Bargaining in International Trade: English Examples

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 出海派编辑组






1、Could you give us your target price?

2、USD 4.8 is our bottom price and we need to keep good quality for you. We don't want you to get many complaints from your customers and hope to cooperate with you for a long time.

3、I have to check and talk to my manager in details and we have to recalculate the cost to see if we still have any room for you.

4、My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.

5、I agree with you there. But 6 percent is too big a difference.

Bargaining in International Trade: English Examples



What is bargaining in international trade?

Bargaining in international trade refers to the process of negotiating trade agreements between countries. Countries typically bargain over many aspects of trade such as tariff rates, import quotas, product standards, and exchange rates to reach mutually beneficial terms of trade.

What are some examples of countries bargaining in international trade?

Some examples include the US and China negotiating to end their ongoing trade war by reducing tariffs on each other's goods. The EU and UK bargaining over their future trade relationship after Brexit. Members of the World Trade Organization bargaining over new global trade rules during summit meetings.

What factors influence countries' bargaining power in trade negotiations?

Countries with larger economies and markets tend to have more bargaining power. Other important factors include a country's export competitiveness, political stability, and alternative trade partners. Countries are also more powerful bargainers if they present a united front with allies rather than negotiating alone.

What are the goals in international trade bargaining?

The main goals are opening foreign markets to domestic exports through tariff and quota reductions, while also protecting sensitive domestic industries. Countries also aim to establish equitable and enforceable rules for matters like intellectual property rights, labor standards and dispute settlement. Overall the goal is to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes through cooperation.