免费试用账户状况评级 (AHR) 显示在面向全球专业卖家的账户状况页面上。账户状况评级可帮助您根据自己对亚马逊销售政策的遵守情况监控账户状况,帮助您主动解决违反政策的问题并避免业务中断。要了解有关账户状况评级的更多信息,请参阅以下常见问题。
账户状况评级 (AHR) 是一项新功能,可帮助您根据自己对亚马逊销售政策的遵守情况监控账户状况。此评级考虑了多种因素,例如在给定时间您的账户中未解决的违反政策的问题数量、这些违规行为的相对严重性以及您通过销售活动对买家体验的积极影响程度。此评级不会改变亚马逊的现有销售政策,并将不断进行完善。为维持“良好”的账户状况,请及时解决所有违反政策的问题。如果您的账户状况评级为“存在风险”或“严重”,则您的账户可能面临停用的风险。该评级中并未反映全部销售政策。无论账户状况评级如何,都请确保从整体上遵守我们的条款、政策和适用法律,以避免账户被停用。
一旦我们确认违规问题已得到解决,您的账户状况评级将在 24-48 小时内更新。
在某些情况下,您的账户状况页面会显示政策警告。解决政策警告的最佳方式是停止警告消息中描述的行为。政策警告会在 180 天后从您的账户状况页面中移除。
Account Health Rating: Frequently Asked Questions
The Account Health Rating (AHR) displays on the Account Health page for professional sellers worldwide. The AHR helps you monitor your account health based on adherence to Amazon's selling policies, helping you to proactively address policy violations and avoid disruption to your business. To learn more about the AHR, please refer to the following Frequently Asked Questions.
1. What is the Account Health Rating?
The Account Health Rating (AHR) is a new feature that helps you monitor your account health based on your adherence to Amazon's selling policies. It takes into account factors such as the number of unresolved policy violations on your account at any given time, the relative severity of those violations, and the extent to which you positively impact the customer experience via your selling activities. This rating does not change Amazon's existing selling policies and will continue to be refined over time. To maintain ‘Good' account health, please address all policy violations in a timely manner. If your AHR is ‘At Risk' or ‘Critical', your account may be at risk of deactivation. Some selling policies are not reflected in it; please ensure overall compliance with our terms, policies, and applicable laws to avoid account deactivation, independent of your AHR.
2. Which violations does the AHR include?
AHR aggregates many policy violations that may result in account-level deactivation if left unaddressed, which you can find listed on your Account Health page.
3. How do I improve my AHR?
You can improve your rating by addressing the violations listed on your Account Health page by either successfully appealing them or editing your listings to ensure they are compliant with Amazon's selling policies. Listing violations are not removed from the Account Health page if you change the listing's status (e.g. by closing or deleting the listing from your inventory), but do not successfully resolve the violation itself.
4. Does a ‘Good' AHR mean my account won't be deactivated?
The AHR includes all policy violations that may result in account-level deactivation if left unaddressed. However, if we find evidence of non-compliance with our contractual terms, local laws, regulations, tax requirements, or any activity that is otherwise illegal, fraudulent, or puts customers at risk, seller accounts are subject to deactivation, independent of the AHR.
5. Why is my AHR ‘at risk' if I've already addressed violations on my Account Health page?
Once we confirm that violations have been addressed, your AHR will update within 24-48 hours.
6. If my AHR is ‘at risk', does that mean my account will be deactivated?
If your AHR says your account is ‘at risk', we encourage you to address the violations on your Account Health page in a timely manner in order to prevent unnecessary disruption to your selling account.
7. When will violations be removed from my Account Health page?
Violations are removed from the Account Health page in scenarios such as:
You successfully appeal and we confirm that the listing enforcement action was taken in error .
Rights owner retracts an intellectual property complaint.
8. How do I address policy warnings where there isn't a next step listed?
In some cases, your Account Health page will show you policy warnings. The best way to address a policy warning is to cease the behavior described in the warning message. Policy warnings are removed from your Account Health page after 180 days.
我的评级为什么下降了?评级下降的主要原因可能是:1. 过去购物记录中出现欺诈或违反亚马逊协议的行为;2. 订购但未付款订单过多;3. 退货退款次数过高。亚马逊会不断优化评级算法,您的详细购物行为可能影响到评级。
如何提升亚马逊账户状况评级?方法如下:1. 保持良好的购物及付款记录,避免欺诈或违规行为;2. 少使用“付款于收货”功能;3. 少要求退换货或追溯;4. 信用卡付款较积分卡更有利于提升评级。持续正常购物,评级会自然提升。