Lazada Affiliate Advertising Questions & Answers

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 出海派编辑组



1.1 首先检查下键盘是否锁住了


2.1 所有更改必须在下午3点之前完成,以使得更改在次日0点生效


3.1 请确保上传尺寸的正确性,或者上下一点点尺寸微调一下,至系统接受

四、显示Access Denied

4.1 确认使用的是主账号,如果还是无法操作,请提交给Ding群


5.1 目前平台不支持商家关于联盟背景&属性、联盟表现报告


6.1 可以试着调整佣金率 (可参考平台推荐佣金率)、创意海报

Lazada Affiliate Advertising Questions & Answers



Lazada Affiliate Advertising Questions & Answers

What is Lazada Affiliate Advertising?

Lazada Affiliate Advertising is a program that allows bloggers and websites to earn commission by promoting Lazada products and services on their own sites. When visitors click on affiliate links and subsequently make a purchase, the affiliate earns a percentage of the transaction amount.

How do I join the Lazada Affiliate program?

To join the Lazada Affiliate program, simply visit the affiliate website at and register for a free account. Your application will be reviewed and you'll be notified once approved to start earning commissions.

What types of links can I use to promote Lazada?

As a Lazada affiliate, you can generate text links, banners, buttons and product feed links to place on your site. These affiliate links should primarily drive traffic to Lazada product pages or category pages.

How will I get paid?

Commissions are earned based on the number of valid orders that were placed through your affiliate links. Payout is made on a monthly basis via bank transfer, provided your earnings have met the minimum payout threshold of RM50.

Is there a commission cap per customer?

Yes, the affiliate commission earned from a single customer is capped at RM100 within a 30 day period. This is to encourage affiliates to promote to a wider audience rather than focus on repeat purchases from the same customers.
