店时地址栏中显示的域名。如果您不想设置特定于地区的 URL,但您仍想提供采用不同语言和货币的本地化购物体验,那么您可以仅将主域名与 hreflang 标签结合使用。

例如,如果您商店的主域名为,您可以为您设置的每种语言和货币使用相同的 URL。根据您在 Shopify 后台中启用的语言,系统会向您的模板中添加 hreflang 标签,以告知搜索引擎您的域名的目标国家/地区。


若要使客户能够选择其当地语言和货币,您需要向在线商店中添加国家/地区选择器。您可以使用免费的 Geolocation 应用或支持 Shopify Markets 的其他国家/地区选择器应用来添加国家/地区选择器。


Choosing the best SEO strategy for your international domains

Each method for setting up international domains has its own considerations for search engine optimization (SEO). You can use one or more methods to create your region-specific URLs.

If you're not sure about which method to use, then review the following information before you begin.

SEO considerations for subfolders

Subfolders are subdirectories or paths within your primary domain, which is the domain name that's displayed in the address bar while customers browse your online store. For example, if your store's primary domain is, then you can create a subfolder for Canada with the URL and a subfolder for France with the URL

If you're setting up Shopify Markets for the first time, then subfolders are the best option for the following reasons:

  • Subfolders require minimal setup.

  • Subfolders allow you to direct visitors automatically to the URL that matches their language and location preferences.

  • Because subfolders use your primary domain, your region-specific URLs benefit from your store's existing search ranking and domain authority.

SEO considerations for subdomains

Subdomains are a subset of your primary domain that you add as a prefix to your domain. For example, if your store's primary domain is, then you can create a subdomain for Canada with the URL and a subdomain for France with the URL

Because subdomains belong to your primary domain, you can set them up for free on both Shopify-managed domains and third-party domains. However, they might not benefit as strongly as subfolders from your primary domain's search ranking and keywords, and might take longer to develop domain authority.

SEO considerations for top-level domains

Top-level domains are the extension at the end of a domain. To use top-level domains for your region-specific URLs, you need to buy a separate domain name with a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) extension for every target market that you want to set up. For example, if your store's primary domain is, then you can buy a .ca domain for Canada with the URL, and a .fr domain for France with the URL

Only use top-level domains when you have a specific targeting strategy for a new market that you're expanding into. Because top-level domains are completely separate from each other, each region-specific version of your store develops its own domain authority and search ranking. As a result, this method takes the most time and effort to build up your SEO.

SEO considerations for using your primary domain only

Your primary domain is the domain name that's displayed in the address bar while customers browse your online store. If you don't want to set up region-specific URLs, but you still want to offer localized shopping experiences with different languages and currencies, then you can use just your primary domain in combination with hreflang tags.

For example, if your store's primary domain is, then you use the same URL for every language and currency that you set up. Depending on which languages you enable in your Shopify admin, hreflang tags are added to your theme to tell search engines which countries your domain is used to target.

Because this method uses only one domain, search engines only generate keywords and search ranking for your primary domain. However, customers aren't automatically redirected to their local language and currency, and search results don't display localized versions of your store.

To enable customers to choose their local language and currency, you need to add a country selector to your online store. You can add a country selector by using the free Geolocation app or another country selector app that supports Shopify Markets.







SEO优化应该从以下几个方面开始:1. 设置正确的页面标题、描述和关键词。2. 优化页面结构及内容。3. 优化图片alt标签。4. 链接分析和优化内链。5. 监测和优化加载速度。6. 优化移动端体验。7. 分析用户行为数据完善产品。8. 加强国际化传播。


不同国家在SEO优化上应注意以下差异:1. 语言差异。2. 文化和行为习惯差异。3. 搜索引擎算法和排名标准差异。4. 社交媒体使用情况差异。5. 支付方式和物流差异。国际SEO需根据每个国家/地区的这些差异定制化策略。