
2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 喜欢就惯着

Cookie 和客户跟踪

世界各地的国家和地区都出台了相关法规,规定企业如何收集、处理和共享客户数据。收集客户数据,特别是 Cookie 数据和与浏览活动相关的其他数据,对于想要深入了解其客户行为的商家至关重要。此数据还有助于商家在第三方营销平台上向客户投放广告。

为了帮助商家遵守这些法规并与客户建立信任,Shopify 提供了多种应用、功能和开发人员工具。

您可以安装由 Shopify 创建的 客户隐私横幅应用 ,或者浏览 Shopify 应用商店以获取 第三方隐私横幅。




此个人信息可能包括电子邮件地址、电话号码、IP 地址、姓名、邮寄地址和第三方跟踪 Cookie。如果任何此类个人信息与广告网络数据库中的用户匹配,则可以将广告定向到这些用户,或者可以将该信息用于营销归因,以确定广告活动应在何时获得销售收入。


某些合作伙伴或渠道(例如 Facebook)可让您自定义跟踪和共享的数据类型和数量。

跟踪欧洲客户和 GDPR 合规性

根据欧盟的《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR),必须先征得访问您在线商店的欧洲客户的同意,然后才能跟踪他们。跟踪您在线商店客户的最常见方式是使用浏览器 Cookie。这些浏览器 Cookie 称为非必需 Cookie,在征得客户同意之前必须限制其使用。


为了限制访问您在线商店的欧洲客户(根据其 IP 地址确定)的跟踪,您可以在您的 Shopify 商店设置中启用限制跟踪欧洲客户。启用后,此功能会限制 Shopify 对在线商店客户的跟踪,并通知您商店中已安装的任何第三方应用限制其跟踪。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击在线商店

  2. 点击偏好设置 > 客户隐私

  3. 点击限制跟踪欧洲客户

Shopify 限制跟踪的方式

Shopify 通过将自己的非必需 Cookie(在我们的 Cookie 政策中概述)降级为会话 Cookie 来限制客户跟踪。当客户关闭浏览器时,通常会删除会话 Cookie。如果客户同意跟踪,则非必需 Cookie 升级为永久 Cookie,客户关闭浏览器时不会删除这些 Cookie。

Shopify 如何限制第三方跟踪

由于 Shopify 无法控制第三方应用或脚本是否跟踪客户,因此我们向第三方提供了同意跟踪 API 供其与之集成。同意跟踪 API 可向第三方告知客户是否同意跟踪。如果未启用限制跟踪欧洲客户,则使用同意跟踪 API 的第三方会被告知,除非已明确撤销同意,否则可以跟踪欧洲客户。



收集客户同意后,您可以跟踪来自需要征得同意才可跟踪的国家和地区的客户。收集此同意的最常见方式是通过隐私横幅或 Cookie 横幅。这些横幅通常显示在网站底部,并提示用户选择接受非必需 Cookie 用于进行分析和营销。

如果您希望实现自己的隐私横幅,或使用第三方 Cookie 横幅,请验证该横幅是否使用 Shopify 的同意跟踪 API 来读取和收集客户的同意。如果没有使用同意跟踪 API,Shopify 非必需 Cookie 将继续受到限制,这会影响您在线商店的分析和营销业绩。


Cookies and customer tracking

Countries and regions around the world have introduced regulations that dictate how businesses collect, handle, and share their customer's data. Collecting customer data, especially cookie data and other data related to browsing activity, is essential to merchants looking for insights on their customer's behaviour. This data also helps merchants advertise to customers on third-party marketing platforms.

To help merchants comply with these regulations and build trust with their customers, Shopify provides a variety of apps, features, and developers tools.

You can install the Customer Privacy Banner app created by Shopify, or browse the Shopify App Store for third-party privacy banners.

When making a decision about what your business needs to do to comply with various privacy regulations it's important to consult with your lawyer.

Data sharing with ad networks

To improve your marketing campaigns, your customer data is used to optimize and personalize the ads targeting existing and prospective customers. Ad networks require personal information about your customers to match those same customers in their network.

This personal information might include email addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses, names, mailing addresses, and third-party tracking cookies. If any of this personal information matches users in the ad network's database, then ads can be targeted towards those users, or that information can be used for marketing attribution to determine when a campaign should take credit for a sale.

When you share your customer's personal information, make sure that you do so with a marketing partner that you trust. It's important to tell your customers how you share data, and to decide what type of data, or how much data, you want to track and share. Make sure that your privacy policy is up to date to provide this information to your customers.

Some partners or channels, such as Facebook, let you to customize the type and amount of data you track and share.

Tracking European customers and GDPR compliance

Under the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), European customers visiting your online store must give consent before they can be tracked. The most common way of tracking customers to your online store is using browser cookies. These browser cookies are referred to as non-essential cookies and must be limited in use until consent is given by the customer.

Limit tracking for visitors from Europe

To limit the tracking of European customers visiting your online store, as determined by their IP address, you can enable Limit tracking for customers in Europe in your Shopify store settings. When enabled, this feature limits Shopify's tracking of online store customers and notifies any third-party apps that you have installed in your store to limit their own tracking.


  1. In your Shopify admin, click Online Store.

  2. Click Preferences > Customer privacy.

  3. Click Limit tracking for customers in Europe.

How Shopify limits tracking

Shopify limits customer tracking by downgrading its own non-essential cookies, outlined in our Cookie Policy, to session cookies. Session cookies are generally deleted when the customer closes their browser. If a customer consents to tracking, then the non-essential cookies are upgraded to persistent cookies, which are not deleted when the customer closes their browser.

How Shopify limits third-party tracking

Because Shopify can't control if a third-party app or script tracks a customer, we provide third parties with a consent tracking API for them to integrate with. The consent tracking API tells the third party if a customer has provided consent to be tracked. If Limit tracking for customers in Europe is not enabled, then third parties using the consent tracking API are told that a European customer can be tracked unless consent is explicitly revoked.

Review the terms of service and privacy policies of third-party apps and scripts that you're working with to determine how they are respecting customer consent.

Getting customer tracking consent

Gathering customer consent lets you track customers in countries and regions that require consent before tracking. The most common way of gathering this consent is through privacy banners or cookie banners. These banners often appear at the bottom of websites and prompt the user with the option to accept non-essential cookies for analytics and marketing.

If you're looking to implement your own privacy banner, or use a third-party cookie banner, then verify that the banner uses Shopify's consent tracking API for reading and collecting the customer's consent. Without the consent tracking API, Shopify non-essential cookies will continue to be limited, which affects your online store's analytics and marketing performance.










主要遵守所在国家和地区的隐私法规,比如欧盟的GDPR。法规主要要求获取真实同意、限定仅收集必要数据、保护数据安全、响应个人请求等。 Shopify也提供隐私和cook