免费试用注意: 此功能仅适用于拥有品牌的卖家。此卖家必须是品牌内部人员,并负责在亚马逊上销售该品牌。
Amazon Search Terms report
Note: This feature is only available to sellers who own a brand. This seller must be internal to the brand and responsible for selling the brand on Amazon.
If you do not have access to this feature, you have not been identified as a seller who meets these criteria as defined by the Amazon Brand Registry. If you believe that you do fit these criteria, please contact Seller Support.
The Amazon Search Terms report shows Brand Owners how customers (in aggregate) are finding their products and their competitors' products on Amazon, including each product's relative search popularity, click share, and conversion share.
What information is contained in the Amazon Search Terms report?
The Amazon Search Terms report shows the most popular search terms on Amazon during a given time period, along with each term's search frequency rank and the top three products that customers (in aggregate) clicked on after searching that term. For each of the top three products, the report also shows each product's click share and conversion share.
Brand Owners can look up a specific term to see the products that Amazon customers (in aggregate) are clicking on after searching for that term, or they can search for a specific product to find out which terms are driving Amazon customers (in aggregate) to click on that product.
What is search frequency rank?
Search frequency rank is the numeric rank of a specific search term's popularity when compared to all other search terms during a given time period.
What are click share and conversion share?
Click share is a percentage determined by the number of times Amazon customers (in aggregate) clicked on a particular product after searching for a given term, divided by the total number of times Amazon customers (in aggregate) clicked on any product after searching for that term.
Similar to click share, conversion share is a percentage determined by the number of times Amazon customers (in aggregate) bought a particular product after searching for a given term, divided by the total number of times Amazon customers (in aggregate) bought any product after searching for that term. Click share and conversion share are independent of one another, and conversion share can be higher than click share.