Bargaining in International Trade: English Examples

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 出海派编辑组

Negotiation Tactics in International Trade

Negotiating between buyers and sellers in international trade is an art of persuasion since buyers may not always be attracted by the low price thrown out by sellers, and this may also lead to doubts about the quality and brand reputation of the seller’s products. Below are some common phrases used in bargaining.

Target Price

"Could you give us your target price?" This is a key question that helps reveal the seller's bottom line.

Bottom Price

"USD 4.8 is our bottom price and we need to keep good quality for you. We don't want you to get many complaints from your customers and hope to cooperate with you for a long time." Buyers should be aware that quality should be taken into consideration when negotiating prices.

Checking Details

"I have to check and talk to my manager in details and we have to recalculate the cost to see if we still have any room for you." It is important to thoroughly review the details before making a final decision.

Reasonable Profit

"My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations." Reasonable profit should be taken into account when bargaining between buyers and sellers.


"I agree with you there. But 6 percent is too big a difference." Small differences in pricing can make a big difference in terms of profits, so it is important to negotiate carefully.

Bargaining in International Trade: English Examples



What is bargaining in international trade?

Bargaining in international trade refers to the negotiations between countries on trade agreements and policies. Countries often bargain with each other to get better terms for imports and exports through trade negotiations and diplomacy.

Why do countries engage in bargaining over trade?

Countries bargain over trade to protect domestic industries, get market access for exports, and improve their trade balance. They aim to negotiate trade deals that maximize benefits and minimize costs for their own economies through bargaining power and compromise.

What are some examples of bargaining in international trade?

Some examples of bargaining in international trade include negotiations over free trade agreements like the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement, disputes at the World Trade Organization, bargaining over tariff rates at the WTO, and negotiations between the EU and UK over their trade relationship post-Brexit.

How does a country's bargaining power affect trade negotiations?

A country's bargaining power in trade depends on factors like the size of its economy, the importance of access to its markets, and alternative trading partners. Countries with larger economies and fewer alternatives generally have more bargaining power to get better terms in trade negotiations.